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A Denouncing From The Nevana Collective

Nov 16, 2018
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A letter is distributed. It is primarily centered on Old Town, and the Dragonbend District, but a few scattered ones in New Town.

The Nevana Collective denounces the actions of a group calling themselves 'The Risen'. They are an Isldarin Gang, nothing more than rabblerousing children. The Nevana Collective agrees, as a whole, that these Isldar are declared to be Untrue Isldar, traitors to our people. They are nothing more than this.
Any Isldar worth their salt opposes violence, for it is unholy. Needless violence is not what Isldar commit. Imperialized Isldar may not have this stigma, for they were not raised nor live under Frisit, but the 'Risen' should know better, for they seem to be a face of us all.
They are not. The Risen and similar Isldar gangs are a localized phenomenon. In no other place do these Isldar commit unneeded cruelties, save for the childish Regalian Gangs, once led by a fallen, False Priestess. They are not representative of other Isldar, for they are exceptional in their foolhardy cruelties.
They harm us with their violence, and we condemn them for it. They are a scourge upon this city, cruel and little opposed. Their actions must not be handwaved, nor surpassed. They harm us all, Ailor and Isldar alike, Unionist and a Frisit Worshipper alike, for they are a cruel and unusual disease. They must be cured, and they must be absolved.
These crimes can be forgiven, but not in this state. If they cannot be forgiven, they must burn, like their False Priestess has. The Nevana Collective declares that 'The Risen', a false group of fools, deserves their fate if they continue.
The Citizenry of Dragonbend do not want the gaze of violent terrorists, and they do not need nor desire your protection. The Nevana Collective may forgive, but the Imperium does not, children. Remember this when you are being hauled off for your violence.
The Priestess Hiela may forgive those who desire it, if they have seen to legal matters.
Priestess Hiela Yatas, Leader of the Nevana Collective
Ulfgar Ironfist looked to a copy of this notice, sighing a bit as they'd pull a dagger and stab right through that copy. It would be a copy towards the Gauntlet, but there were plenty of others posted throughout Old Town. The Dwarf clearly hated the Isldar. Now that there is a new enemy, he will stop at nothing until they were all hunted and killed like the animals they are.
Varian reads through the notice with a small nod, looking over to Hiela after. "Very well put, best we aren't seen as associates to them. I wonder how this will go."
Invierm looked it over with a scoff, handing it to Lythir "A Priestess thinks we are children. How old is this one I wonder." She smirked a bit as she continued her work. "Yatas? I don't think Siora ever spoke of that name what claims does she even have?" Shrugging a bit as she mixed something.

Hullinera Veniceir stops at the notice. Her pale, bright face showed hardened while her full blue eyes focused on reading. After reading and retreading, her thin lips curved into a small grin. "Finally, our priestess has spoken. For once we can try and solve this empire's problems with a proper solution. How far violence will get this group of The Risen? We will see!" She threw her arms up in enthusiasm, for what was to come was something that would be told for generations. The Isldar's cold piecing gaze was excited while looking over the people around her. She likely looked crazy!

Ellaja looked over the post.. leaning on the crutches that supported her thin frame. The Kathar shook her head, a worried expression covered her face. Her lips pressed thin, and her ears grabbed the sides of her head. "Hoping this not last long... frosties are is nice Nelfin! Mays war nots break the out..." The small child shook her head, the crutches click-clacked away as the Kathar escaped the open area. She would tell her mother and father right away!
@ThatBurningFox @Aurelian30k
Saffaen looked over the paper, a small chuckle let out as he read out this proclamation in their Carnival grounds. Turning to his fellow Troupe members. "So, this new group with all the grace of words but none of the impact calls our allies in ideology fools. Good, then they're getting into spirit of things. Still this Priestess and Nevana Collective give me a bad vibe, worse that Siora at first and we bloody fought her for our front door. Claiming that your people and culture aren't worth fighting for, regardless of some undead Dragon. It's spineless. Then clinging onto this dull fad of denouncements." He lets out a sigh. "Should we pay them a visit? She what's what with them?"

@Mollymauk__ @Daekon
"Those who refuse to fight clearly never worked protecting the holds. Violence can be a tool of persuasion, and I'm sure we can teach these soft-hearted Isldar that, one way or another." He grins, "I'm sure they'd love a visit. 'Welcome to the neighbourhood'."