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A Denouncement Of False Crimes Against Renalia Sophia

A flier would be posted right on top of the ones placed by Count Ulfurtonn. Written in lovely dark purple ink and in cursive was the following statement.

"I will hide in silence no more while being chased like the common criminal. I step up now to defend my name against the accusations made against me by the Count Vidarr Ulfurtonn. I swear before the Imperial Spirit and our beloved Emperor that the words I state now are the truth and nothing but the truth."

The current accusations held against me consist of this.

Being a runaway slave in the service of Ulfurtonn
Stealing noble property in the form of a baby Magus
Stabbing Thornn Ulfurtonn

"While I would include the statement that I badmouth every person against me, this is not actually a crime, especially considering I dont do that either."

I shall address the crimes in order as listed.

The specific example that was given for this was an incident that happened in regard to Vulmar Ravenstad at the Black Tower. I have already gone to great lengths to clear up this issue. Should it be needed I do have witnesses to my claim that I was merely looking for a friend when I accidentally intruded on a private conversation. I always have and always will be loyal and in the service of Regalia and the Imperial spirit.

Runaway Slave:
This too is a hideous lie against me. While I will openly admit that I was his slave, as of days before this incident, I was released from my slavery by Vidarr himself. The fact he still claims ownership over me is a blatant lie. I do in fact believe this lie to be part of the cause why he is after me. He released me expecting me to rejoin his service as a house guard, on which I said I no longer wished to work for him. He did not take it well.

Stealing of Noble Property:
The baby Magus in question happens to be my beloved son, who I cherish more then anything else in this life. Upon being released I was not made aware my son was not released as well. So I did indeed take him. I admit to this fault. Still however considering the violence now shown by my former owner, it is to my relief that I took my son with me, in fear he would be harmed while trying to hurt me. So while yes, I am guilty of stealing back my son, I do so to protect him.

Stabbing of a Noble:
At one point during the earlier parts of this conflict I actually had agreed to turn myself in and willingly went with the Ulfurtonns to their estate to work out this disagreement. However upon arriving Vidarr was not yet available so we were waiting. At one point I got into a discussion with Thornn Ulfurtonn. It wasn't even a minute in that he said to me "I hope you dont take this personally, I just really want you dead," and proceeded to grab a kitchen knife and stab himself! I called for help but the guards refused to believe that I was not at fault. Knowing truly how heavy the crime of stabbing a noble is, I fled, knowing no defense would be good enough for them.

"On the topic of the so called claim of rape, I refuse to speak on such a horrid topic. He can speak all he wants about it but to bring ill will to my name but I will not.
It is claimed I am dangerous, a threat. I would like to ask you all to pause and look around you. Regalia is a military empire, no? Half the city is dangerous, I am no exception. The difference is that, while I may be dangerous, I only choose to be a threat to the enemies of the empire. My swords and skill will always be dedicated to the Imperial spirit and our Emperor.
I do not lie nor do I deceive as claimed. People believe that because I am good with my words and a natural at speaking that I somehow speak deception. This is a lie. It is not a fault to know how to get across one's ideas or to be prepared with logical statements and defenses. They will cry and they will fuss, but the truth does not change."

Finally I end this statement with a message to Count Ulfurtonn.
Give up this fight, I dont wish to be your enemy or to fight you. The fact you, my old friend, threaten me and my son with execution breaks my heart. I am willing to negotiate peacefully with you but not under the looming threat of my poor child facing an underserved death. Call off your men, call off the guards. I want to settle this peacefully.

Long live the Empire,

Renalia Sophia~
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Cooky, crazy, and sleepy. Enough said.
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Estiñe spared a few wasted moments to read the flier, only to move her small hand to rip it off, scrunch it and toss it aside like the trash she thought it was, giggling away to herself as a few words crossed her mind.
"Ridiculous. She just will not stop, will she? Her insanity has no ends. Oof, oh well. Perhaps she is a mindless grape. Either way, one day she is Unionist, the other an Oldt Fayth follower. And I am almost certain that, well, Vidarr still owns her. And seriously? Thornn might be a pain in my small butt though he is not stupid enough to stab himself over a petty Drowdar. Mi Spirit. She will probably raise her hand against Vidarr the moment they meet up in private. She deserves a rope around her neck, maybe it will stop her from splitting her legs and throwing about petty accusations in hopes of escaping judgement. Filth. She has no limits- why is she even alive, still?
The count's small brother Þornn Úlfurtönn adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves and clicked his heels as he heard of this announcement, speaking in both the tavern courtyard, and the clearing of the slum gate "If you wish to dispute the claims put before you by my brother, you may take this to court. As it stands, you are an outsider Magus that has an arrest record longer than the list of wars Regalia has partaken in. I would also like to say, my arm still very much hurts. A violet was present just after the stabbing, and you fled after being told by the violet to stop. This in itself incrimnates you, Renalia. If you or anyone else continues these mindless allegations and lies, it will only make matters worse on yourself. You know where to write if you wish to set up a court date."
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Theodosia quirked a brow at the notice, snorting quietly. She backed away from the page, raising a hand in an attempt to gather the likely forming crowd's attention. "I won't stand for this! Slander against my family isn't something I'll tolerate, and until this rat has solid proof, I will not endure this behavior, I expect her to be dealt with immediately!" @Lutsu @Masterman120 @xXKingDraugarXx @SlyChung @QueenOfKarma

Nouveau blinked, scoffing quietly. She limped away, eyes narrowing as she fled from the scene. "Mm. I don't wanna side with that harlot- let her say what she wants." she muttered, shaking her head meekly.
"Can they not just sue each other and handle this all in court? It's been what, the sixth related pamphlet in a month?" Audrey commented.
Torlian smiled at her standing up for herself and trying to go through it the hard way around "Good on ya girl." he said, but he still worried that this could end up with her dying and that was something he could not stand. He would most certainly be keeping an eye on her for now, and would be guarding her and her child as if they were his own. He also worried about his own feelings for her...and if they were to be discovered he would most certainly be hanged and her too. There was perhaps one way to save her and the boys life at least...it would involve his own demise to be sure....but he had to do it. It was the only way to keep her alive, well and safe...or relatively such.
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Jinuep quirked a brow towards the raging Theodosia, letting a slow sigh slip from her lips. "You covered my back once when you had the chance to end me," the Avanthar muttered to herself in Daen. "I just hope you don't come running to me expecting me to lay my life down for yours..." With that the woman turned on her heel to stride off to the tavern. She needed a drink after all of this chaos.
Reading this flier, Harald just chuckled, going home to write a flier of his own and putting it right over Rena's flier. The flier would say:
"To the Drowdar putting these fliers up,
Stop slandering my family you maggot infested grape vein, it's getting real annoying at this point, so just turn yourself in or find a peaceful way to solve this. Like, seriously,getting really annoying, we all know these are not true."
After putting the flier up, he just walked home to take a nap.
Sylvia scoffed at the pamplet and announced to those around her, "Tis such heresy to misdirect the commonfolk as this Renalia has done! I will tell you as head of the Ulfurtonn House Guard that her words are filled with lies, cheats, and manipulation! She will act like your friend! She will promise you a reward! Do /not/ trust these false attitudes displayed by her! She is selfish and will betray you the moment she finds no more use for you! I still continue my quest for her capture! If you see her, report it to I, Sylvia Astri, head of the Ulfurtonn House Guard or directly to Count Vidarr Ulfurtonn himself!" and she marched off at that, continuing her search.
Irina peered at the flyer posted over Renalia's own, she read over it swiftly before flicking to the flyer behind, removing it from the wall and going for a walk whilst reading it, forgetting that it was a public document.
"Interestin'... I don' know much but I certainly don' back a fockin' grape. I s'pose this'll be a cour' case, will be fun. Good luck, Vid'."
A Gremlin woman loomed her eyes over the flier, a hum coming from her as she squinted her glowing eyes behind her glasses. She merely sighed, looking it over front to back, as if looking for something. "Is that all she to say? No other novel of proclamation, or defamation?" She folded the flier to tuck away, taking the hand of her toddler children, continuing on. "Perhaps I shall make a collage of all these collective posts, and put it on her epitaph? Sounds endearing to this lost cause." She spoke to the children, as if they would know.
Tua was in the tavern after hearing Thornn speak and leave he would shout "Anyone who brings Rena to the Ulfurtonn estate will be rewarded by me in regals, I leave it to you how she gets there"
Alexander read the pamphlet and let out a long sigh, shaking his head and walking away "Do people not understand what a /notice board/ is for? I suppose next time the bartender messes up my drink I should write a pamphlet about it?" He spat in the ground, stomping off through the snow.
Merina gave off a light hearted laugh upon hearing news of the notice as she took the coins from one of the many patrons at the bar. "How silly Rena is. She is just a Drow, why does she think anyone cares? Very few of them matter and she is certainly not one." The woman scoffed before turning towards her fiancé to offer him the coins as she point towards the backroom, "Poor Vidarr is getting so much fire despite being a fine person- do put these regals away, agra."
Poor Keagan nearly fell over the bar he was tending when a patron told him the news, the young Knight unable to contain his laughter, "She said the pompious man-child stabbed himself?! Ha! The boy can't even stand to get dirty, void Iwas even there. He screamed and passed out from the sight if the blood! This is to good." Keagan continued to chuckle to himself for the rest of the day.
@Lutsu @SasuNaru2016
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Shane sighed with a nod, taking the regals and tossing them with the rest at the Falcon's Nest. He shrugged at Merina's comment. "Well, Vidarr's goin' to have a fun time dealin' with this." He'd rub his chin and then start making a new batch of tea for another customer, adding along with his first reply "Especially durin' all o' this fun stuff with dragons. Fun times we're in."
Roesia wandered toward the notice board, lifting up Harald's letter to read what's below and her eyes slowly turned into a suppressed scowl as she read over Rena's attempt at a denouncement and snorted before pulling out a small journal and quill out of her satchel and wrote a letter to staple to it alongside Harald's:

Dear Rena Sophia,

Your reputation beseeches you, but not in the way you are thinking,
You try slander Thornn and Vidarr Ulfurtonn's name so that you can try to make people view you as a victim rather than them viewing you as a malicious and deceitful person. The words you speak hold no truth behind them and will only portray you as the unscrupulous person you truly are. When this race comes to an end, there will be a loser and that will be a eggplant.
Nyx offered a passing glance at the flier, and was rally dumbfounded by the entire flier-debate. "Don't we have more important matters to deal with besides pointing fingers. Seriously, there's dragons and they're fighting over this?"
Avynn just sighed in annoyance, the flier under her finger once more. "I have made my choice on this matter. Vidarr better know, I'm not jokin'." She pulled a note out of her pocket, looking it over once more before placing it back. She was just waiting now.
Yseult glanced at the flier as the others crowded it, she let out a dramatic gasp-- before realizing, "I can't even read, why am I standing here?" She looked around the minor crowd, shrugging before skipping off.
Darcie's head turned slightly as Patrick deposited the stack of letters and papers upon her desk. The injured woman adjusted her sling before beginning to leaf through the acquired mail as her runner murmured softly to her about the particular notice. A small snort escaped her and she glanced at him. "These accusations and denouncements are coming down to simple mud slinging and seeing who can kick up more dust. Spirit help the lot of them." She dismissed the fellow with a nod of her head, her thoughts returning to what was to be done about a certain Ginger.