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A Denouncement Of Adeline Celyreos

Upon the Regalian Notice Board lay a pamphlet, one written in surprisingly neat Common.


A Denouncement of Adeline Celyreos
Lies and slander seem to be commonplace nowadays, what with the recent events of Rena Sophia, and the Jacobist "poets" that prowl the streets of our holy city. I, sadly, come with yet another 'report' of such lies, more so out of obligation than desire. To those who do not care for this information, I will preface this by saying I am not forcing you to read this, nor am I encouraging this stupid trend of slander.

A singular family, once known as nobility, now known as aristocrats, Celyreos, have been spreading lies of blackmail towards myself and my family. Dishonoring the reputation of my blood in the attempt to escape punishment for deeds brought upon my cousin, Serihilde. Their matriarch in particular, Adeline, is the major culprit. She takes my name, and fails at raking it through the mud. I will address each of these 'concerns' one by one, disproving the lot of them. Should the Celyreos have any other issues with me, they should bring it up to me, rather than rumormongering in the hopes of ruining us.

Firstly, I will address the 'blackmail' claims. These spawn from me, in a civilized conversation, suggesting I assist them in getting involved with business again. In my effort to help them, they treated me as the villain, and acted as if my poor, cripple of a cousin, was some form of barbaric pervert. Adeline did so much as attempt to punch him, albeit pulling back to avoid assault charges. We did not blackmail Adeline, and both her and her brother have been using this claim as leverage to attempt to steal titles, and drag the Heinrich family out of nobility.

Secondly, the claims of Serihilde's 'courtship'. While yes, I will admit to Serihilde innocently asking for courtship, one that I personally held a distaste for, due to the Celyreos being aristocratic, not nobility. He had not gone any further when she refused. He's a crippled general, he physically couldn't have gone further than that. He did not deserve an attempted punch for speaking, much less did he deserve the words you spewed at him.

Thirdly, to go over the general matter of Adeline Celyreos. You, Adeline, have slept with three important men before marriage, all of which I know of, through testimonies brought to these men's friends, and Serihilde. Sleeping with a drunken Count Wolfzahn is not 'his fault', nor is it 'justified'. He could barely hold a glass, much less think in an intelligent manner. Normally, I would be fine for such acts, as you repented for them, though, openly admitting to it, and calling the Count a slew of words that would usually lead to the removal of one's tongue is unacceptable. I, personally, have had squabbles with the Count Wolfzahn in the past, yet the accusations and insults you threw are genuinely disgusting.

To reiterate, I cannot apologize enough towards those who have grown tired of such situations repeating, as I too have grown tired of the trite surrounding the word 'slander'. Now, from some outsider's view, this may seem as if I am merely attacking a house lower than myself for the sake of it, though I have no intention of doing so. Do not forget that the Celyreos family was the aggressor, through lying about my name, and attempting to strike my cousin. As much as I want to keep this quiet, I will not sit in silence as this malicious woman spreads falsehoods about me and my family.

Arnold Heinrich

Clank, clank, clank.
As Benjamin patrolled past the phamplet, he blinked, the neat common catching his eyes. They would widen in surprise as he whitnessed the name "Adeline Celyreos."
A huff of disapproval escaped his mouth as he thoroughly scanned over the denouncement.

"Ballocks, whoever wrote this will be getting a rude song written up in their name."
"Pah!" As Katrina read the notice, she'd give a snort, followed promptly by a shake of the head. With half a mind to tear the pamphlet in two, she'd refrain from doing so, instead just walking past whilst giving off a low chuckle. "Lies upon lies. Adeline is a good person." She'd think to herself whilst humming in contemplation. "And an even better Vigilant.." The Isldar added on to her thoughts as she proceeded back to the hidden location where she currently resided.
Adeline walked along the road, holding her heavily injured right shoulder. Stopping as she saw the denouncement her brows frowning as she cursed. "A woman who has helped with the Heinrich's let alone save one of their own is faced with a bunch of lies to a guard. How sweet of them. So nice to know that my efforts are not liked." Wincing as she clenched her right bandaged fist in anger. "Seems people just want me to burn.." Turning away from it and walking away with a saddened expression.
"One more denouncement without any backing of action." Audrey commented, shaking her head. "Vidarr Heinrich. Or Arnold Ulfurtonn? I hope this won't be followed by a stack of other claims and parchments."
"What is with all of these denouncements?" Joasaie muttered to herself as she read "There's a dragon controlling people and Arken causing chaos and these people are more worried about their reputation instead of the city? Tsk." she'd shake her head and made her way for the apothecary, her muttering now focused towards her lack of progress.
"To Ser Arnold Heinrich and to all those concerned to read these denouncements..

There is a reason why this matter was not taken to court.

With that in mind, House Celyreos won't engage in a childish exchange, If the Heinrichs have evidence to back their claims,
we can meet in court.

With due respect,

Enzo Celyreos,
Acting head of House Celyreos."
The woman soured, such fowl words. One of her closest friends being stricken with such lies? Disgraceful. The Velheim took two moments, a thought of violence came about that could only be carried out by striking the parchment. She refused to let this get the better of her, the most she can do is say these claims exagerated or false. Her words dripped with the venom of passive aggresive intentions, her stare cold, only amplified by her horridly scarred face, "That twit..." she said quietly, in fear someone would hear her speaking against the parchment. "No matter how true, the lass means well, ask some questions before you accuse Adeline of these things, there is always a good reason." She spoke to herself as though to expect the parchment to reply, but she knew it wouldn't. She went off to work as usual. She ought to speak to Adeline about this.
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Theodosia blinked as she came to a slow stop to observe the denouncement. Gradually, a smug grin danced across her features, and she carried on her way, piping up in a rather chipper tone, a sudden hop in her step.
"Taking advantage of my brother's drunken behavior? Claiming the Heinrich Family is out to get her? Hah! This girl is out of her league, and stirring up more trouble than there needs to be in these times."
Click, click, click, and shift.
arcie's boots halted their clicking over the cobble as she eyed the small crowd before the board. Shouldering her way through, offering up her apologies as she went, she leaned up and swept her gaze over the paper. With a sharp laugh, the woman turned and left the little crowd to their grumblings and duties.
"There is work to be done and only more mud slinging is abound. I'm all one for gossip, but if it's going to become a trend of simply calling people out for their idiocy, the board will soon be covered in these so called denouncements."
Rosalia Heinrich;
Yet again another sigh left her lips, a slight frown on her face " Why on earth must Arnold cause trouble " she turned and began walking off from the board rolling up her dress sleaves, murmuring " I want nothing to do with any of this drama. I have patients to tend to"
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Avynn's tired eyes looked over the post, her tongue giving a rapid click. "It's a celery stick. Of course it slept around." She turned on her heel then, moving off to find her daughter.
Leonzio read the title and made it about halfway through the first paragraph before just scoffing, "Another drama notice. I really do wonder when these people will realize that a dragon and Arken attacking the city is more important. Also curious why a traitorous family who lost nobility is even a worry." He spoke rather loudly for others nearby to hear before adjusting one of his shoulder plates and continuing on his patrol through the tavern.
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Juliette gave a short chuckle at reading the denouncement before lifting a brow on the ending name, "My, it appears that my dance partner is rather the one to add to nonsense on the notice board. Oh well." She hummed briefly before continuing on, glad to be out and about despite the persistent rain of the day.
Serihilde chuckled, "Such a waste, she simply couldh've accepted my proposition."
.. Marie Heinrich shuffled towards the pamphlet, she'd raise a brow.
Once finished skimming it, she'd release an exhausted sigh and speak with a deranged tone, though fairly quiet.
" .. This is why our family is being dragged down. "
She'd then crumble the pamphlet and threw it somewhere in the bushes, and shuffle off with a huff.
Oskar Ulfmaerr scoffed as he read the denouncement, sighing. "How unfortunate indeed. Adeline Celyreos is far too honourable and kind, mere lies these must be." He then shook his head one last time, before carrying on with his evening.

"To Ser Arnold Heinrich and to all those concerned to read these denouncements..

There is a reason why this matter was not taken to court.

With that in mind, House Celyreos won't engage in a childish exchange, If the Heinrichs have evidence to back their claims,
we can meet in court.

With due respect,

Enzo Celyreos,
Acting head of House Celyreos."

The note was swiftly removed and torn to ribbons by a certain curly haired blonde. "This alone is a childish exchange! They are children acting the adult and I think it's time for the real adults to settle this." Aldrick Reinard would then go on his merry way across the courtyard, shifting his restaurant's sign to open, a chuckle escaping him every few seconds as he continued to reflect on the decisions of house Celyreos.
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Rena looked at the announcement with a mix of emotions. She pondered the words a moment before coming to a decision in her thoughts.

"Adeline and I might not have agreed on everything, but she's still one void of a lady in all the best ways. Respectable and generally fair in her judgement. Im going to have to call bullshit on the Heinrich's words. Also why include me in all this, dammit? Its over and done. Focus on the damn dragon taking over our city."​
Leon would look at this notice "Tsk, Mess with Addie your going to have problems with people like me" He mutters in his head as he walks away from the noticed
Walks to the tavern and while doing that he sees the Letter he says to himself " Arnold doesn't know anything, I would never listen to what he rights."
"If I," grumbles the Rosendahl, "See another void damned Denouncement on this board, I'm going to slam my head off my desk so void damned hard that Solaine will be able to feel it." He finishes, striding away from his spot in front of the board towards the Premise, to see if someone would give him a kaffee.