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A Demand From House Winslough


Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn
A Demand from House Winslough of Ostlaukirchen to House Celyreos of Côte Plessis

House Winslough demands that House Celyreos send their 8 000 troops and Single Ship to Ostlaukirchen immediately. From here House Winslough will place the Celyreos' troops under Winslough Commanders and send them to the State alongside Winslough troops.

House Winslough tires of House Celyreos' lazy militaristic attitude, and low discipline. Winslough has offered Celyreos a hand in the past. And now we intend on forcing Celyreos to abide. We refuse to tolerate Celyreos soldiers sitting at home and growing fat on wine and cheese. They will be put in line. They will aid the Empire at their fullest.

House Winslough expects Celyreos troops at their doorstep within the fortnight. Give them the order to march and sail immediately.

For the State, for our glorious Empire. Winslough assures Celyreos, their troops will be educated in combat and drilled accordingly.
Peter Winslough, the Grand Duke of Ostlaukichen.
@ZiggyStarDusted @MidWaifu
Matias would look to this, laughing as he turned to his brother.
"Bah! What power do they have to make demands of Celyreos?"
The Count looked at the declaration, reading its entire text twice to make sure he had read correctly
"Well, this can't go well" he said looking to one of his houseguards "But why do this to a family under Howlester liegedom and on the exact opposite side of the archipelago? Surely this will be a logistical nightmare on top of the manpower difference" He continued towards the guard, likely not understanding much of what was going on.
Freya rose a brow as she peered at the notice, hip cocking to the side. She exhaled a long breath. "Huh. Sure so like placing demands where they don't belong. But.. a favor's a favor," She mumbled, yawning as she shifted off in stride.
Tiberius would walk to his house after reading this post saying "We don't have 8,000 men, Winslough is insane. They also have no power us either, they can not demand anything from us."
Adeline stared at the post, this was not going to go down with her and her brother. "This seems more like a challenge of power, we're a small house and we will not be spoken as cowards!"
A Response to House Winslough
Lord Winslough,

Your request for troops has hereby been denied by House Celyreos's Liegelord, Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester. Moreover, House Howlester now demands that House Winslough relinquish 500 regals to House Howlester for the threats made upon their vassals, otherwise we will accept your course of action as a declaration for war and react accordingly.

May the Spirit Condemn your foolish actions,
Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester
Enzo Celyreos would inspect the slander one morning after it being brought his attention.

"Perhaps for once men could just speak to me in person over such matters.."

He'd write a letter directly to the Winslough estate following this.
Roesia would have past by the notice board with a small glass of wine at hand but she came to a stop midstep at the sight of the house name making demands. She backed up a few steps and her eyes flickered back and forth as she read each line with her expression growing sour by the moment, "Seems like House Winslough is starting to grow egotistical of how they wield their words. Their words and vulgar attitude may as well just end up being their down fall."
High Revain of Galloy,

Winslough has offered Celyreos a helping hand, that was our intention. You will receive nothing. If you truly intend on going to war with House Winslough, then so be it. Though I think this entirely unnecessary. May the Spirit Guide you to a wiser resort.
Peter Winslough, the Grand Duke of Ostlaukirchen.

High Revain of Galloy,

Winslough has offered Celyreos a helping hand, that was our intention. You will receive nothing. If you truly intend on going to war with House Winslough, then so be it. Though I think this entirely unnecessary. May the Spirit Guide you to a wiser resort.
Peter Winslough, the Grand Duke of Ostlaukirchen.

Lord Winslough,

You're as foolish as you are disliked. As lovely as it is to see you start backing away with your tail between your legs, we'll be seeing you again very shortly. Have that money in our coffers by the end of the fortnight, otherwise you'll hear bagpipes on the horizon followed by the marching of 150,000 men.

Wave to my father on the battlefield for me,
Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester

P.S. Hope your guards are keeping out of trouble! We'll let you know if you can keep them soon
Wulfram sighed as he read the notes "And here I thought this bastard would be smarter than the last. Pity."
Maximus read the demand and let out a loud chuckle. "Bahahaha! This will be one great show!"
"The absolute chimp," Roland muttered in astonishment as he read Winslough's declaration. "May this trog be wiped from this realm, Spirit willing."
Shae just read with disbelief as this whole situation unfolded, it hurt her greatly in many ways to know war was inevitable. She smacked her hand to her forehead and sat down to take it all in. Her heart sunk knowing he had dug his own grave.

"Why Peter? Why do you pretend to have power where none exists?
You have tempted fate and now you will answer for it."

"I hope you're ready."
Siselle Haagenvig hummed a note as she considered the board, an idly hand gesturing towards the Viduggla besides her as she questioned in Tunge, "What do you think on Peter's latest foolishness, Frej? Think he'll just pay up the Howlesters and not get turned to ruin in a war?"

Sinclair Alaire would see this claim made by the Winslough's, he would say to himself "I tried to be friends with these power hungry snobs, but it seems they can never be pleased, poor Celyreos."
Siselle Haagenvig hummed a note as she considered the board, an idly hand gesturing towards the Viduggla besides her as she questioned in Tunge, "What do you think on Peter's latest foolishness, Frej? Think he'll just pay up the Howlesters and not get turned to ruin in a war?"

Frejnir replies in Tunge: "I think he's f***ing stupid, power hungry bastard will finally get what's coming to him."
Zas'kince Allas the Kathar mutters, "This is so stupid,"
Aelfric burst into laughter at reading the notice, "Ahahaha! This has surely put me in a good mood! Bahaha! This.. Haha! This man is surely foolish!" stated with slight struggle as he laughed, wiping a tear from his eye.
Niko being first to hear the news stood in his armoury. His gaze entranced on his familiar greatsword before picking it up and heading for the door he'd say, "If there be glory in war let it shine on Winslough soldiers... For my last stand is set on the horizon."
Leon Winslough shook his head and sighed, "What has my family become. Perhaps this will work and my family will still keep her pride and stay as nobility."
Apollyon would glare at the notice and give slight chuckle. "Oh I do hope you lads will be arranging seating for us interested in watching the spectacle unfold."