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A Declaration Of War


Pizza the Hutt
Jun 13, 2017
Reaction score

"The Mauled Man", The banner of House Harhold, depicting their hounds attacking an enemy of the empire and unionism.

Has long abided the presence of heathens in our grand and most holy Empire so there might be peace in our realms during this terrible age of violence. In return, the pagan has infiltrated every corner of our nation, spreading their offensive cultures and breeding forth ailor who spit at the Spirit with their blasphemous ways and refusal to cast away their false gods. Yet I forgave them, I even allowed them to live a mere stone's throw away on the miserable island of Angle Veer along with their scheming lords. But still the pagan is not sated.

Notorious criminal Marvolo Ardelan confessed to me, the Lady Howlester and various guards on the night before his death that he and his thugs had been hired by a coalition of pagans led by the House Sorenvik to end my life in a most heinous manner. I received an arrow to my shoulder during a high profile meeting which many have witnessed to their horror, a gift from the Honorable Kaya Sorenvik no doubt.
Thankfully, I did not fall for this token of esteem, however this did not stop the plots, as Ardelan attested to. This is a crime I cannot and will not forgive.

Even after all our hostilities had ended the perfidious pagans saw it fit to court my rebellious allies to the south. Wishing to heat up the worryingly cold war between Anglia and Dragenthal, to bring more needless bloodshed after our lands had just recently been ravaged by the warring of rebel lords and screaming pagans. This too is a crime I cannot and will not forgive.

The House Harhold has sworn an oath to protect Anglia from those who wish to bring it harm, and we are men and women of our word. We'll have no more threats to our blessed lands, neither local nor foreign. They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.

We, the House Harhold, demands this of the pagan influencers and pagan houses of Regalia both common and noble.
  1. The surrender of all pagan relics, priests and scriptures within your spheres of influence, holdings and possessions.
  2. The destruction of all pagan sites of worship in the untamed and uncivilized North.
  3. The official conversion of all pagan lords, ladies and masters of common houses to the ONE TRUE FAITH.
  4. The atonement of Kaya Sorenvik for her crimes against Anglia, Dragenthal and the House Harhold.
  5. The peaceful occupation of the untamed and uncivilized North to ensure the safety of proselytizing Unionist reverends.
  6. War reparations from the pagan velheimer clans in the form of a tub of gold, silver and miscellaneous valuables from each landowning family. A befitting reimbursement to all those unionists affected by their crimes.
  7. The disbandment of all coalitions made against the House Harhold.
I have been patient, Regalia, but patience is not thy will.
Untill the Pagan alliances of the Empire agree to my terms, I hereby declare our two realms at WAR.

Lord Hengest Harhold,
Duke of Vlissinghelm,
Rightful Revain of Zuiderpoort and West Dragenthal,
Patron of Commonfolk,
And true patriot of the Empire.

((For the sake of fairness, a week's grace period 'till next sunday is in place. Please, por favor, bitte, respect this so I don't have to deal with needless OOC bickering.))
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Juribramir Sanmaro would be looking over the paper lighting a 'garette as he'd continue the read. Saying;
"Mh.. Lord Harhold Defender of Anglia, -- I like it."
Siselle Haagenvig bit her thumb nail and bowed her head with a sigh, "Haella and Varfal will protect our people, the Gods will protect the North." She paused before pressed her hands to her cheeks, "They have to."

A note arrives alongside a simple coin. If accepted and opened, it would read as follows:

War! Such a terrible thing. With the quality of steel you boys use, you're damned to monumental losses. Why not take on a master of the trade? Take on a Dwarven Master of the craft and be awestruck by the otherworldly quality of dwarven steel! All that I ask for is a workshop, quarters for my help and pay oriented around commission.

- E. Asger
Anna frowned at the declaration, sauntering off as she murmured. "..Spirit Bless both sides in this conflict."
Sylvi hisses through her teeth in spite after skimming her eyes over each word, muttering in her home tongue of the North. "Again, they can try. They can bloody try." The woman lets of a foul snicker in distaste, stalking on her way.
"Aye! The enemy shall be crushed. Let the heathens be converted!" Aelfric bellowed from his chambers in Kellhoff.
Tyr Skallaskog chuckled out loud as he spoke to himself in Skodje, "A war on faith is a war you cannot win,"
Barrulf, nursing his injuries from the temporary tournament, heard mention of this declaration of war, mulling it over as he stared into his Anglian Stout.

"..it's going to be like the skagger advances on home all over again...I hope that crazy old hound master knows what he's getting himself into. At any rateā€” if the north advance on Anglian soil..no matter how much I might admire themā€” I must fend them off."

He breathed a sigh, rubbing his bandaged ear, and continued his evening of drinks...
Marvin would return home after hearing the news, breathing heavily to himself as he'd arrive at his desk. He'd be thinking of millions of words, millions of thoughts trailing through his head.

"I hope that this isn't true...all I can do is pray and hope that this isn't true."
Julius Peirgarten sat with Abelhard Rote, eating from their roast by the fire. He skimmed through the declaration with a sinister grin. "Pahaha! Take a look at that! Ain't that some shit?! Gonna be roasting them pagans better than this fine meal we got here. Should be like roasting heretical pigs by the fire! Ahah! Rip and tear. Then Inquisition's coming."
Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Rote munching on a little of his roast, and reading over a copy of the address with his comically undersized spectacles.
"Looks like we're going to have a few meetings to attend my friend."
Grevven Viduggla was interrupted on patrol by their house Bondman delivering news of the declaration. With a sigh he made the short journey home to prepare his armour and weapons, ensuring all were in peak condition. Prayer to Varfal would soon break the night silence of his room.
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