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A Declaration Of Support By House Haaven


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds


Sunday 20th of May, 306AC.


It is on this day, Sunday the 20th of May 306AC, that I, Nadina Haaven of House Haaven, pledge our family's official support to the Great House of Howlester.

This document serves to mark an official treaty between our two houses, wherein House Haaven pledges to support the greater House in manners of medical support, alchemical services, and gifts of agriculture where requested by the family, as well as our written word of support. In return, House Howlester promises to grant House Haaven a small monthly sum relative to the amount gained through the family's taxations to fund House Haaven's scholarly and experimental endeavors.

House Haaven's declaration of support to House Howlester will not interfere with Nadina Haaven's duties to the State and House Kade. In matters of necessity, loyalty to the Kade Court and by extension the Empire at large will always come first.

It is with great hope and faith that this alliance will continue for months and years to come.

Mrs Nadina Haaven.
On behalf of House Haaven,
Executive Director of the Alchemia Order,
First Physician of the Kade Court.

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