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A Declaration Of Identity


Wolf of the Veer
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, United States of America
Declaration of Identity

Stood before a large gathered and diverse crowd in his home province of Alexanderburg, on the isle of Angle Veer, Theodore prepared a speech, calling upon the masses to attend.

"I was advised... advised to read this letter, but that said, my words are an extension of my soul, to yours, from my heart, I speak, and this written speech shall not limit me."

With that said, Theodore took the parchment and lit it upon a candle, letting it burn unto ash. He then faced the crowd, his mind clear as he looked out to those who had attended, as if staring into the eyes of each and everyone.

We, the founders of the New Grand House von Griefenfeld of Alexanderburg; formed out of the values of Angle Veer, hereby appeal to all our peoples, Anglian Veers, Dragenthals, Ithanians, that this land is all our home, and out of us many, we are one people, one nation, under the Empire.
We have all faced hard times and external threats upon our lives, our values and our sovereignty. To which, with a determined and undying roar, we hold back, and stand proud. Our struggle has hardened us, and united us as that of a family, in that our unity has only the bounds of loyalty to one another and to our home.
Today, we, the founders of the New Grand House von Griefenfeld of Alexanderburg, who's origins go back deep into the roots of this land, through House Artiemus and it's many peoples, call upon you to come together and unite for our common home, values and purpose and a desire to maintain our way of life against those whom might attempt to take it, as we have all faced from the mainland.
Members of this very house, have faced near death, as many of us all have, at the hands of vile men with wraith like ambitions. We call upon the barons, the lords, our brother Veer Houses and the people of all kinds, of our isle, of Angle Veer to unite with us, and stand strongly as one people.




OOC info:
  • House Valeur and Artiemus have broken off of house von Hauger
  • Instead of going back to Artiemus being a cadet branch of Valeur, they have properly integrated into the new house Greifenfeld
  • Maxence and Alarik formerly of house Peirgarten has joined too, under the Valeur-von Greifenfeld sub-branch.
  • Theodore appeals to the populous to ready them for the defense of the isle, and to local barons to rally under him for national unity and strength.
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Maxence settled a hand on Alarik's shoulder giving it a light squeeze " Your Uncle Theo, was kind to bring us in ". The half-blind Leutz man gave a slight nod, the pinkish scar across his right eye prominent, his Cresthawk Noir sat perched on his shoulder.
