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A Declaration Of Actions & Condemnations

Hear hear!


Today, the Tavern saw a commotion between two commoners and members of the nobility. The commoners discussed robbing the nobility, then proceeded to snuff a sigg on the gown of one, then one moved to draw a dagger.

When the noblewoman in question drew her own blade in answer, Carolyne Typhonus rose to shout at her and raise her voice in defense of the two robbers who then proceeded to discuss Jacobite agenda. The fact that they discussed robbing & Jacobite agenda was repeated over and over by patrons of the tavern, ignored by Carolyne Typhonus and the guards present.

Lena d'Vaud arrived to the scene to shackle one, though completely ignored the other who kept spilling Jacobite rants, supported by Carolyne Typhonus. At the culmination of the scene, the unshackled and unattended thief charged down the noblewoman in question, who in return had to defend herself by blade, despite the presence of a guardswoman and other nobility.

In this regards, the Baroness Adrienne d'Ortonnaise would like to declare the following:
  • That the guardswoman Lena d'Vaud took it her responsibility to judge criminals on the scene instead of detaining them despite witnesses and a dagger drawn.​
  • That the guardswoman Lena d'Vaud was incapable of restraining criminals and managed to have one slip and charge down at a member of nobility present during her arrest.​
  • That the noblewoman Carolyne Typhonus rose to the defense of Jacobites present and kept taunting the nobility defending themselves.​
  • That the act of rightful self-defense and idiotic reactions of present peerage and the guard were confirmed by the Imperial Steward present.​
  • That these events prove a mistake on the Lord Commander's hand to employ a 15 years old woman in the Regalian Guard.​

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[B]Ronald Wilson Reagan[/B] ([URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English']/ˈreɪɡən/[/URL]; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th...
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((It's fun to have snarky Juliette comments))

Juliette scoffed at the messaged, saying aloud, "When I was fifteen, I was in a Resistance against the undead. And when I joined that guard at sixteen, I can certainly say I never did anything that stupid." She gave a small 'tsk' before folding her arms and continuing off, sheath bumping against her hip.
((It's fun to have snarky Juliette comments))

Juliette scoffed at the messaged, saying aloud, "When I was fifteen, I was in a Resistance against the undead. And when I joined that guard at sixteen, I can certainly say I never did anything that stupid." She gave a small 'tsk' before folding her arms and continuing off, sheath bumping against her hip.

Elizabeth would overhear Juliette's comment and then swatted at the back of her best friend's head before laughing. "Are you KIDDING ME? You did stupid things all the time. Don't be so harsh, although I do believe perhaps more training should have been done, along with not being sent out alone. After all, it seems she is just a tad older than a child." Lizzy nodded a tad bit sympathetically upon hearing the news. What a mess.
"There is little more ironic than a noble defending Jacobins. A parody of what it means to be Imperial"
"Tsk. She is but a child and a girl. We cannot all star examples at all times. I'd blame the violets for not having more experienced guards on patrol with her."
Edmure scoffed as he went about his day.
Avilda read the notice and rolled her eyes "She always talks about ta Imperial Steward like she is sleepin' in his bed at nigh'. Such a suck up." She tapped her fingers together for a moment and just laughed. "Poor Jared, havin' ta deal wit' a pissy Ithainan."

-= Gideon Krier =-
The silver tongued ginger and newest addition to House Ravenstad looked over a copy of this notice that had been brought to him. The man's cold eyes looked up and down the piece for a moment, perking one of those sass filled brows coolly. He'd observe the declaration carefully, and finally, had but one, decisive remark upon the subject. "Hmph, she mispelt Jacobin." and at that, he casually tossed the note onto the fire and moved on with his day.