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A Chilling Notice


monty appreciator
Apr 12, 2015
Reaction score

Citizens of Old Town, the Velheim have once again faded back into their city while leaving us to our own devices, yet as many could most likely guess, we have no doubt they'll come running back to contest us once they are aware of this letter, before leaving some weeks later. A vicious cycle of hatred on their part, and ultimately pointless.

We fought in honor duels for the right to burn the barricades, and we will fight again for this claim should we need to. Velheim District is hereby claimed by the Revenants. It is our land, as much as it is yours as of this moment. Fight and fall, or simply accept this and go about your business per usual and be unharmed.

Do not make this another pointless battle before leaving yet again Velheimers. It does bore us.
Ulfgar Ironfist looked to the notice, his eyes narrowed before he'd run home. Once he'd arrive, he'd yell throughout the house. "Get up lot! We've got trouble comin' to our home! We must defend the Velheim from this SCUM! Jakam, get your crossbow! Odea, your axe is needed! We must not let our home fall!" The Dwarf grabbed a hammer and began to work for war. @Testl @Hellset
A note would be placed right on top of the notice. The top of the note would have Estel Script that for those who'd can translate would notice it to be a prayer to Ulley and Tal'sieth.
Dear the Revenants of Pride,
Sincerely with love,
Whom shall not be concerned about.
A certain Cielothar's eyes widened as she walked past the notice and recognized the Estel Script. Soon after catching a passerby and having the notice read out loud to her, she would begin searching for any hint of other Cielothar within the city.
