Archived A Change About Land Control

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That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
So If you have been playing a bit here on massivecraft im sure you have noticed that there are some factions with ridiculously huge claims but not even half or even a quarter of the Power (or even max Power) to claim that huge amount of land.
I think that the current system encourages making side facs in order to claim more land then a faction actually deserves.
To change that I suggest a adding a few new features to the Claims.

1: Introducing Upkeep. Upkeep would be a sum of money that a faction would have to pay the system/server .It could be calculated with the simple formular: Upkeep=(Land-Power)*currency (currency being any amount of money).
Note: If Power > Land applies there will simply be no upkeep.
Example 1: Currency:= 5c ; Land:= 400 ; Power:=186 ;
Upkeep=(400-186)*5c=1070c or 10,7s
Example 2: Currency:=5c ; Land:= 500 ; Power:=474 ;
Upkeep= (500-474)*5c= 130c or 1.3s
This Upkeep could be justified with the fact that the Faction is to weak to hold its territory and needs to pay invisible mercenarys to protect it.
Note that frequency and height of upkeep would need to be balanced.

2. Power Drain: If a faction doesnt pay the required upkeep their power would go down by a certain amount. Untill it reaches -x (maybe half the factions max power). However as soon as they pay the acumulated upkeep their power would return fully.

3. Weakened Protection: Should a fac then get down to 0 or Lower Power their land could become vulnerable (meaning everyone can destroy/place blocks there, altough griefing rules still apply of course) even if they are not enemied (allies and truced people are excempted). The land would still be claimed by that faction but most of the Protections for it would be temporarely gone (until power rises above 0 again).

What do you think of this Suggestion? Keep in mind that the Basic Idea behind this is to have a more fair distribution of land based on the Actual power (and not the power you had once 40 billion years ago) while still allowing Factions who work hard (or are just rich as hell) to keep all their land protected.
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A lot of factions will disband. People will be griefed, stolen from, etc. By my personal opinion I don't really like the idea, BUT a very creative thought.
Holy **** you have figured everything down to the last detail.
I must disagree with this thought again though, due to raiders like MACDADDYJR. or Lord_Archangel basically creating small factions into just a waste-land over time. Very creative, however.
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