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A Call To Wariness


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score

To the citizens of Regalia...

Roughly four evenings ago, during one of my excursions to the Golden Willow, a woman by the name of Alvilda Serene approached me, hoping to converse. Alvilda informed me that she, an orphan, was raised in a small village by her adoptive nelfin parents. As we spoke, the subject of the war against the Altalar was broached, and subsequently my service on the coasts of Rie. Bewildered, she slunk away, only to return with a dagger in her grasp and her eyes burning with murderous intent. She advanced, yet once I called her out, the woman fled the area, attacking any who attempted to stop her. The implication that she would assault supporters of Regalia's military efforts was appalling to me, yet unfortunately, she made no further appearance that afternoon.

Yesterday, I saw the very same woman at the tavern's entrance. She flung insults at myself and my men before drawing a blade. We swiftly crushed her meager attempt and transferred her to the Black Tower, where she was dealt with accordingly. After her release, however, she did not quietly return to the confines of her home; no, she proceeded to circle the tavern, wailing and physically crying as she proclaimed both her regret and her sudden yet overwhelming desire to be publicly beaten for all to see.

I implore the general public to keep a watchful eye when around this violent and potentially unhinged woman. Though she may seem personable at a glance, her ill-purpose can bubble to the surface at a moment's notice.
Jamie T. Rosendahl
Imperial Knight
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"Perhaps this is what Jam's hurry was over."
Edmund Karhter, Interior Peace Minister of Regalia, First of His Name.
The man then goes on with his day.
"Wasn't imprisoned long enough. And some wonder why the city is filling with degeneracy. Round up all the unstable individuals and throw them into a cell bay. "
Harald Wolfzahn would read this, kinda weird out from the flier. He'd hummed and spoke under his breath in the Skodje tongue, "Is this women an Ailor? Taken cared of by Nelfin? I wonder how that happened, would be an interesting story," before proceeding to go about his day.