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A Brief On The Nature Of The Phantasma


May 11, 2019
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The nature of a Phantasma has become a highly controversial topic as of late in this paper I aim to dispel this controversy by providing a clear and accurate summation of the nature of a Phantasma1 and the risks associated with them. A Phantasma colloquially referred to as a "witchblood2" is a creature of a mainly draconic3 nature that is was once mundane. The transformation into a Phantasma is caused by an experience of immense physical trauma many of these experiences have been referred as "near-death" though it should be noted there is no evidence to suggest that the Phantasma Curse4 can resurrect a mundane creature5. It has been theorized that this moment of extreme weakness allows the Phantasma Curse to take hold. The large amounts of draconic energy in the body of the prospective Phantasma at this time results in weakness, nausea, and other symptoms consistent with an imbalance of the humors. The most notable characteristic of this transformation, however, is the drive to kill a being imbued with planar6 energies. It is believed that this is done in order to consume a small portion of those planar energies essentially resulting in a sort of corrupted draconic energy. If this mixing of the energies does not occur the prospective Phantasma will die. This reaction between the planar and draconic energies is believed to be what causes the creation of a Phantasma and their subsequent "abilities". These abilities are unique in their characteristics as they do not resemble those developed by other beings who have a connection to draconic energies (such as Isldar and Songaskians) but rather resemble those of planar based creatures such as the Sanguine. This is not to suggest that Phantasma are "magic sucking vampires" as some of the less astute may have it but rather to evidence their connection to planar based energies. This connection does tie into the main risk associated with the Phantasma. There exists a theory in the study of the arcane that is called "Chain Theory" what this theory dictates is that any being corrupted by or containing planar or draconic energies can be controlled by a being more strongly connected to or simply derived from that respective energy. This leads me to conclude that Phantasma could be controlled by both beings of a draconic nature (EX:dragon7) or of a planar-based nature (EX:arken8). This is the main risk associated with a Phantasma as they can be easily influenced by both types of beings with or without their knowledge. As I conclude this brief I invite anyone wishing to learn more on this topic to the Regalian College on (OOC:TBD) to a lecture and question and answer on the nature of Phantasma.


-Alexis Morgan, Scholar of the Regalian College



1.Witchblood, Husks. A being characterized by glowing green eyes.

2.Slang term to describe a Phantasma

3.Dragon-Based derived from a draconic being or artifact

4.The collection of energies that initiates the transformation into a Phantasma

5.One lacking and connection to or corruption by arcane energies

6.Of the Void or Exist (both being magical plains)

7.A Draconic Being characterized by possessing the form of a winged creature

8.An extremely powerful being created by/from the Void or Exist
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Claire thinks Cute way to downplay that the witchbloods can and will be controlled by dragons. Imagine Rikkara's delight when she realizes she has a whole noble house to play with. Ignore the truth at your own risk, Alexis.
Leufred leaned over to Valuin (or Victor, for the biased), and gestured specifically to the end of the paper. He chortled, almost nervously, before asking,
"What the fuck is a Hallowblood?"