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A Bounty From The Desk Of The Secretary Principle




Attention, all ye who reside in the slums! All ye who hide within the dark corners of the city!

By order of the Principal Secretary, a bounty has been placed upon the Demon Mage 'Ichabod' effective immediately. If you should find yourself in the presence of this individual, proceed with caution. They have proven to be dangerous and merciless. A reward of 1,000 regals will be rewarded to any heroes who capture and deliver the mage safely into the hands of the Black Hand. Secondly, whoever captured the Demon Mage will be rewarded with a place in the Black Hand. Consider this a test, to prove yourselves worthy and dedicated.

Spirit keep you safe, Spirit keep you safe from this demon.


@Jonificus @Magivore
"Brother, fancy taking our uncle's old job? Adelbrand got the last one of these poets, I'm sure you could outmatch him without issue. Course I'm not too sure how one would deliver such an individual to such a group in this city, given their secrecy and whatnot.

Perhaps I should pay less attention to the street urchins when they talk about these things at the top of their lungs."

@Wumpatron @natcanino
Xander of Redford found this presumed pamphlet within the slum areas. Their expression was unreadable behind their wooden mask, yet the individual grinned anyway.
"Killing two birds with one stone, I see."
The elderly Yanar, Asterion, stepped toward the notice board. The dark print of the Black Hand caught his eye. Another ominous omen. His eyes scanned the notice, a stern and worried expression on his face. Taking a stick of charcoal from his side he sought a blank space on the parchment to add his own message. The implement was crude, but the hand holding it steady and practiced with writing.

To those whom take this hunt. Know you are walking a dangerous path. This man wields the dark arts with skill and many years of practice. He strikes with rage and fear, but with the subdued cunning of a wise man. Watch where you step, and do not take this path lightly.
Good luck.
Lazaruz smirked at the note, jogging off into the snow towards the slums, he'd begin searching immediately..
Ichabod was not some distant evil that was fought off by armies and valiant heroes. His trails were not hidden by hundreds of minions and an army of evil-doers, no; he was the evil that always left a trail through the snow. The Arch-Mage knew well that he would not live long in a world that refused to cooperate with his desire to serve his foul gods, but for a moment, he felt as though the mountains would move for him. Alas, that was not the case, and the monstrosity of a man knew well of how many 'heroes' hid among the slums nowadays. Their numbers greatly outweighed the count of criminals (when not counting the guards themselves), so even if he did gather help, there's no doubt he would only lead them too to their slaughter. Alone stood Ichabod as he gazed upon his name, posted in black and ending with Asterion's own inking. Within the hands of Ichabod was a dead Hinterlandic Raven that had dive-bombed itself earlier that day among the millions of others in the city. He had taken a long amount of time in molding and shaping its body to leave nothing but a disgusting lump of feathers of what one could assume to have once been a bird. A grin like granite parted and spit like venom ejected from his lips as he whispered terrible things to not himself, but the whole world.

"Let them come. I am an old man and expected death to leave its letter some day," weaved Ichabod with his blackened tongue, "but perhaps I might be able to finish what I started after all."

The damned creature wandered deep into the heart of the sewers, leaving behind nothing but his prints in the ice, a mutilated crow to sit above one of the notices, and rumours of what he was planning. Was
Ichabod being hunted, or was he doing the hunting? One could only guess what the answer was to that one.

Better start looking.
"Truly.." The Typhonus breathed, scanning the announcement and the symbol it wore, as familiar as it was to her. It became difficult to tell what she thought of the announcement, silent for a time save for the occasional murmur to herself but, meaning seemingly became a loss for the moments in which she spoke.
"..perhaps the bittersweet nightshade has a visit to pay."
@Optimalfriskies @Ryria @KrombopulousNari @ElderShrub
Not even a full 12 hours between the posting of the bounty and the hiding of
Ichabod did one of those notices mysteriously have the hand of a man trying to mock its shape with his own. Instead of in white, however, the hand was in a sickening red. Two terrible words had been inscribed on the pillar beneath it, assuredly of the same sort of metallic red substance that had dried out only minutes before the hand-print was remade.

äø…į–‡Ę³ į—©Ē¤į—©įŽ„į‘Ž
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Gunnulf the old bloodcast looked towards the bounty on the notice board, he'd scratch his beard inspecting the sheet, "Hmm, a demon mage eh, a danger to the good people of Regalia, It must be stopped!" he'd set off immediately his cape loosely flying in the winter breeze.
Fathiyaa Nasir read the postings noticing the mocking red hand print. A rush of angry air escaped from her nose as she read Asterion's words. "Another mad man...I wonder what will become of this one? Is he truly that dangerous? " She lifted her hand to touch the red hand print developing a smirk feeling the what she assumed to be dried blood. Fathiyaa went to rest her hands in her orange belt. The Songaskian stared at the parchment for a moment letting the name sink into her memory before wandering off.​
Leonzio grinned as he read over the notice again, having rummaged for quite some time to find the notice he had tucked away in his files at Harburen Keep. The bandaged Dressolini quickly plucked up a quill and began to write out a letter which he sealed and handed to a courier, "Deliver this with haste, my Rangers are the ones responsible for this 'oh so scary demon's' arrest and I'll be damned if the Violets or Vigilants take it." He waved at the courier in a shooing manner before turning back to reorganize the mess of papers on his desk.
Juliette scanned over the notice, humming briefly as she focused solely on the paper to ignore the aggravating buzzing of others speaking that she couldn't quite make out despite standing ever close to the tavern. She released a sigh before make off, her steps shuffled as she murmured the oddly pronounced sentence of, "Here we gu agein." Her hand rubbed briefly at her ear.

Still hurts.
Avynn scanned the notice giving a small nod "So tha' is wha' they where' fussin' over in tha' other cell." She ran a gloved hand through her hair stepping back from the notice to head to the fort. There was most certainly an uneasy look on her face.