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A Belated Announcement


Patrons and Barkeeps of the Golden Willow,

For some time now, the old Grand Proprietor of the Golden Willow, Warren Howlester, has been removed from his position, and replaced by another man. That other man is Nathan the Warden, Imperial Guard and now Grand Proprietor of the Willow, and writer of this note. A large announcement was never made, and so I saw fit to make one of my own. I also believe that a winter cleaning is in order, for the bars in the Willow that go unmanned and are unprofitable because of this. As such, the following are evicted;
  • Susan Burch, evicted from the Willow's Twig. I've manned your bar more times than I've seen you manning it. You can send me a letter if you want to dispute this.
  • Ook Ironmonger, evicted from the Tusk and Tankard. I've never manned your bar, nor seen it manned since Warren Howlester was Proprietor. You get no chances.
All can't be so glum, though. Some congratulatory notices should also be given.
  • Aesling Sylfina; Golden Hive Honey Products. Your different take on your bar is a welcome change to the usual, and I have frequently witnessed you serving customers. Keep it up.
  • Hamelin and Czylle d'Vaud, Ida Krupp; Azure Premise. Your approach is not so novel as that of the Golden Hive, but I rarely see your establishment without some kind of worker inside. This dedication is commendable.
For this announcement, that is all.
With thanks to patrons and barkeeps alike,
Nathan, the Warden,
Imperial Watcher,
Grand Proprietor

-OOC Notes-
People this will affect: @Sozzer, @Doc_Cantankerous
People who may be interested: @Bellarmina, @Suicidium, @DizPanda, @SnugglyKittens, @DrunkFailure, @Jouster, @NoRezForYou, @Wilvahelm, @Blacksheep, @Lutsu, @Fluffy_Rose_9
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"Credit where credit is due," Czylle remarked quietly, "Solaine d'Vaud hosts the majority of the custom at the Azure. It was her initiative that brought on its first event. It would likely not be standing or functional, if not for her."

Vulmar would smirk at the efficiency of the Golden Willow, soon signing off on a shipment of jams sent to the Grand Proprietor himself.
The elderly elf took great notice in this particular announcement, "Oh! How nice, good for the performer, mhm, mhm! I wonder if this means I could get a little spot here then.." Mama uttered out loud, before shrugging and hobbling along towards the Golden Hive.
Audrey marked down into her notebook with a smile that the Azure Premise will be ready to cater to all her alcohol withdrawal once she returns from Basta.
Tomatsu: holds the note in front of himself as if he was able to see it. It may or may not even be facing the right way around.
"ah... Interesting."