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Lena gasped upon spotting the letter inside the Willow. Vidarr and her were rather close. He was like the father, she never had. She would nod, immediately heading over to the Black Tower, to lead numerous patrols around Regalia, in search for the missing Baron.
Nouveau blinked, clearing her throat as she eyed the paper on the wall. With a huff, she snatched the flier, and stuffed it in her bag, shuffling along as she did. After a brief stop at her home, snatching a mask and spear from her closet while there, she fled to the slums in search of her boss.
"That man will be the death of me, I swear it."
Merina gave a gasp at seeing the notice, raising her newly scarred hand to cover her mouth as the other pressed to her side- still wrapped in heavy bandages to protect her broken arm. "That damn Northener, always getting himself into trouble whenever I hear of him!" She huffed before pulling the flyer she read from its spot, pacing off into the Slums to set it on the Falcon's Nest bar counter so to warn her loyal patrons.
'Acro' looked over the notice, a low chuckle slipping through the Avanthar's lips, finally composing himself speak in sharp, venomous whispers; his mouth tight in a shit-eating smirk "This is the senor that hurt my Capucha. Serves the noble bastardo right to go missing."
Silver smiles proudly as she admires her creative works around Regalia, giving her a little skip in her step. Although, it will probably take a whole day for her hand to stop cramping.
Maximus happened to be walking down the street towards the Willow upon spotting one of the letters. He read it over before letting out a chuckle "Ah well...He should stop getting himself into trouble, it has to be bad for your health, no?...I must say,such an accurate drawing."
A certain Northman in Holzskag would receive word, begining to pack and supply a ship. As he stepped abord he turned around, looking over Vargrheim as he leaned on his long axe. How would the city fair without its Baron, without its Rahkr now... He shook his head, dispelling the thoughts, now turning to the sea and thinking of his family, speaking to himself in Skodje, "Do not fear, I am coming brother."
Inkeri Årud looked at the flyer that had found itself on the notice board, reading it over and over again as she tried to convince herself that the words painted were lies, that Víðarr Úlfurtönn was not missing, but alas. The Velheimer woman instantly began her search for the Baron, first taking to the streets.
Avynn drew herself up from her seat the woman once again having been drinking herself half to death. Her tired eyes darted over the flyer, her fist closing around the glass in her hand. She suddenly stood from her seat hurling the glass across the room, it shattering into the wall. "It's time ta fuckin' sober up Avilda." She told herself as she made quick strides out of her estate. "I'm coming' Vidarr, ya have saved my life once ta many times fer me not ta return ta favor."

Arnold scanned over the notice before stifling a laugh. He slowly walked away, mumbling lightly under his breath.
"Perhaps he just went to go sleep with another Magus. Too much panic over it."
Bastien, declared Bastien Iron-One by his loyal bannermen, would take note. He sighed, releasing a light chuckle at the news, "Well, it wasn't me. I wonder if someone else decided to kidnap him. He's probably just pissed off too many married men. Serves you right Vidarr." Took a swig of his Ithanian Wine as he said such words aloud to himself, smirking a tad. The heretic and rebel enjoying his recent victory, he'd head over to wash the blood off of his face and head to sleep.
Irina Haagenvig quietly stared at the notice before sighing slowly. She donned her gauntlets and headed on about the city in search of her friend, even departing from the city to search.

Ragnhilde Ulfurtonn snatched the flyer from the wall, frowning at it.
"I just arrived home... Now this happens? I'm seriously sick of this city."
At this she donned her broadsword and mask, and made for the slums.
Valiane read one of the flyers in the slums, smiling. "Hm, perhaps he could be my next short moment of pleasure?" she whispered to herself, before turning back to the shadows of the slums.