Art Auction 4 Skin Irl Currency Auction


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are

It's that time of year again! The time where Scribbe goes and sells like four skins because he wants to buy some games or something.

The Goods

The Deal:​
  • From left to right, these skins are labelled A (the Shenath Kathar), B (the Altalar), C (the Medorr Kathar), and D (the Avanthar with the tattoos).
  • Each skin is sold individually, with a minimum bid of $5.50 and a buyout of $15.50 (USD), or £4.22 and £11.88 (GBP) respectively, not factoring in PayPal's take from every transaction.
The Rules:​
  • Be nice to each other whilst bidding.
  • Auction on individual skins will end either 24 hours after the last bid, or when buyout is reached for a skin.
  • Buyers may purchase no more than two skins of the four available.
  • Once a skin has been auctioned (either through auction timeout or buyout), I will contact the buyer either through Discord or a forum conversation (buyer chooses) and ask for payment, then send the skin file once payment has come through.
  • Skins should not be resold once purchased. As well as this, refunds will not be offered once a skin has been purchased.

Bidding Template:​
Chosen Skin/s: (e.g. Skin B)
Previous Bidder: (@tag the previous bidder)
Username/IGN: You know who i am
Chosen Skin/s: 2ND
Bid: $20 give me tis handsom fella
Previous Bidder: I can't locate myself

Username/IGN: You know who i am
Chosen Skin/s: 1st
Bid: $15
Previous Bidder: I can't locate myself
Username/IGN: Narrju
Chosen Skin/s: Skin D
Bid: $5.50
Previous Bidder:
can i have the skins in exchange for 2 buttons and a piece of lint

that's all i have