3rd Siege Battalion ' Castello Corp'


The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
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The 3rd Siege Battalion 'Castello Corp' is the Regiment under the command of Field General Deo dei Termini of the Regalian Imperial Army. Comprising Siege Oriented Warfare such as the defense and attack of Walled structures and cities with extensive ranged combatants comprising the main body of the Battalion, along with defending units fit for defending the archers and the structures at a moments notice.

Members of the 'Castello Corp' are privy to confidential information regarding the units movements and potential targets the further you move up in the ranking structure. It should be noted that one may not join the CO portion of the Military lest they have at least 10+ Marshalry within their Characters repertoire. These members are free to be used during Marshalry Cabinet meetings as Advisors and of which can be extended further to encompass Special teams created to complete High risk Missions under the Battalions command, these tasks include Scouting, Sabeteuring, Pillaging of structures, Freeing of Prisoners, so on so forth.


:OOC Information:
The Joining of this Battalion is the joining of the Military, as such you would adhere to Military Chain of Command as well as Code of Conduct of personnel. In joining you would be subject to Military Law. Along these lines you will also be invited to our Discord where we conduct a great deal of OOC Communication and Planning. Its requested that with the intent of joining you do not join two Military Bodies at the same time, these including both the 3rd Regiment and 2nd Officer Corp.



Character Name:
Discord Name and Number:
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.):
Letter of Request:

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IGN: TroyBoyGenius

Character Name: Costanzo dei Fierdo

Age: 35

Education: Pavisa

A letter addressed to Field General Deo dei Termini would be written in loopy, yet neat handwriting.

Field General,
In light of the recent requests for men and the opening of a new regiment, I am sending this letter in hopes of being recruited. I would be honored for a chance to be of use to you not only on the front lines but back with the medics as well. You've seen my ability firsthand. My patrols here in Regalia have become quite boring, and I am itching for a chance at battle.

In best regards,
Costanzo dei Fierdo
IGN: TroyBoyGenius

Character Name: Costanzo dei Fierdo

Age: 35

Education: Pavisa

A letter addressed to Field General Deo dei Termini would be written in loopy, yet neat handwriting.

Field General,
In light of the recent requests for men and the opening of a new regiment, I am sending this letter in hopes of being recruited. I would be honored for a chance to be of use to you not only on the front lines but back with the medics as well. You've seen my ability firsthand. My patrols here in Regalia have become quite boring, and I am itching for a chance at battle.

In best regards,
Costanzo dei Fierdo

To the Ser dei Fierdo,

Your request for admission is accepted, see yourself to the nearest Pavisa Bailey and await instructions for designation within the Regiment.

Signed, Field General dei Termini
IGN: Pilotos
Character Name: Kolymel
Age: 28
Education: No Specific School/Learnt Independently
To the Field General Deo dei Termini,
I express my acceptance of your offer of service to the Empire. I request enlistment under your regiment, with faith that I will be stationed appropriately due to your expertise within the realm of organized battle. I wish to remain vigilant against a scourge that threatens the Empire that shelters my kind with a fair and honorable status.
From the Maraya,

Addressed to the Maraya Kolymel,

Welcome to the fold. Let's win victory for the Empire.

Signed, Field General Deo dei Termini
IGN: Jehkobas

Character Name: Bjarke Haugfra

Age: 24

Education: Bjorntass Skagger

A letter directed to the Field General Deo dei Termini written in crude handwriting would be placed on the General's desk.

Field General Termini,
The past days I've thought over joining the military in Regalia and have seen your flyers. After our meeting in the Nestled Nook I've finally finished this letter. I am trained in the Skagger arts and have spent many a year sea bound, raiding settlements and have experience in front line combat. I believe my talents will suit your regiment finely. I hope this letter reaches you well.

Bjarke Haugfra​
IGN: Jehkobas

Character Name: Bjarke Haugfra

Age: 24

Education: Bjorntass Skagger

A letter directed to the Field General Deo dei Termini written in crude handwriting would be placed on the General's desk.

Field General Termini,
The past days I've thought over joining the military in Regalia and have seen your flyers. After our meeting in the Nestled Nook I've finally finished this letter. I am trained in the Skagger arts and have spent many a year sea bound, raiding settlements and have experience in front line combat. I believe my talents will suit your regiment finely. I hope this letter reaches you well.

Bjarke Haugfra​

Addressed to Bjarke Haugfra,

Wonderful news, welcome to the 4th Siege Regiment, I shall see you around the City and soon off in the Dreadist Lands.

Field General Deo dei Termini

(OOC I need that dank ol' Discord of yours.)
<!> Updated the Name to 4th Siege Battalion.
Ign: Jupiter6700
Character Name: Fjord Narkkson
Discord Name and Number: Jupiter#2639
Age: 45
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): School of Beorl
Letter of Request:
To General dei Termini;
Its me Fjord, figured that you would want a letter to be more official, but thank you for the opportunity to enlist. I've been apart of Regalian military for seven wars starting from the Chrysant all the way to now. Been a shock troop all my life, will continue to do so for you, my training in the School of Beorl with Graklak principles help me greatly. I won't let you down.
-Fjord Narkkson
The Beast of Varfal
Ign: warwidow
Character Name: Aania Kamoras
Discord Name and Number: warwidow#1875
Age: 60
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): Khatun Academy, Militia within the Sandlands of the Qadir.
Letter of Request:
To General dei Termini;
Upon request, your offer for my services and servitude to your Battalion will go unnoticed. I hereby honor the opportunity to teach and give arms to your men on the battle-field. We have met briefly from time to time, I respect your admiration for your people and the hard work you put in.

- A.

IGN: MidnightRey
Character Name: Alexa Hállëvandëia
Age: 28
Education: Taught self combat skills, taught medical science from family

Dear General dei Termini
I send you this letter in hopes of joining the Military and making use of my skills in other places. I heard of this organization from someone in the Derna Garga. And it seemed to capture my attention, I have little idea if my skill are anywhere enough for this organization. But Im always am happy to try. Im useful as a battle medic, though my experience in medical science is small I use it to the best of my ability.
Ign: GamingLeopurred
Character Name: Wistaeri Vixaris
Discord Name and Number: GamingLeopurred#9294
Age: 100
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): No specific school, taught by family
Letter of Request:
To Field General, Deo Dei Termini,
After taking some time think on your offer made at the clinic earlier, I have come to the conclusion of offering my services to you. If accepted, this will be the first I've served the Empire, and I'm looking forward to it.
Ign: GamingLeopurred
Character Name: Wistaeri Vixaris
Discord Name and Number: GamingLeopurred#9294
Age: 100
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): No specific school, taught by family
Letter of Request:
To Field General, Deo Dei Termini,
After taking some time think on your offer made at the clinic earlier, I have come to the conclusion of offering my services to you. If accepted, this will be the first I've served the Empire, and I'm looking forward to it.

To the Novice Vixaris,

May you soon feel the strength of victory with every step you take, by my Command we fight on!

Field General Deo dei Termini

IGN: DedJok
Character Name: Stanley Conagra
Age: 29
Education: Militia combat training, no certified professional training.
Hello dear General!
After giving it some thought, I have decided to take you up on your request by the clinic. I hope to be able to offer my services to you and Regalia as a whole. I have not trained in any official military branches, but I have served under the People's Militia, as well as the Pikes of Petalcourt, if you remember the names. If you will have me, I will do my best to not disappoint.
- Stanley Conagra
P.S. - Let's ease up on ordering full hours at the Inn from here on, especially during rush hour.
IGN: DedJok
Character Name: Stanley Conagra
Age: 29
Education: Militia combat training, no certified professional training.
Hello dear General!
After giving it some thought, I have decided to take you up on your request by the clinic. I hope to be able to offer my services to you and Regalia as a whole. I have not trained in any official military branches, but I have served under the People's Militia, as well as the Pikes of Petalcourt, if you remember the names. If you will have me, I will do my best to not disappoint.
- Stanley Conagra
P.S. - Let's ease up on ordering full hours at the Inn from here on, especially during rush hour.

To the Hops Merchant Conagra,

Wonderful! Let this be your Baptism by Fire mi amici!

Field General Deo dei Termini

(Accepted my Peptid)
IGN: Eclarien
Character Name: Elías de Basqlierra
Discord Name and Number: You have it.
Age: 36
Education: Imperial Academy of History.
Letter of Request:

Greetings Deo,
As requested, I am placing this letter on your desk for the sake of formality. I haven't anything much more to say than that.
Your Friend,
Elías de Basqlierra
IGN: Eclarien
Character Name: Elías de Basqlierra
Discord Name and Number: You have it.
Age: 36
Education: Imperial Academy of History.
Letter of Request:

Greetings Deo,
As requested, I am placing this letter on your desk for the sake of formality. I haven't anything much more to say than that.
Your Friend,
Elías de Basqlierra

Greetings to you Elias de Basqlierra,

You'll do well to know I already accepted you.

IGN: __TheDarkLord__
Character Name: Essecacha Las'enas
Discord Name and Number: You have it already.
Age: 79
Education: N/A
Letter of Request:

Field General,

Over the course of the past few weeks I have been spending time thinking over which retinue would be the best for me to join, as I wish to do my part in the war. I have come to the conclusion that this seems like the one for me. I have over sixty years of combat experience, which includes command on the front line, and so I believe I could be an asset to your retinue in the war effort.

Essecacha Las'enas
IGN: __TheDarkLord__
Character Name: Essecacha Las'enas
Discord Name and Number: You have it already.
Age: 79
Education: N/A
Letter of Request:

Field General,

Over the course of the past few weeks I have been spending time thinking over which retinue would be the best for me to join, as I wish to do my part in the war. I have come to the conclusion that this seems like the one for me. I have over sixty years of combat experience, which includes command on the front line, and so I believe I could be an asset to your retinue in the war effort.

Essecacha Las'enas

To the EssessEssEss Las Ess,

Come one come all unto me thy tired masses and bring further yoru skills and contributions! ou are accepted unto my merry company of unified units, forthright!

Field General Deo! dei Termini
IGN: Ascelus
Character Name: Zelphar Heikalyn
Discord Name and Number: Ascelus#9242
Age: 71
Education: N/A
Letter of Request:

Field General,

I have been thinking about which general I should join under, and with guidance from my good friend, Essecacha Las'enas I believe you to be the best fit. I would like to join the war for the Empire that I have lived in for so long. I do have some combat experience, mainly involving long range bow combat, but I do believe I could prove some usefulness to the Empire and you.

Zelphar Heikalyn
IGN: Ascelus
Character Name: Zelphar Heikalyn
Discord Name and Number: Ascelus#9242
Age: 71
Education: N/A
Letter of Request:

Field General,

I have been thinking about which general I should join under, and with guidance from my good friend, Essecacha Las'enas I believe you to be the best fit. I would like to join the war for the Empire that I have lived in for so long. I do have some combat experience, mainly involving long range bow combat, but I do believe I could prove some usefulness to the Empire and you.

Zelphar Heikalyn

To Mr. Heikalyn,

Wonderful news, we've just the place for you under his command!

Field General Deo! dei Termini

Ign: MintyJade
Character Name: Taendross Shainvrel
Discord Name and Number: Minty.__.Jade#8682
Age: Fucking Old. (145)
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): N/A
Letter of Request:

To Field General Deo dei Termini,

I wish to serve the Empire in the best way that I can, and I've decided that I wish to participate in the war. From this, my dear friends Esse'cacha, Zelphar and Wistaeri have directed me to join underneath you for the war effort. I know I can be of good use if you'd have me, I would be thankful beyond measure. I know my way around a bow if it'll do any help. I'll await a reply.

Taendross Mairthair Shainvrel.
Ign: MintyJade
Character Name: Taendross Shainvrel
Discord Name and Number: Minty.__.Jade#8682
Age: Fucking Old. (145)
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): N/A
Letter of Request:

To Field General Deo dei Termini,

I wish to serve the Empire in the best way that I can, and I've decided that I wish to participate in the war. From this, my dear friends Esse'cacha, Zelphar and Wistaeri have directed me to join underneath you for the war effort. I know I can be of good use if you'd have me, I would be thankful beyond measure. I know my way around a bow if it'll do any help. I'll await a reply.

Taendross Mairthair Shainvrel.

To the Expressed Snowbird,

I look forward to seeing your results.


Ign: S0uled
Character Name: Akasha
Discord Name and Number: Souled#5297
Age: 67
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): N/A
Letter of Request:

To Field General Deo dei Termini,
I write this letter to you today with interest in joining your company in the war efforts. While I do not possess any official combat training I have acted as a mercenary and a hunter of aberrant beings for a large portion of my life and believe my skills could prove advantageous.

Ign: S0uled
Character Name: Akasha
Discord Name and Number: Souled#5297
Age: 67
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): N/A
Letter of Request:

To Field General Deo dei Termini,
I write this letter to you today with interest in joining your company in the war efforts. While I do not possess any official combat training I have acted as a mercenary and a hunter of aberrant beings for a large portion of my life and believe my skills could prove advantageous.


To the one known as Akasha,

It is with great mind that I accept you to fight for the greatest Empire in the world, spirit Guide us.

Field General Deo dei Termini

IGN: MidnightRey
Character Name: Alexa Hállëvandëia
Age: 28
Education: Taught self combat skills, taught medical science from family

Dear General dei Termini
I send you this letter in hopes of joining the Military and making use of my skills in other places. I heard of this organization from someone in the Derna Garga. And it seemed to capture my attention, I have little idea if my skill are anywhere enough for this organization. But Im always am happy to try. Im useful as a battle medic, though my experience in medical science is small I use it to the best of my ability.

Pending due to incorrect Introductory Format Please fix the top with the necessary information.
Bastiaan Vrouw
Taught by monks, learned about the world by himself.
The following letter has been written hastily, as if the hand was shaking from excitement.

Dear Field General, it brings me great honour to be writing you this letter today. Through a notice board I saw your offer, like a beacon of opportunity, it shone to me. My place is with your company, w̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ whether or not either of us know it yet. Although I may not have skill necessarily with combat, I am willing to pour my spirit into learning.

M̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶o̶l̶e̶n̶c̶e̶s̶
My thanks, Bastiaan Vrouw.
Bastiaan Vrouw
Taught by monks, learned about the world by himself.
The following letter has been written hastily, as if the hand was shaking from excitement.

Dear Field General, it brings me great honour to be writing you this letter today. Through a notice board I saw your offer, like a beacon of opportunity, it shone to me. My place is with your company, w̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ whether or not either of us know it yet. Although I may not have skill necessarily with combat, I am willing to pour my spirit into learning.

M̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶o̶l̶e̶n̶c̶e̶s̶
My thanks, Bastiaan Vrouw.

To the Zealous Mr. Vrouw,

Though you are presently untrained, I shall draw up a Drill Master to teach you a few things here and there. From them they will decide if you are fit for the front.

Field General Deo dei Termini

Ign: GhostlyMo01 (Going back to CyberMo01 Tomorrow)
Character Name: Nallia Qulo'ena
Discord Name and Number: Will be sent over PM
Age: 82
Education (Viridian/Pavisa etc.): N/A
Letter of Request:

Field General,
I was recruited by Cyrus Aredeth to join your company as an Alchemist.

Nallia Qulo'ena
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