Archived 360 Dynmap

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Your Local
Staff member
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Canada, Alberta
Aight so, my name is Sir_Daragon, and in the past i have owned many bases. Build many, and purchase a few, but i like to stay updated with my land , and its surrounding often, by looking at dynamp since it gives me a nice view of things, and claims. But some builds are on mountain sides, and they are blocked when you try to look at hte 3D map, and so the only way to look at it is from birds eye view, and honestly, sometimes its hard to see.

My idea is that when we are in 3D mode, they player can turn the view, and so you could see the other side of hte moutnain, and adjust height that way you can look straight at the object, from side to side, and from the back, all 360 degree view.

Now, i am not a coder, or Website setup guy. I dont know if that is possible on a website or anything, but i know for a fact, it would:
1.) Look awesome!
2.) Help building on mountain faces.
3.) You could now see 100% of the top layer of the world.
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Dynmap renders many small image files of the chunks of the game that it creates for the map you see. It is not capable of providing a rotatable map unfortunately. You can render multiple version of a particular map, from different angles, but they are saved as separate maps.

I wish this was possible too, as it makes only south facing cliffsides candidates for underground entrances, etc :)
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Dynmap renders many small image files of the chunks of the game that it creates for the map you see. It is not capable of providing a rotatable map unfortunately. You can render multiple version of a particular map, from different angles, but they are saved as separate maps.

I wish this was possible too, as it makes only south facing cliffsides candidates for underground entrances, etc :)

well then maybe have lke a saved file with a North-South-Est-West and have a 4 90degree map. or something.

i jsut want more than 2 points of view.......
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