Archived 3 Ideas For Additional Premium Benefits

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That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
First Idea: Pickup filter/Auto Trash
The idea is that you could select a few items and you would not pick up these items , even if you have free inventory space and are in their pickup zone.

Alternative: The filter could instead of not picking up the item simply auto trash it (requirement: not in pvp).

Second Idea: Anvil command
No, not what you think. I mean a command that allows you to add books to lore items, without them losing their color. Normaly when you try to do anything to a lore item with an anvil it will revert its name color back to White/Light Blue. The idea is that you could use a command to combine the item and the book.

-Doesn´t work with pvp tag.
-Requires an anvil in your inventory which will be replaced by one that is more damaged.
-Requires the necesary XP level that renaming it via anvil would.
-Can only be used in Wilderness/Your Factions land.
-Takes 5-10 seconds of standing still to complete.

I think with these limitations it would only be usefull for said purpose. For everything else placing an anvil and combining stuff manualy is the superior option.

Third Idea: Trait Setups
The last idea I had was to add the ability to save a couple of trait setups. The way it could work for example could be: "/t save (setname)" to save your current traits under the name (setname) and then use "/t load (setname)" to get the set of traits you had when you saved it. Yes, you can already do that with [Traits] signs but this would be personal, and wherever you want instead of only where you placed and prepared the signs.

To make sure its for convinience only allow it while you could add/remove your traits normaly and then MAYBE add a small delay on top of that.

Tell me what you think about those as potential benefits.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
New First Idea: Pickup filter/Auto Trash
The idea is that you could select a few items and you would not pick up these items , even if you have free inventory space and are in their pickup zone.

Alternative: The filter could instead of not picking up the item simply auto trash it (requirement: not in pvp).
+1 this one
Just to make sure i get the thrid idea, Prem would still have to stand still for 3osec and not take DMG for 5 min...
Just to make sure i get the thrid idea, Prem would still have to stand still for 3osec and not take DMG for 5 min...
Yes, same requirement as changing traits via signs, /t a , /t r, would. Of course in the pvp world where you can instantly change traits the same would apply to the trait loadout.
Old topic, but some of these suggestions may still have value for discussion at some point in the future so I will keep this thread open and tagged for review.