Archived 2 Website Suggestions

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That's turbonerd to you!
May 24, 2013
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Hello everyone,

I am a bit new here, and I noticed two things that I would consider an improvement of the website. The first one would be a way to navigate from the forums to the website (ie; a link or button in the header).

The second one is more complex. I was wondering why you guys don't have a webirc channal? They are completely free, and relatively easy to set up. All you need to do is set up a spot for it on the website. You can have a widget that would connect everyone to the massive craft channel, and they can use their forums name as their nickname. Just a suggestion, it would be nice to have a textbased chat for people not on the server.

Thanks for reading
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The first one I guess we could make.

But the reasons why we dont use a websiteIRC, is:
  • We do not have energy to moderate it.
  • We have a teamspeak which fills this purpose.
I know it isn't that, but FireSoap sounds like a horrible idea o-o
Soap that makes you feel like you're on fire...
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