Archived 1.9 Combat Suggestions, Please Contribute

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Hail the duckfather!
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
"The Bubble" in western PA
Celetil (leader)
here i will discuss and update a list of changes that the community thinks we should implement to "fix" pvp. i will also have a smaller, separate list of things that we as players can do. please contribute your opinion. please contribute your opinion nicely. please contribute your opinion without any comments about how things are bad with the server, the staff, or lag. thank you. id also like to say to staff: thank you for taking time to look at this and to consider these opinions at a time when the server is very busy with both new plugins and fixes.

list of changes that staff can implement/do.
one thing that i think would help a LOT is looking at other servers that are on 1.9 and see what they have done, skipping the ones that have the updated combat.
for some reason, pvp on this one server that i play on actually improved with the 1.9 changes. crazy, huh? what happened is they only removed the cooldowns, keeping the special attacks like the sword knockback. the increased sword knockback creates the ability for players to have combos cause the new knockback knocks the players higher, but not farther. the server also has a huge amount of servers, yet it still has smooth but huge pvp battles. it is a minigame server but it has mostly vanilla pvp (meaning no special firebending magic or whatnot). ill give you the server name if ya want it, but youd need to PM me so im not advertising. so implementing the new sword knockback would create a better pvp experience with the combos.

another thing ive seen is to nerf the armor so it gives less protection. this would make pvp actually possible.

list of changes that players can help with.

host a pvp torney with rules against certain traits and pots, that way we can pvp and have the damage and prot nerfed without staff help

again, thanks for reading
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Old suggestion which was never responded to so here are some brief responses:

Suggestion: Use 1.9 mechanics but remove cooldowns. Keep special attacks.
  • I am not familiar with the 1.9 mechanics but a review of this is always a possibility. No definite or guarantee that we will be looking at implementing changes to PvP attacks, but discussion of 1.9 combat mechanics may occur again in addition to some other recent suggestions which will be touched on in their respective threads.
Suggestion: Nerf armor
  • We have done quite a bit of testing with armor, even some sneaky testing such as decreasing the armor durability for testing purposes. Players IMMEDIATELY noticed the difference and were complaining that armor was breaking too fast so the current state of armor durability will remain.
At this time I will lock this thread, as there are more updated threads discussing mechanics and I would prefer discussion to stick to the more recent threads.
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