Archived 1.11.0-1.11.2 Feature Discussion Thread

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
We're updated to 1.11, but as anyone can tell there's features that haven't been implemented yet. Regardless of why of when, I made this thread to talk about the features in whole, and discuss how different parts could affect massive.

It should also be noted that these thoughts are probably going to be partially biased, as I can not reflect 1000 people perfectly. For some background, I have a small faction that I use and I roleplay more than anything else. Alright, let's get to the point.

  • Curses
    • I think the Curse of Vanishing enchant would be alright, since chances are you wouldn't be getting the item back anyways if you die. Plus the market is saturated with this stuff, so any way to get rid of it is good in my book.
    • Curse of Binding seems unusable in Massive, since everyone keeps their armor, and I don't think anyone would like having an inventory slot filled by a bunch of weaker tools that they can't remove unless they die.
  • Mobs
    • Illagers would be cool massivemobs to have. I already can expect the Evoker to be some kind of mage mob of sorts.
    • Llamas are cool. nuff said.
    • Can't wait to have disguise for the Evoker, Vindicator, Vex, and Llama (llamas with hats)
  • Observer
    • Already craftable in the game, and the current rules for redstone should be fine as is.
  • Shulker Box
    • So this is the whole reason for this thread. "Infinite Storage" sounds like both the best thing ever and the worst thing ever for Massive. I'll try to give some more depth to this issue:
      • More blocks to use. This could be fun to utilize for extra crates (Conquest's resource pack has some crates as the shulker boxes) However, I don't expect these to be in Regalia, as they basically do the same thing chests do, and I have the funny feeling they will lag a lot (unproven, just an assumption.)
      • Still would require people to craft them. And this is how we can reduce the limit. Elytra are "expensive" to craft, so why not do the same thing with the Shulker shells? I think a good recipe to use would be a mix of purpur blocks and a diamond block, perhaps in this configuration:

P=prupur block, D=Diamond Block, X=Nothing​

    • Still requires survival to use. If you can't place the blocks in Regalia, players would still have to go to the survival worlds to utilize it. Placing it in the wilds is asking for somebody to sneak up and steal it. So players would still benefit from utilizing a faction to use as protection from theft.
    • On the topic of factions. I still think it would be beneficial to keep the massive vaults for items, as the backpack still is limited to the items it can store, and I know a lot of factions have more filled chests than the shulker boxes could hold. Also, I think this could help encourage PvP, as players can store pots in each shulker box. all they need to do is color code based on effect, and you have a "quick" way to replenish pots when you run out. It might require people to run and wait 30 secs to open the backpack, but at least you can carry more gear to utilize.
  • Totem of Undying
    • Why not? might give people some more incentive to risk it all and fight. the item would give you an extra life (or more depending on how many you have) so you can continuously fight. There would be less incentive to hide behind a door, since you aren't risking anything from one attempt at defending. (note this is coming from somebody who has never PvPd on the server, so I would be less experienced if I was raided. I'd still defend normally without the totem, but this would help me take some more risks and see if I can push back raiders faster, if I had a base good enough to raid :/)
  • Chat
    • Don't need to go any further. 256 characters is a blessing to emoting and dialogue in RP. keep as is.
  • Shields
    • 100% damage blocking is nice. You can still disable a shield by an axe, so I say the tradeoff is fine. I keep hearing people never use shields since they are annoying view wise, so I don't see this feature impacting much, and keeping it vanilla is fine by me.
  • Iron Nuggets
    • plop an iron ingot in a crafting bench now and you'll see it become gold nuggets. This is probably in place for the iron nuggets when we go to 1.11.2, so nothing more to say about it.
  • Sweeping Edge
    • Eh, sweeping is disabled for PvP already, so this enchantment is kinda useless. Who knows, I'll leave this one up for a PvP discussion in the future. I like it, but that's just me.
  • Fireworks
    • I noticed they do damage now on Massive, probably another failsafe for when we go to 1.11.2. I think the damage could be increased, to allow fireworks to be used as cannons (which is actually pretty light on the redstone)
    • Using them for Elytra flight is fine. People could use punch II before, so no need to remvoe this feature.

So that's everything I have to say. Comment below your take on this.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The curses should both be disabled imo. No reason to deny raiders loot.
The mobs and observer block, whatever, I don't think it really matters one way or another tbh :P
I think that would be absurdly expensive for he shulker shells. I mean, 8 diamond blocks for one single chest is really absurdly expensive for the benefit it gives, imo. Maybe like 2-3 diamonds per shell, rather than a full block. Additionally, it should be disabled during pvp, to prevent the old issue of people just stop hitting to get pacifist and repot from their /bp. Made pvp a lot less fun.

The totem of undying gives you 40 seconds of regen two. That's frankly absurd. It'd be like a nerfed 1.8 gapple, but would still have the same effect. They should be severely nerfed or disabled altogether. Maybe like acting as a health 2 potion and giving no absorption. It should be more than enough that it already saves you from quickdropping.

    • plop an iron ingot in a crafting bench now and you'll see it become gold nuggets. This is probably in place for the iron nuggets when we go to 1.11.2, so nothing more to say about it.
Hope this is a bug, because otherwise rip gold economy...
Edit: nope I'm bad ignore this
@Game @ulumulu1510

Sweeping should stay disabled, so sweeping edge doesn't matter.

Shields will still most likely not be used (which is good, in my opinion).

Fireworks shouldn't get a damage buff. Traps do not need to be buffed.
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Hope this is a bug, because otherwise rip gold economy...
the "gold nuggets" just go back to iron. I tested it when I noticed it. No harm for the economy.

I mean, 8 diamond blocks for one single chest is really absurdly expensive for the benefit it gives, imo. Maybe like 2-3 diamonds per shell, rather than a full block.
The way the diagram is set up it would be 2 diamond blocks total, but I do get your reasoning.
the "gold nuggets" just go back to iron. I tested it when I noticed it. No harm for the economy.

The way the diagram is set up it would be 2 diamond blocks total, but I do get your reasoning.
oh yea I'm stupid. I thought it was shulker shells surrounding the chest, not just above and below. 2 diamond blocks total would be a little more reasonable then.
While it's not a substantial feature, I personally think that if llamas were to be re-skinned as camels in the Massive texture pack somehow it could be a nice touch for some Qadir players whenever the Farah'deen map is released... or if it is.