️‍️neu Halbmond Regiment - Protectors Of House Von Dietrich ️‍️


Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
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With the passing of the late Patriarch Supreme Commander, Wilhem von Dietrich the family has pointed Willus von Dietrich to become the overseer, or Supreme Commander and Valtin von Dietrich, and Friedrich von Dietrich both to be under him being his Commanders of the Neu Halbmond Regiment.
Neu Halbmond Regiment is the resurrection of the latest house guard, the Crescent Guard.



Supreme Commander over Neu Halbmond Regiment - Willus von Dietrich @Nano_Kay

Commander of Beschützer von Dietrich - Friedrich von Dietrich @JcRED

Commander of Militär von Dietrich - Valtin von Dietrich @Testation

Neu Halbmond Lieutenants - Empty

Neu Halbmond Captains - Empty

Neu Halbmond Officers- Empty


The Neu Halbmond Regiment are both a high militaristic
Security Force, and Service, and are also most known for keeping as House Guards under House von Dietrich.
The Neu Halbmond Regiment has a total of three sections to choose from when serving under House von Dietrich. There will be a cap of 4 guards per Section.
Section #1: Beschützer von Dietrich
Section #2: Augen von Dietrich
Section #3: Militär von Dietrich

Section #1: Beschützer von Dietrich - Men and Women whose knowledge comes from a skilled combat scene, an example for someone with said knowledge would be anything ranging from Blunt combat, to Blade Combat.
The armour within this section is of chainmail.
They have the right to have a non-military grade weapon, and heater shield on them /on/ duty.
The requirements are simple,
All male who wish to join must have 10 prof in any combat and female have 15.
Any race accepted, though no Kathar.

Ranks within the Beschützer von Dietrich
Kommandant von Beschützer - Commander
The Commander of the Beschützer plays a very important role in keeping their men in line, not only do they hold rein over their whole Section, they report directly to the Supreme Commander too. They have the right to demote, and promote anyone within the Section - Friedrich von Dietrich @JcRED

Guardsmen von Beschützer - House Guard
This role is the basic ground of what makes the Beschützer what they are, without these brave men it would be nothing.


Section #2: Augen von Dietrich - Men or women whose have keen sense of perception, and
athleticism. These few are the sneaker, more spyish characters who deal with keeping and eye out for those who approach any member of the Dietrich family.
This Section was made after the death, and murder of Wilhelm von Dietrich, a great Baron who sacrificed his life for his family. In memory of him, Valtin made this Section for his brother, and to ensure that nothing like that would ever happen to his family again.
The Augen doesn't have armor, but clothing with leather parts added, to keep their mobility high.
They have the right to have a non-military grade weapon on them /on/ duty.
All male who wish to join must have 10 prof in any combat, 5 in perception or Athletic Training and female have 15, or 10 in perception or Athletic Training.
Any race accepted, though no Kathar.

Current rankings within the Augen.
This Section is an elite select few, whose not only shown their loyalty to House von Dietrich, but has the sharpest of reactions and swiftest of feet.
They for a Section do not have any hierarchy but do report to the Supreme Commander.
Birc Al-Ali - @Aurelian30k


Section #3: Militär von Dietrich - This section is a high ranking Section that only a very select group of people enter, this Section is made up of a majority of Ailor males with military background. Not only are these men highly trained in combat, but they also know how to take orders, the Commander in charge is Valtin von Dietrich.
There armor comes in the colors of House von Dietrich, and are half-plated.
They have the right to have a non-military grade weapon, and heater shield on them /on/ duty.
The requirements are simple,
All male who wish to join must have 10 prof in any combat and female have 15.
Any race accepted, though no Kathar.
For this Section, any Character applying must have served in the Regalian Military.
Ailor, Male, or a Knight in most schools.


(Commander Valtin von Dietrich dawning the Militär armor proudly.)

Ranks within the Militär von Dietrich

Kommandant von Militär - Valtin von Dietrich @Testation

Guardsmen von Militär - House Guard

Join the Neu Halbmond Regiment today!

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IC Letter to Supreme Commander over Neu Halbmond Regiment, Willus von Dietrich:​
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