【 Bjørn Haagenvig - The Bear 】

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Gochnipunchni, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. Gochnipunchni

    Gochnipunchni Pocket Princess

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Full Name: Asbjorn "Bjørn" Hjalmarsson Haagenvig
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Race: Pure Ol' Velheim Ailor
    Sexuality: Bi With A Preference For Men
    Preferred Weapon: Dane Axe or Knuckles

    Inventory Information
    One large Dane Axe, named "Skofnung"
    A small bundle of hay and herbs for Hildagard

    Seeds for the various birds he takes care of
    A small Oldt Fayth charm that has the name "Menskyr" engraved into it



    Total Points: 27 + 10 Hobby Points
    Anima Care ~ 10
    Axes ~ 12
    Unarmed ~ 5
    Dancing (Hobby) ~ 10

    Body Shape
    Physical Stat ~ 22
    Body Shape ~ Strongman
    Body Fat ~ Built

    Skodje (From Childhood)
    Common (From Childhood, with Accent)

    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

    Ursine Strength - Is far stronger, capable of lifting or knocking aside trees or boulders (but not throwing them)
    Ursine Hibernation - Can heal from any non-dismemberment injury over the course of a 6 hour sleep
    Black Steel Claws - Etched with blue pagan glyphs, capable of tearing through up to chain mail armor
    Solitary Hunter - Able to get a +5 physical stat bonus for every enemy he's fighting if it's beyond one, caps out at 20




    Eye Color: Dark Grey
    Hair Color: Fiery Red
    Hair Style: Worn Long And Shaggy
    Skin Color: Pale
    Clothing: Canvas Pants, Avoids Wearing A Shirt Wherever Possible
    Height: 6'4




    Option Two: The Core List
    Choose your Character Alignment: C
    haotic Neutral - Bjorn believes in personal freedom over all else. He lives for his culture, and he will not conform to any other society. He is unabashedly who he is, and the most he'd ever change about himself for the sake of expectations would be to clean up and wear a shirt every now and then. The only people who might have a say over his fierce individualism is his family, who can sway him.

    Choose your Character Personality Type: ENFJ-A (The Protagonist) - Bjorn is a glacier of emotions, slow to act, but impossible to stop once you get him going. He has a natural force of personality to him, which he is unafraid of using for the sake of intimidation or otherwise pushing his opinions.

    Choose your Character's Religion: Oldt Fayth (7/10) - Bjorn hails from the deep reaches of Drixagh. He comes from old Velheimer blood, and it becomes obvious in the way he worships his gods, with blood and sacrifice. His faith is based on deep familial ties, as well as an innate need to find meaning behind the death of his brother in arms



    ~ Childhood ~

    jorn was born in one of the coastal Haagenvig towns of Drixagh in 286 AC. As a child, he was painfully shy, preferring to spend his time off in the woods playing with the various animals that were a constant feature of the landscape. By the age of seven he had trained his first bird, a small messenger pigeon who he named Hamingja (meaning Lucky.) His sister Aela was the far more boisterous of the two, taking up her time with wrestling, carving, and playing with the other village children. But somehow, Bjorn and Aela never separated. They were two sides of the same coin, Bjorn being a more introverted recluse and Aela being an extroverted tomboy, but both loving eachother equally. They promised to never leave each other's side.

    But that all changed when a raid was made on Bjorn's home town of Kopvagr by a rival clan when he was eight years old. He took shelter with Aela in the branches of a tree and watched as his mother, Linette, was cut down. The children were scarred from this incident, but it rocked their father Hjalmar even harder. Hjalmar became more secluded, trying to grapple with his own demons, and eventually sent them away to Skagger lodges, in order for them to both live up to their family name and leave Hjalmar to mourn in peace.

    ~ Teenage Years and the Burning ~

    Bjorn spent 5 years at the Crag, his natural build from his Haagenvig heritage pushing him into the Bjorntass discipline. During this time, his naturally shy personality was burnt away, leaving in its place, a deep-seated, flaming passion that stemmed from his constant loneliness at the lack of his sister by his side. He excelled as a Bjorntass, preferring to drop his axe after disarming his opponent, and bludgeoning them into unconsciousness. His ferocity was immense, and he became known by the nickname "Stoneface" because of the way he simply gritted his teeth and kept hitting, no matter the damage to his body. In the school, he made a deep and lasting friendship with a fellow Bjorntass, Menskyr. They were brothers in arms in the most literal sense, and also romantic partners for a time. They both graduated the school early, due to the brewing political unrest before the Burning of the North began. When he was released from the school, the first thing he did was begin searching for his sister, Aela. He traveled across the face of Drixagh, desperately hunting for his grounding anchor that had made him feel at home as a child.

    A few months later, the Burning of the North began. Bjorn fought on the front lines, being deployed to the south of Drixagh at only 19 years old. Step after step, he watched as his beautiful culture was disgraced, his people cut down, and their fields destroyed. It was worse than any Velheim raid, it was genocide. Piece by piece, he was pushed back, as each individual group of Skaggers were decimated by the southerner onslaught. Eventually, one day, he was travelling to the next village he had been ordered to protect, nothing on his back but a small bundle of food, tinder, and his Dane Axe, when he came across a horrible sight. A whole grove of ancient, gnarled trees that were sacred to the Old Faith, and on each one of them hung five, ten, sometimes even fifteen men. Suspended by thick black cords around their throats, hanging like great vile fruit. And in the center of the grove, nailed to the tallest tree Bjorn had ever seen, was Menskyr. Bjorn was never the same after that moment. He laid down at the roots of that tree and wept for hours, days. He used up his small amount of food and drank water from the snowmelt, standing vigil over his lost brother in arms's tree.

    ~ Infection ~

    On the seventh day of his vigil, delirious from lack of sleep and starvation, an apparition appeared to him. A tall, bear-skin wearing man, with a thick beard that reached his knees. The apparition said that it was Bjarkan, the Oldt Fayth deity of spring and rebirth, and it pulled Bjorn to his feet and lead him deeper into the forest until they came across a small pool of water. There, the man who called himself Bjarkan pressed his hand into Bjorn's chest, and ripped out a piece of the already ailing Bjorn's soul essence, causing Bjorn to pass out.

    When he awoke, he was laying beside the small pool of water, aching. But deep inside him, something had awakened. A raging beast, different from the one awakened during his skagger training. And he somehow felt.. Complete. As though Menskyr now lived inside him. As though he was a man with two sets of emotions, one civilized, peaceful, and controlled, and one.. a troubled wartime spirit of vengeance. He then stood up, and embraced this newfound font of power for what he thought it to be. A blessing from the Old Gods. He stood up then, and for the first time, ran with freedom instead of fear.

    ~ Return ~

    e made his way back to the family, reuniting with Hjalmar after six long years after emerging from a blizzard during a cold winter night. He had been.. Changed. In more ways than one from both his training and from the war. After then, the only thing he took real comfort in was the husbandry of animals or the hot hearth of family. He began spending longer times in the woods, practicing falconry and whittling by firelight. But all that darkness inside him ceased being just so dark, as three years after the Burning, a small Sihai circus came through the Rikeland, where Bjorn had gone on a journey to, in order to see the effects of imperial rule over Northern lands. The circus carried a menagerie of animals, from lions, to Capuchinis, but what caught Bjorn's eye, was a baby Three Tusk Tuverophant, which Bjorn promptly spent a good portion of the money he had earned from the war on. He named it Hildagard, and together, Bjorn began his healing process. Eventually, he even followed the rest of the Haagenvig family to Regalia, trailing after his father, not wanting to lose him again. And that's where we begin our story, with Bjorn still trying to reconcile his grief from the Burning in his old opponent's city.
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
    #1 Gochnipunchni, Apr 6, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  2. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hello! I've claimed this for aspirant review. Expect it shortly!
  3. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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