Crafts Guild ❇ Wise Words Book Club ❇


Snek Intensifies
May 18, 2016
Reaction score



The Wise Words Book Club was founded by Lihr Eric Daevaar in hopes to have a fresh scene to be able to meet new people with similar interests and to expand his literary horizons. Critical thinking has declined in recent years so in time but this club aims to put an end to that, and to revive the scholarly life of the city.

Anyone of fine legal standing may attend meetings or write in to become a full member. Nothing will be denied from those who are enthusiastic about celebrating the writings of our fine citizens, but also the arts from abroad.

Meetings are held once a month and members take turns selecting a book. The club may then read the chosen book in their own time and discuss it in the next meeting. No member is required to finish the entire book. We all have our own speed of reading and life can get in the way, so there is no pressure placed on anyone's ability.

Meetings may increase or decrease in frequency depending on success of meetings and whether or not one month is too long to complete the books chosen.

While this is a relaxed environment, commoners are still expected to show respect and address any members of the aristocracy by their titles.


Application Form

Character Name:
Criminal Record?:
Allowed in City Proper?:
Letter to Lihr Daevaar:
Tag: @Ghirko


OOC Info

Hi! What is this? Literally just a book club. I wanted an excuse to read more books as well as find more that I can enjoy, so I asked others if they would be interested in this as an idea. It seemed rather popular of a concept so here we are. It's all very relaxed and just meant to be a nice casual social. For now we'll be hosting the meetings at /tp Scholar Academy upstairs. There's a nice big seating area there.​
IGN: cosmoons
Character Name: Aaro Abansaddi
Criminal Record?: Nada
Allowed in City Proper?: Yep
Letter to Lirh Daevaar:
"To the Lirh Daevaar,
I wish to join your new book club. As you likely know, I am a poet and artist of sorts, and a nobleman dedicated to his craft who I'm sure will be an excellent fit to your literary experiment. I hope to hear from you soon, may the Sky Master's winds guide you.
His Lordship, Baron Aaro A. Abansaddi of Pol Shubat."
Discord: cosmonaut#1670
Tag: @Ghirko

To the Baron Abansaddi,
It would be my upmost pleasure to have you join our small but growing group. I have included a package of any resources you may require, and look forwards to seeing you at our first meet up.

May the Everwatcher guide you,
Lirh Eric Daevaar

I'll shoot you a disc invite =D
IGN: TeaRoses
Character Name: Wisteria Floretsonata
Criminal Record?: None
Allowed in City Proper?: Yes
Letter to Lihr Daevaar:

"Dear Lirh Daevaar,
word has spread in Floral Court of your newly formed book club.
I take this opportunity to formally write my enthusiasm to join as I have a deep appreciation for literature and find myself reading more often than not.
Simply I just enjoy a good story,

Yours respectfully,
Wisteria Floretsonata"

Discord: T E A#0001
Tag: @Ghirko