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❅ A Formal Call-out On A Traitor And A Liar ❅

play an isldar.

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lol die
Apr 19, 2016
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•❅───※ ❅·❆·❅ ※───❅•
[ Planted upon boards and walls around the city- both new and old town; A denouncement from three of the five Isldarrin Pillars. ]
•❅───※ ❅·❆·❅ ※───❅•

It's come to my attention that there is a duo which, after much consideration, deserves to be cast out from their kin. One Covas and Sivna Sinalah- as well as a few others whom they associate with- have gone a few steps too far in the past few weeks- past few months. Repeated offenses, and ignorance to acknowledge the dozens of warnings they've been given, has led me and my colleagues to lack any other option than to turn our backs to them with one, final, public farewell before they are disregarded by the rest of their kind entirely.

The crimes and repeated offenses of the Isldar by the name of Covas are as follows;

  • Kidnapping the child, Avrus, from the safety of his mother, Bethalie.
    • Such drastic measures were taken on false accusations, and he lacked valid reasoning to rob the child of one of their parental figures. Covas displayed blatant mental instability, and should not be trusted with Avrus under any circumstances.
  • Neglecting his child and wife, Avrus and Bethalie.
    • Bethalie suffered various accounts of harassment and assault from Covas' ex, Maxine, or Manaxi in some accounts. Covas repeatedly failed to address such an issue, letting Bethalie suffer, and never truly attempting to stop Maxine from harming her or their unborn child.
    • The assaults went so far, that Maxine eventually robbed Bethalie of her eye, and several of her fingers. Despite repeatedly attempting to convince Covas to bring Regalian law enforcement into the picture, he refused to; it is suspected this is because he was defending Maxine.
  • Lying to higher-ups, guards, and kin.
    • Covas had left Bethalie under claims that changed each and every time he was asked for the reason of the breakup; first claiming she was a criminal, then stating she was insane, then that she was hurting their child, then that she didn't understand him; the list goes on. After some further investigation, these accusations were found to be false. Their child was completely fine, and Bethalie never once committed a crime, or associated with criminals.
    • Despite the discovery of his lies, he stood by them, and didn't budge- even when Regalian law enforcements were brought into the picture.
  • Associating with Criminals.
    • It was soon thereafter discovered Covas was associating and "attempting to redeem" the traitor, Sivna, an Isldar-turned Manathar-turned Isldar who has an extensive history of gang activity, and traitorous behavior.
  • Defending a Werebeast.
    • It was discovered by Taendross, who is skilled in knowing the difference between an allegedly blind man and an afflicted man, that Sivna was in fact a Werebeast. Sivna lied to us claiming he was blind, and after further investigation, Taendross discovered his eyes were not glazed over as a blind man's should be. They were silver, rather than milky; Despite this discovery, Covas defended Sivna all the same, claiming "he could change for the better."
    • It is presumed they were and still are having intimate relations, which would explain Covas' persistence in helping Sivna. This educated guess was made on the grounds that Sivna and Covas have courted in the past, before Bethalie and Covas were together.

The crimes and repeated offenses of the Isldar by the name of Sivna Sinalah are as follows;

  • Betraying his race.
    • Sivna claimed, during his time as a Manathar, and even after his time as a Manathar, that he was not an Isldar, going so far as to threaten and belittle the race; only to, strangely enough, come crawling back a week later.
    • It was discovered he was cast out by the Manathar society just as he has been cast out from Isldar society.
    • Sivna broke several codes of Isldar Society, including, but not limited to, a sacred code of privacy, which resulted in Isldar briefly being hunted all over again. The very fact that he crossed that line is a sign alone that he is, by absolutely zero means, an Isldar. How his hair is white and not black or blonde, when he clearly knows nothing of our race is beyond even the most well-versed on Isldar religion.
    • Dye, perhaps.
  • Unfitting, disrespectful behavior.
    • Sivna has displayed accounts of childish and rude behavior, snapping and going wild when he doesn't get his way; referring to those around him with foul, ludicrous language and threatening anyone who tells him to knock it off and act like an adult.
  • Werebeastism.
    • For a time, Sivna claimed to be blind. After further investigation, it was discovered by Taendross that he, in fact, was not blind. His eyes were not milky, they were silver. After such a fact was discovered, however, he mysteriously got his sight back, claiming someone healed his eyes to explain why they were blue again. How he thought this plan would work is beyond me.
  • Working with Werebeasts.
    • Sivna did, and still might be, associating with Werebeasts. Not so long ago, he was caught by a bug-like beast, and when we trailed behind, it was discovered he was being defended by the beast, as I was stabbed when I lead the way to find them. We escaped, and it was later confirmed by Taendross that the man-like creature that stabbed me was a Werebeast.
  • An extensive criminal history.
    • Sivna has been arrested or investigated by Regalian law enforcement many times, and he never seems to learn his lesson. That alone is a sign that he is not to be trusted, and may very well continue to ruin the reputation of Isldar in Regalia in the future if we don't cast him out now. Not to mention his association with various traitors, underground or otherwise.
  • Assault.
    • Sivna, due to his short temper, is known to blow up and assault, either physically or verbally, those around him.
  • Kidnapping the child, Avrus, from the safety of his mother, Bethalie.
    • Sivna kept Bethalie's child after Covas was caught, having been hiding with Covas at the time. Thus, he played a role in the kidnap of Bethalie's child; a shocking factor. Who would let a Werebeast come near a child, after all? They're dangerous.
  • Past criminal activity is being taken into consideration.
    • This is not the first time Sivna had been denounced. We've had to do this once before, this is the second time we have brought Sivna's crimes to the public eye for discussion, which is only further reasoning for us to put our foot down. Again.

All these factors laid on the table, it is without further ado that we've decided, not only to officially remove them from our society, back home in Ellador or otherwise; but we've decided to entirely cast out and shun them. Any Isldar that chooses to work with them will be considered just as much a traitor as Sivna and Covas are, and we will not be making exceptions. These two have extensive, and repetitively traitorous histories, as I've mentioned several times throughout this notice. They aren't to be trusted, and although they may continue their lives normally, they will not be welcomed into our community of Isldar again. We will not tolerate those who indulge in the same illegal lifestyle that Siora lived in. Clearly, these two never learned from the Refuge's mistakes; For all we know, they still associate with what remains of the Refuge.

Whatever the case, let one thing be clear to the duo which will presumably read this notice; Sivna, Covas, you have been cast out. Your apologies will not be accepted anymore, as they are clearly nothing more than empty promises. There's no one to thank but yourselves, and each other, for the position you two have put yourselves in. And Covas, consider yourself disowned. Your surname will no longer be Shainvrel, and it is demanded you return to the surname you had before we so kindly opened our arms to you. You betrayed our trust, went against our wishes repeatedly, and have began associating with the likes of traitors; and for that, you aren't trustworthy, or worthy at all, of the name you were so kindly granted. Return to that horrible father of yours, I'm certain he'd love to see what you've done for yourself.

Let this be a lesson to those who still follow the customs of the long-dead Refuge.

Tiray Virjeon, From the Pillar of the Lands
Lathai, Lessay of The Frozen Court
Tae'droses'lsa Shainvrel, Elder of the Frozen Court

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Thëodine noticed the flyer and decided to read it with little more than a passing curiosity. As he read the accounts involving Bethalie however, his face dropped, his hand moving to cover his face as he read.
"Oh no.. poor Beth.."
Impish cackling echoed out from the Crookback Keep, the head of the Castaways reading over the latter part of the formal call-out post multiple times before cutting it out and sticking it in his desk.
"Hehe.. Good times."