The Regalian Consortium is an interest guild begun in early 309 by Duchess Haeddi van Hal with the purpose of encouraging small Regalian businesses to open and further their functions within the city. Throughout the industrial and economic rise and fall of Regalia, there are various businesses within the community that often find themselves falling below the line due to inadequate knowledge or lack of assistance, and as such this organization is created with the purpose of ending that struggle. Crafted on the intentions of providing financial aid, professional advice, and paperwork assistance, the Duchess invites all business owners to reach out and join The Consortium, even if they already have steady ownership, if only to get to know their fellow business owners of the community.
- The Basics:
- Semimonthly meetings will occur within various Regalian businesses, with the intentions of socialization and upkeeping public relationships throughout various organizations.
- Any requests for financial aid will be reviewed, providing it with trustworthy reasoning.
- Any questions and inquiries for advice will be provided via a face-to-face meeting or letter, depending on the questioner's preference.
- Business-related events are open for discussion and will likely be hosted in the future!
- Businesses of The Consortium:
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