❁ House Elsnaire ❁


Thank you! And goodnight.
Mar 29, 2015
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I bet you'd like to know.


Family Overview

House Elsnaire is an Isldarian family that prospers within the confines of Regalia by owning several mines about Aloria and selling the minerals to the merchant's around the Regalian Archipelago. Though in more recent years the 'Frostlings' have said to be delving deep into the more criminal aspects of society to secure their families future and wealth whilst giving back to Ellador, and Isldarian villages whenever possible.

House Culture: Isldarian with Regalian influences.
House Wealth: Sizable Wealth.
House Sigil: Frosthorn surrounding Isldar children.
House Colors: Cyan and white.
House Religion: Mixed (Isldar-Dragon worship | Unionism).
House Trade: Mineral export and trade.
Hidden Trade: Developing weapons, and narcotics for the lower class.

*NOTICE: Only SOME the family members know of the criminal aspects of the family*
Though all of the family can find out ICly somehow.


Recent Family History

Jothii Elsnaire followed the steps as any Isldar, he listened to the Dragon Priests, and thrived by selling minerals and Isldarian cloth to other Ellador villages, but was highly regarded for having a 'leader' like mentality which sent most tribes-people looking to him for advice, work, or anything worth sharing. This caused him to be called in by the local Dragon Priest who advised him to create a name for his family, and Isldars as a whole within Regalian confines. The sailing was lengthy and hard, but the Elsnaire family landed on the Crown City docks in the year 188 A.C, selling Isldarian, and other minerals found all over Aloria to local Regalian merchants who paid them generously for. Jothii held his respect, and wealth throughout his long years of living, not disappointing his village by any means, and letting his family live in wealth. Though, one-afternoon Jothii was slaughtered by strict Unionist sympathizers on the streets, leaving his eldest son Sornius to lead the family after his tragic death. Sornius was regarded for silver-tongue, and ability to defuse confusing, and otherwise heated situations- but the young man was also very involved with Regalia as a whole and seen as a well-liked person unlike his father, but still carried his beliefs of the Frostweaver which is left to be disputed. As of recent years, Sornius has been making attempts to try and help Ellador in times of need and providing whatever services he can to his homeland whilst remaining in Regalia to look after his affairs and delve into the criminal world to secure wealth and safety for his family.


Family Traits

Males of House Elsnaire have all the essential traits including an angular face and particularly abnormal height. Furthermore, to differentiate themselves usually the males of the family have different hairstyles from one another- this is seen by shaving certain parts of their head, or even braiding their hair in some situations. House Elsnaire isn't a predominantly made up of warriors and physically-able beings, but in recent times the generations have since applied themselves to schools like Turall and Darkmark to suit their fast-paced build. Mentally, the males of the house are more confident and daring than the usual Isldar, considering their families rising wealth and upbringing around Ailor and other human-like races with similar attributes.


Females of House Elsnaire are similar to the males in regard to their physical features, but most women within the family are seen as more elegant, and even prized for their stunning voice, and even more so due to the history of Dragon Priests within the regard of religious-ties with the Frostweaver- even though there couldn't possibly be any within the Elsnaire family they are still cared for, and protected more than the average male. Physically, females within the family are slightly smaller than the males, but not by much considering the overbearing heights of the Isldar race as a whole. Furthermore, mentally most girls of the house find themselves annoyed, and oftentimes having internal family fights with most of the Elsnaire men, and even sometimes the women as well due to jealousy, or even need to feel independent for once, but this is never shown outside of the family


Family Tree

This family is pretty easy to get into if I'm familiar with your roleplay, but please only apply if you intend on playing your Elsnaire either as a main of dedicating at least 50% of your time to this character. If you're rejected I will always list a reason and you're free to apply in a one-month timespan after said rejection.


Eldest Generation
Jothii Elsnaire - (156): The deceased ex-Patriarch who was known for bringing the Elsnaire family into the Regalian spotlight. This character is highly regarded by most members of the family and sent a standard of leadership and a sense of true connection between the house as a whole.

Marithal Elsnaire - (167): Marithal is the widowed wife to Jothii, and will most likely never find love in her life, though has since retired back to Ellador in the families home village of Esksith to help as much as the elder-Isldar can within her years left.


Mainline Family
Sornius Elsnaire - (67) @WrongChat : The current Patriarch of House Elsnaire is said to hold the same kind-nature as his father, Jothii did, but since the passing of his father Sornius has undergone a noticeable change in his demeanor- turning him more cold-hearted. That being said, the family highly-respects Sornius for always being close with familial matters and keeping up with business as a whole.

Talmar Elsnaire - (36): The eldest of Sornius and sharing some of his father's light-hearted qualities, and seen as a true family man. That being said Talmar goes out of his way to invest himself into both family businesses, and attempts to hold himself in the same respect as Sornius. The family adores Talmar as much as they do Sornius, maybe even more so considering his lax nature. Though, the boy still struggles to hold necessary secrets from his family.

Malik Elsnaire - (26): Malik is the youngest of the main generation, though not exactly holding to the same qualities as his father, or eldest brother. Malik is a Frostweaver loyalist by heart and believes we are betraying the faith by staying in Regalia, at the same time Malik resides a special place for family within his heart which makes him ride-along with the rest of his house. This isn't to say Malik hates his father, but he can't stand to talk about Religion or business around the man for the sake of his own beliefs. Malik is a trained Darkmark and seeking work.


Extended Family
Gaelitk Elsnaire - (154): The eldest that resides within the walls of Regalia- Gaelitk has been through a lot in his over a decade of living. The family takes the liking towards the elder for his endless advice, and close relationship with Sornius, and deceased brother Jothii- leaving him to be the remaining few that Sornius comes to with his guard down. Gaelitk is a respectable man but has no care for pleasantries and over the years has become a Fallen Isldar, dropping his faith entirely which is something of interest to the family.

Taylam Elsnaire - (148): Gaelitk's lover, and probably the very few who can back him up in his stories and tell the family that her partner tells of truth. Though their relationship isn't any normal one as they often fight back and forth, Taylam is more of the aggressor- babbling about how Gaelitk has lost his charm or wit, but still remains with him due to her never-ending love for the man.

Breoth Elsnaire - (58): Also a Isldar of Fallen-nature, Breoth follows suit after Gaelitk and presues a more battle-hardened life, but also attempts to connect with Sorrinus, and Talmar more as she grows. Breoth has always been more well-tempered then most of the family, residing to her thoughts more often then not.

Cronius Elsnaire - (43): The most trusted out of the extended branch of the family, he is knowledgeable about family affairs, he is well-acquainted with reading common and literature as a whole which is why he is so close to Sornius- he is mainly a scribe to the man, but also holds some influence in his decisions.

*NOTICE: Write-ins are appreciated and accepted, but only if they make sense and add something to the family niche as a whole*


Family Rules

Every family has their own obligations and required 'terms and conditions' that gives players guidelines because without it we'd all be an absolute mess. So, here are House Elsnaire's rules, if not followed there will be several warnings leading up to an eventual termination of the player and family character to be replaced.

  1. No toxic-like behavior OOC, I understand the simple joke every now and then, but in extreme cases, this leads to a list of bannable offenses, and will hurt the family as a whole, please do not add in or create a toxic environment.
  2. Keep your character played if you need help with anything I am (almost) always available to talk- and if you really know you can't play one of my fancy Isldars, please don't apply. For my sake.
  3. This is my family. I will do what is necessary to keep it from capsizing and if that means getting rid, killing off, or changing the initial goal of the character- I will do it. Though, I will always give you my reasoning, and tell you beforehand of said changes.
  4. Please have fun, I do try and provide as much roleplay as I can, but sometimes I can't, so create something for yourself- and do what you'd like as long as I agree to it you're fine.


Family or Staff applications are currently OPEN so have at it, and I hope to see you apply! Really... apply. Now.


Family Application:

Character applying for:
Roleplay Character Applications:
Aristocrat Experience:
Roleplay strength:
Roleplay weakness:
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Can you comply with our activity limitations?:
Reason for applying:


Staff Application:

Character applying:
Job applying for ( Servant, footman, steward, scribe):
Any past staff roleplay experience?:
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Reason for applying:


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Staff Overview

Staff Applications are Open

Staff have always been within the family since the beginning rise of House Elsnaire's wealth, they are seen and represented as a sort of 'extended family' by nature, meaning that most who apply themselves to the house are given great respect- and even allowed in on familiar matters at times.
House Steward: The Steward is a man who controls's the staff under the Patriarch, whilst also taking direct orders from Sornius and the mainline family only. The extended family is gifted their own Steward for their matters, which are considered somewhat separate from the mainline. This position is also gifted additional rights to their own room, and able to have a response and influence the most personal of familial matters.

Extended Family Steward: The Extended Family Steward listens primarily to the cousins of the mainline, under Gaelitk, but they also will stand down at the presence of Sornius as he has ultimate control over the family. Acting against Sornius will either be treason against the Elsnaire name and you will be punished, or overall a simple termination depending on the severity of the case. This position is also gifted additional rights to their own room, and able to have a response and influence the most personal of familial matters.
House Scribe: The House Scribe works under Cronius Elsnaire, the head of the literature staff within the family. They are made up of literature workers who can craft letters and documents whenever told and is one of the most high-paid works within the family. (Letters will always be written by the players under this job, as that's what they are meant for- to be able to craft a good-looking letter or whatever else if you want this!)
House Bruiser: The House Bruiser acts as the middlemen when it comes to the hidden-dealings within the family. They aren't allowed to speak with any of the house members except the ones they are assigned to and the majority are either exceptional spies or ruthless fighters. This work is highly paid and requires a certain amount of loyalty to be accepted into the 'brotherhood' of sorts. Though, if found out speaking to anyone, or ratting the family out usually wild and horrifying punishments come to those who are closest to the victim. This work gains access to a special location, and safehouse.

House Servant: Those who stand by at the families word and act on their behalf, the Servant's make up most of the staff of the house, which the family as a whole usually ends up getting attached to. The House Servant is expected to do whatever the family says in regards to cleaning, cooking, or even advising to a certain extent. Though, most of the servants are stationary as exceptional family-friends.

House Footman: Usually the runners of the family, delivering letters and anything else when needed, and without a question. The footmen are one of the lowest paid jobs out of all of them, but the money comes fairly fast. Plus, they get special treatment from the family on certain occasions due to how underpaid they are, this includes favors and whatever else.


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If I wasn't such a wreck I'd apply for this. Honestly this is beautiful <3
Character applying for: Talmar Elsnaire, or whatever you think I could play as, honestly.

References: Does being a Trustee help?

Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience: Lots of roleplay as a guard for noblemen, as well as a short run as a patriarch for a noble family before the system change.

Activity: 2-3 hours a day

Roleplay strength: Descriptive emoting.

Roleplay weakness: Idle Social roleplay, It just gets so boring man.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Nope.

Can you comply with our activity limitations?: Yup.

Reason for applying: I love the Isldar race (as shown by my oldest and most played character being one), but I'm not too fond of the way many of them just seem to act like outcasts for no reason. The concept of an aristocrat Isldar family with some shady dealings on the side really intrigue me, and I'd love to have a hand in playing one of them. I also wanted to get into more different types of roleplay, and would like to, if you permit it, play a Silven mage within the family as I think that would serve as an interesting detail to Talmar, that would provide him with some outward conflict to strengthen his resolve.
Character applying for: Talmar Elsnaire, or whatever you think I could play as, honestly.

References: Does being a Trustee help?

Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience: Lots of roleplay as a guard for noblemen, as well as a short run as a patriarch for a noble family before the system change.

Activity: 2-3 hours a day

Roleplay strength: Descriptive emoting.

Roleplay weakness: Idle Social roleplay, It just gets so boring man.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Nope.

Can you comply with our activity limitations?: Yup.

Reason for applying: I love the Isldar race (as shown by my oldest and most played character being one), but I'm not too fond of the way many of them just seem to act like outcasts for no reason. The concept of an aristocrat Isldar family with some shady dealings on the side really intrigue me, and I'd love to have a hand in playing one of them. I also wanted to get into more different types of roleplay, and would like to, if you permit it, play a Silven mage within the family as I think that would serve as an interesting detail to Talmar, that would provide him with some outward conflict to strengthen his resolve.
Accepted for a two-week trial!
Character applying for: Taylam Elsnaire
Roleplay Character Applications: Yezzoliss Es-Gezza / Aji Kairbaba
Aristocrat Experience: Es-Allar and de Santigo
Activity: 6/10
Roleplay strength: Character Development
Roleplay weakness: CRP
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: None
Can you comply with our activity limitations?: Yes
Reason for applying: Honestly, really digging this family aesthetic and vibe. I have been looking for a second character and think this is the perfect opportunity. Besides, I haven't played an Isldar yet.

Character applying for: Cronius Elsnaire

References: @AtticCat @BeashSlap @SnashuuPomaymay
Those are the major ones.

Roleplay Character Applications: Alban / Fred

Aristocrat Experience: House Winslough, Heinrich

Activity: Summer. A lot.

Roleplay strength: I'm more or less a master of none. If I had to pinpoint, politics.

Roleplay weakness: Loss of interest

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Nein.

Can you comply with our activity limitations?: Yeah. I won't be shelving Alban, for other peoples sake.

Reason for applying: I adore Isldar lore, think this could also help me out of 'meme-y' cliques. It could also help me with trustee, but, that's a side-reason. Haven't had an Isldar in a while either, think it would be a refresher.

As a side note, relating to the staff role of 'scribe,' I can make a pretty damning letter.
Character applying for: Taylam Elsnaire
Roleplay Character Applications: Yezzoliss Es-Gezza / Aji Kairbaba
Aristocrat Experience: Es-Allar and de Santigo
Activity: 6/10
Roleplay strength: Character Development
Roleplay weakness: CRP
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: None
Can you comply with our activity limitations?: Yes
Reason for applying: Honestly, really digging this family aesthetic and vibe. I have been looking for a second character and think this is the perfect opportunity. Besides, I haven't played an Isldar yet.

Character applying for: Cronius Elsnaire

References: @AtticCat @BeashSlap @SnashuuPomaymay
Those are the major ones.

Roleplay Character Applications: Alban / Fred

Aristocrat Experience: House Winslough, Heinrich

Activity: Summer. A lot.

Roleplay strength: I'm more or less a master of none. If I had to pinpoint, politics.

Roleplay weakness: Loss of interest

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Nein.

Can you comply with our activity limitations?: Yeah. I won't be shelving Alban, for other peoples sake.

Reason for applying: I adore Isldar lore, think this could also help me out of 'meme-y' cliques. It could also help me with trustee, but, that's a side-reason. Haven't had an Isldar in a while either, think it would be a refresher.

As a side note, relating to the staff role of 'scribe,' I can make a pretty damning letter.
Both accepted for a two-week trial!