House Auction ✿lovely Petalcourt Home!✿


Bestest Bean
Jun 2, 2015
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Have you ever wanted to live amongst the plants and the lovely Yanar of Regalia? Have you ever wanted the tranquility that being surrounded by nature brings? Are just you a big flora nerd that loves gardening? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then do I have a house for you! Located literally to the left of the Yanar Gardens teleport, this house is perfect for any person who just wants peace and quiet. This home boasts three floors full of scenic views and a basement for all your alchemist/healer needs!


The first floor has a small lounge for casual family roleplay, with a staircase that leads to both the upper floors and the basement. There's also a door that leads to the back of the house and onto a little pathway connecting with other houses nearby.




The basement is currently set up for an alchemist or healer, but of course that can be changed!

Returning to the spiral staircase and ascending to the second floor, you'll be met with a little lounging area that has a stunning view of petalcourt. To the side, there is a little kitchen/dining room area, perfect for those cutesy family dinner roleplays!





Walking up the staircase to the third floor, you'll come upon a little hallway at the top. To the right, you'll come across the first of two bedrooms. This room has a beautiful view right next to the bed. Once out of there and straight ahead, you'll be at the master bedroom. Then to the right in that room, there will be the cozy little bathroom.






There we have it! I know that was a lot of information, so to recap. This house has 4 floors total. One basement. Two bedrooms. Two lounges. A dining and kitchen area. One bathroom.

"But, Sheepie!" You might find yourself exclaiming, "How would one go about buying this house from you?"

Well, I'm glad you asked. Down below, you'll find the auction rules.

Auction Rules!!!

Starting Bid: 275 regals
Minimum Increase: 25 regals
Buyout: 500 regals.
Previous Bidder:
Favorite Meme?:

Ends 48 hours after the last bid, so get cracking!

If you wish to take a peek at this home for yourself, the doors will be open.
Last edited:
This is... still open, actually! So if you want to buy it, go ahead!!
Starting bid lowered! Also, if you're the first bidder and you buy it outright, you'll get 50 regals knocked off the buyout price!!!
I just went ahead and released the rent for this. So, it's up for grabs!