✿ Snug's Skins V3 ✿ - Nope


Head pat weeb
Jun 21, 2017
Reaction score
York, UK
Have pmd people regarding this.
Until i have enough time, ill be doing no more skins.​
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References: Here is a random image I found on google for what I want. A white button down, sleeves partially rolled. A vest over it. The back of the vest will be black, though could I get two variants? One with a pink front, one with a blue. Attached is a skin where you may steal the colors from. Normal trousers of a darker color, likely. Dressy shoes. Colors found here.
Budget/Payment: I don't know if this calls for a payment for two complete outfits as its only a color variant, but I am willing to pay such.
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Character Gender: Male

Eye style

: (This'll give you a rough idea for the face and hair, and the general template for the vest is shown in the second picture. The rest of the information on his outfit and whatnot can be found in the character app, particularly in the Visual Information Expansion spoiler.) http://ahdesisto.tumblr.com/image/16928283607

More Details
I want his skin to be light brown and his face clean-shaven, and his hair doesn't have to be quite as poofy and curly as the guy's is in the picture, lol. As for the vest, I want it to be semi-similar to that, but feel free to have some leeway on the specific details if you feel certain changes will make it look better. I don't need it to be a carbon copy at all. I also don't want an undershirt under the vest or anything like that like there is in the picture, as is specified in the character app. Just bare skin. Let me know if you need more details on anything. Also, if the boots and vest were removable, that would be great, but don't do it if it overly complicates things or makes the overall skin look worse.

Willing to pay up to the 35 Regals, or more if needed.
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Just the outfit, please do the best you can with making everything like the picture, except the pale blue cloth hanging in the back.
Budget/Payment: I guess 30 if it's not simple, though if your willing to put the price down I'd be grateful!
Character Gender: Male
Eye style: 3x1
There's his app.
And the outfit I need is a general Reverend-y outfit. So something like this, or this, or this. Though, I just want it to be more reflective of his family colors yeyey. Idk if the colors would be ugly or not, so you can fiddle around with them and have liberty with it.
EDIT: https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Sancella_of_Union This page also has some refs of sorts.
Here's a general face/hair ref.
This is family colors/the eye color.
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100r bb because I love skins. :D
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Character Gender: Male
Eye style: 3x1 (adjust as needed for glasses for whatever works best)

- Shaggy black hair, but short
- Eyes are golden/yellow because he is Ch'ien-ji
- glasses (however you think these would look best because I'm not the skinning expert)
= skin tone is olive


The Shirt:
- the same red as in the picture
- but if you can shade it to look as if there is a fold over in the red shirt like this

The sash:
- changed to a dark blue color
- the stripes are still there of a lighter blue
- the sash has a small section that hangs down over the pants like in the picture above of the "fold-over" example

The pants:
- same as pants in first picture, but black

- are the shoes in the photo below
- black "kung-fu" slippers with the white under them
- as well as the wraps coming up the calf that are brown
More Details: If this is too complex please let me know, (I totally understand) (I'm picky sorrrrrrry :()
Budget/Payment: Because my reference explanation is annoying I'm more than happy to pay a full 40-50 regals
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Request: Not Simple Outfit

I'd prefer actual pictures for ideas for this one. @The_Western_Fox

This is also a place holder for the 3 skins I need to do elsewhere.

If anyone needs a skin quickly, let me know. I'm away this weekend so will try to get as many done today before, and after work as I can.
Character Gender: Full, not simple skin.
Eye style: 3x1
References: Will send in Dm.
More Details: My Discord is @nate#5045
Budget/Payment: 75 Regals
Character Gender: (If full skin.) Reshade
Eye style: (2x1, 3x1, 2x2 no mouth, 2x2 w/mouth. If applicable.) Reshade
References: (Outfit references, colour references. All that sort of stuff.) I'll give you the Lizord Mu-Allar to Reshade over PM if this is accepted
More Details: (Idk what else do you need to tell me.) Lizord green and yellow feathers
Budget/Payment: (If you need to offer something other than regals, this is the place to do it.) 14 regals and lore if that aint enough, I have dupes of about every new lore item out there so
Character Gender: Female
Eye style: 2x2, no mouth.
References: I'll send them over PM.
More Details: PM, again.
Budget/Payment: 45 regals, maybe more.
References: Sending In PM
More Details: this is just an outfit
Budget/Payment: 30?

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References: Just a kimono which will be sent over in Discord.
More Details: Discord.
Budget/Payment: 40+
Eye style: 3x1
References: I'll PM you
More Details: It just needs some works here and there, nothing major
Budget/Payment: I can do 10 Regals and couple keys if need be.
Request: Outfit only (might be complicated if so /mail me in game or contact me on the forums.)
Yes its Bloodborne yes i know. Anyhow - Only need it from the neck down. And preferably without the golden ornaments on the gauntlets.
More Details: The back is plain - Following the same color scheme as the front. The small shoulder thing wraps around fully. The Pocket watch is a detail i would appreciate but isn't required if it happens to cause any trouble with the looks of the skin. Also i only need it from the neck down so the coat, pants, boots, gauntlets etc. No need for the hat or cloth around the mouth. Oh i also have the head of the char - in case you want that to skin to outfit around.
Budget/Payment: Complicated outfit was 35r right? (Just ./mail or contact me if you want to discuss the price as it is a really complicated design.)
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Character Gender: Outfit
Eye style: Outfit
More Details: Alex skin
Budget/Payment: I can offer 15 regals (once I vote) and 3 master swords