✿ House Capecci ✿


Jun 16, 2016
Reaction score
"Chi be vive, ben muore"


Family History
House Capecci was created by Aryannah D'nald and Deigo Prestor. This family was created when the two married. The family is built on wine brewing and selling, as well as brocade weaving. Aryannah started the idea of the family business; Capecci's Brewery. Liannah made this idea come to life after her mother, Aryannah, died. The family owns a Vineyard in Ithania, which is their primary source of ingredients for brewing their unique tasting wines. Currently Arietta Capecci is the Matriarch and head of the family business. After spending most of her life in Ithania she decided to move to Regalia, which was about two years ago.


Countess of La Grasse - Arietta Capecci

  • La Grasse vineyard: This is a vineyard in Ithania in which the family gets their grapes and a few spices for brewing their wines.
  • Regalian City Estate in the Noble District: This is the Estate in which Arietta resides in. It is located in the Noble district.
  • Ithanian District House (effleurlane7): Recently, Arietta decided to purchase a nice house within the new ithanian district.
  • Capecci's Winery (salonrue1): The family business, and where it currently resides.
Basic Information
  • Name: Capecci {Cah-Pessi}
  • Sigil: A Dragon and a Crown
  • Motto: "Chi be vive, ben muore"
  • Colors: Purple and Orange
  • Culture: Champagnard {Ithanian}
  • Values: Wealth, Serenity, and Loyalty
  • Wealth: 8/10
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Business/Trade: Wine production and Brocade weaving.
  • Physical Traits:
    • Hair: Ranges from dark browns to blonds
    • Eyes: Ranges from hazel to light blue
    • Skin: Ranges from pale to lightly tanned
Family Members
{First line}
  • Aryannah Capecci: Created the idea family business. Married Deigo. Gave birth to twins. Deceased.
  • Deigo Capecci: Created the Family name Capecci. Married Aryannah. Deceased.
    • Fernando Capecci: Son of Aryannah and Deigo.
    • Liannah Capecci: Daughter of Ayannah and Deigo.
{Second line}
  • Fernando Capecci: Bought the family's first vineyard. Married Adriana. @H0on {+}
  • Adriana Capecci: Married Fernando. Deceased.
    • Claire Eloi Capecci: Only daughter of Fernando and Adriana. @HelloFroyo {+}
    • Mason Lyle Capecci: Only son of Fernando and Adriana. (17/male/Playable)
  • Liannah Capecci: Bought the idea of the Capecci's Winery business alive. Married Ricardo. Deceased.
  • Ricardo Capecci: Decided to change his last name to Capecci once Liannah and him married. (50/Male/Playable)
    • Arietta Balentino Capecci: First daughter of Liannah and Ricardo. Current Matriarch of House Capecci and owner of Capecci's Winery. Lives in the family estate in Regalia. @HelloFroyo {+}
    • Maria Anett Capecci: Second daughter of Liannah and Ricardo. (18/Female/Playable)
    • Augustin Lance Capecci: Only son of Liannah and Ricardo. (16/Male/Playable)
{Third line}
  • Claire Eloi Capecci:
  • Spouse-tba
    • Children-tba
  • Mason Lyle Capecci:
  • Spouse-tba
    • Children-tba
  • Arietta Balentino Capecci:
  • Spouse-tba
    • Children-tba
  • Maria Anett Capecci:
  • Spouse-tba
    • Children-tba
  • Augustin Lance Capecci:
  • Spouse-tba
    • Children-tba

House Staff
OOC Information
  • I will be strict on picking applicants.
  • A character application is expected within two weeks of completing your trial rp.
  • If you have any other questions please pm me or @HeyoBiggums on here or ig.
  • Please, don't clutter the thread, for we wish to keep it nice and clean.
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What we look for in Recruitment
What we look for are active members, who are willing to spend large amounts of time on their character. Besides activity, and the ability to attend events, we also look for people with knowledge over the English language, and how/what grammar is. We expect proper word usage for the following words: There, Their, They're, To, Too, Two, your, you're, it's and its.

Family Recruitment: Open / Closed
Staff Recruitment: Open / Closed

Family Application​
  • IGN:
  • Skype?:
  • Character you wish to apply for:
  • What will their personality be like? (How will they act around others?):
  • What do they look like?:
  • Rate your roleplay Skills! ( One being an absolute noob. Ten, which is god-like.):
  • Roleplay strengths and weaknesses? (What are you good/bad at roleplaying?):
  • How active are you? (On a scale of 1-10, one being not at all, ten being EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY.):
  • Do you find yourself at one with Regalia's roleplay scene?:
  • How experienced are you at noble roleplay?:
@HelloFroyo @HeyoBiggums

Staff Application​
  • IGN:
  • Skype?:
  • How active are you?:
  • Character name:
  • Character application (Not required, but recommended):
  • Staff position (Maid, Guard, Servant):
  • IC letter to Matriarch:
@HelloFroyo @HeyoBiggums
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IGN: _Capitalx_
  • Character you wish to apply for: Maria Anett Capecci
  • What will their personality be like? (How will they act around others?): Marie is a very kind and helpful woman. She works for a charity, and loves to give her unwanted things to the poor. She can also be a very rude woman, when someone is rude to her. She wants to defend herself when someone insults her. Whens omeone insults her family, she can be very rude. Marie loves her family and is very protective over her siblings. She also can be a control-freak. She loves being impower and bossing people around, mostly her family. She does have many manners, and is very noble. That means that she acts very royal. She can also be very demanding on commoners aswell. She doesn't like when they waste her time.
  • Rate your roleplay Skills! ( One being an absolute noob. Ten, which is god-like.): I would say an 8 because I still learning about lore and stuff and that is a big part of Regalian roleplay. I am currently working on improving my roleplaying step by step so everyday it gets better. I am currently still reading the military lore and I have someone sort of a grasp on it. I am very good at acting like a noble in roleplaying
  • Roleplay strengths? (What are you good at roleplaying?): One of my roleplaying strengths is action chat. I use is wisely and very well. I do not powergame because powergaming is for nubs.
  • Roleplay weaknesses? (What are you not good at roleplaying?): In roleplaying, when more than 1 person talks to me at once it tends to get very confusing, I am working on fixing that though.
  • How active are you? (On a scale of 1-10, one being not at all, ten being EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY.): I would say 9 because I am usually on everyday, but due to homework and school. I like to focus on my education, I think you would understand aswell.
  • Do you find yourself at one with Regalia's roleplay scene?: I would say I have a firm grasp on it. I am still learning the military lore, but all the another topics of lores I understand, because I read the wiki. Wikiholic!
  • How experienced are you at noble roleplay?: I have been in 2 noble familes, Moreau and Rosendahl. I quit Rosendhal and I am still in Moreau. I know can handle 2 noble families.
After stating such things through pm, we have decided to REJECT your application. Feel free to re-apply in a month. If you wish to re-apply, you are to have five people vouching for your roleplay (As stated in pm). If you do re-apply, and not get people to vouch, you will automatically be rejected, once again. That said, I suggest you re-apply for the Rosendahl family, since you already were a Rosendahl.
  • IGN: H0on
  • Skype?: H0on (same as mc username)
  • Character you wish to apply for: Fernando Capecci
  • What will their personality be like? (How will they act around others?): Fernando is a grumpy and stubborn person. Though he seems really mean and intolerable, Fernando is generally kind to others. Growing up in a strict environment, Fernando tends to be strict with rules and etiquette. He is very polite, especially to those of noble heritage and discriminates non-Ailor races.
  • Rate your roleplay Skills! ( One being an absolute noob. Ten, which is god-like.): 6-7
  • Roleplay strengths? (What are you good at roleplaying?): My greatest strength in rping would be adapting to various situations as the char.
  • Roleplay weaknesses? (What are you not good at roleplaying?): I have a lot of weaknesses as everyone does. My greatest roleplaying weakness would be forgetting to revise what I typed resulting spelling errors etc.
  • How active are you? (On a scale of 1-10, one being not at all, ten being EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY.): 6ish
  • Do you find yourself at one with Regalia's roleplay scene?: Yep
  • How experienced are you at noble roleplay?: I used to play a noble before the noble rework and I rp with nobles quite often.
  • IGN: H0on
  • Skype?: H0on (same as mc username)
  • Character you wish to apply for: Fernando Capecci
  • What will their personality be like? (How will they act around others?): Fernando is a grumpy and stubborn person. Though he seems really mean and intolerable, Fernando is generally kind to others. Growing up in a strict environment, Fernando tends to be strict with rules and etiquette. He is very polite, especially to those of noble heritage and discriminates non-Ailor races.
  • Rate your roleplay Skills! ( One being an absolute noob. Ten, which is god-like.): 6-7
  • Roleplay strengths? (What are you good at roleplaying?): My greatest strength in rping would be adapting to various situations as the char.
  • Roleplay weaknesses? (What are you not good at roleplaying?): I have a lot of weaknesses as everyone does. My greatest roleplaying weakness would be forgetting to revise what I typed resulting spelling errors etc.
  • How active are you? (On a scale of 1-10, one being not at all, ten being EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY.): 6ish
  • Do you find yourself at one with Regalia's roleplay scene?: Yep
  • How experienced are you at noble roleplay?: I used to play a noble before the noble rework and I rp with nobles quite often.
After a lengthy talk with my bae, I'd have to ACCEPT you! Congrats! And welcome to the Capecci family! I will be shooting you a skype in about a day or so, regarding character creation and whatnot.
IGN: EpicPumpkinPie
Skype: EpicPumpkin Pie
Character: Maria Anett Capecci
Personality: Maria is friendly and bubbly, yet she has many biases because of her class. She is also elegant and poised because of her upbringing. However, inwardly Maria is shy and kind which may not be there at first glance. Many would consider her educated and articulated. When ordering around her Household staff, Maria makes sure she isn't pushy or snappy. She also respects commoners for who they are. She is a pronounced artist and an activist for family loyalty.
Physical Appearance: Maria has relatively light blonde hair that cascades down her head in beach waves. She also has hazel eyes almost appear as a mild jade color at first glance. She is also 5 feet and 4 inches tall. Her skin is also a pale fair color. Her hourglass figure also complements her height.
Roleplaying Skills: I would give myself an 8 for my roleplaying skills. I am a relatively new player, and I am still learning everything that needs to be learned about this server. However, I consistently keep my character and do a good job displaying her. Apart from the occasional typo, I am considered to be a natural.
Strengths and Weaknesses: When roleplaying I am extremely strong and consistent when it comes to conveying my character the right way. When I roleplay, I become the character I am posed as. I also don't get lost in my character and become someone I shouldn't. One of my main weaknesses is that I am a relatively fast typer which can lead to an occasional typo here or there. It is not something major, however, it can be irritating; especially towards myself.
Activity: Although I am a new player, I consider myself to be extremely active. I am on an electronic device for at least five hours a day, and I am almost always on Minecraft. This server is also now the main server I play on, which means that I will be on more than five hours on a weekday and over seven on the weekends. Therefore, I would give myself a 9 in this category.
Regalia Roleplay Scene: I find myself a natural in the Regalia Roleplay scene because as I stated earlier I usually become my character. I also find the Historical Fantasy theme to be especially interesting and compelling to work with. I find myself to be extremely comfortable with the setting and the mythical feel.
Experience with Noble Roleplay: I am considerably experienced with the noble category because my current/previous character is a noble. Because of this, I understand how nobility works and how it feels to be roleplaying as a noble. I also tend to enjoy nobility roleplay more because I feel like I can relate more towards the speech they articulate and the feelings the characters feel.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. <3
IGN: EpicPumpkinPie
Skype: EpicPumpkin Pie
Character: Maria Anett Capecci
Personality: Maria is friendly and bubbly, yet she has many biases because of her class. She is also elegant and poised because of her upbringing. However, inwardly Maria is shy and kind which may not be there at first glance. Many would consider her educated and articulated. When ordering around her Household staff, Maria makes sure she isn't pushy or snappy. She also respects commoners for who they are. She is a pronounced artist and an activist for family loyalty.
Physical Appearance: Maria has relatively light blonde hair that cascades down her head in beach waves. She also has hazel eyes almost appear as a mild jade color at first glance. She is also 5 feet and 4 inches tall. Her skin is also a pale fair color. Her hourglass figure also complements her height.
Roleplaying Skills: I would give myself an 8 for my roleplaying skills. I am a relatively new player, and I am still learning everything that needs to be learned about this server. However, I consistently keep my character and do a good job displaying her. Apart from the occasional typo, I am considered to be a natural.
Strengths and Weaknesses: When roleplaying I am extremely strong and consistent when it comes to conveying my character the right way. When I roleplay, I become the character I am posed as. I also don't get lost in my character and become someone I shouldn't. One of my main weaknesses is that I am a relatively fast typer which can lead to an occasional typo here or there. It is not something major, however, it can be irritating; especially towards myself.
Activity: Although I am a new player, I consider myself to be extremely active. I am on an electronic device for at least five hours a day, and I am almost always on Minecraft. This server is also now the main server I play on, which means that I will be on more than five hours on a weekday and over seven on the weekends. Therefore, I would give myself a 9 in this category.
Regalia Roleplay Scene: I find myself a natural in the Regalia Roleplay scene because as I stated earlier I usually become my character. I also find the Historical Fantasy theme to be especially interesting and compelling to work with. I find myself to be extremely comfortable with the setting and the mythical feel.
Experience with Noble Roleplay: I am considerably experienced with the noble category because my current/previous character is a noble. Because of this, I understand how nobility works and how it feels to be roleplaying as a noble. I also tend to enjoy nobility roleplay more because I feel like I can relate more towards the speech they articulate and the feelings the characters feel.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. <3

Although this is a very well written application, I'm going to have to reject due to the family being shelved at the moment. Thank you.