Preserved Sheet ✿ Arietta Balentino Capecci ✿

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Jun 16, 2016
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✿ Arietta Balentino Capecci ✿
Arietta sketch (Profile).png

"Chi be vive, ben muore"

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Arietta Balentino Capecci
    • Pronunciation: (Ahri-etah - Baaline-tino - Cah-peci)
    • Titles: Countess of La Grasse
    • Other: Matriarch of House Capecci
  • Age: 23, born on May 13 282 AC
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor
    • Culture: Champagnard {Ithanian}
  • Main Ambition: Arietta seeks to build a name for herself by continuing her family's business, which is Capecci's Brewery.

  • Arietta moved to Regalia two years ago to pursue her family's business of Wine Brewing. Her parent are Liannah and Ricardo Capecci. She currently lives in an Estate within the Noble district. Her current occupation is running the family owned business, Capecci's Brewery.


Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Arietta likes to keep her hairstyle simple. She usually keeps her hair down or in a braid, but for special occasions her hair is up in a fancy bun or another style.
  • Skin Color: Nice pale Ithanian color.
  • Clothing: Arietta loves to wear dresses with the house colors, or just pretty and expensive dresses in general.
  • Height: 5'7
  • Body Build: Curvaceous
  • Weapon of Choice: Since Arietta is not the fighting type, she'll try to use whatever is in reach to defend herself with.

  • Arietta absolutely loves to wear nice, poofy dresses. She doesn't really have a preferred color, but if she were to choose, she'd choose her house colors. Other than big poofy dresses, Arietta loves to wear nice hats and jewelry.
  • Arietta has a very heavy noticeable Ithanian accent. Whenever she speaks she always sounds cheerful or excited, maybe because she speaks really fast.


Personality and Abilities

  • When people first hear or meet Arietta they might think that she's a snob, or stuck up. But, once someone gets to meet her they'll find out that she's laidback and social. Most people that become friends with Arietta notice that she's very talkative. She absolutely loves discussing recent events or announcements. Although, when she is around strangers she is more noble, some might say.
  • Arietta thinks very highly of herself. She's very confident in how she speaks and what she wears. She usually sees herself as elegant and outgoing, which she is. But some people will disagree. The only time Arietta thinks lowly of herself is when she's being judged by someone who is in a higher position than she is. When something like this occurs, Arietta will usually get nervous causing her stomach to feel queasy and for her to pick at her nails.
  • Arietta treats friends, family, and lovers like she would anyone else. Arietta is very respectful, meaning she will address any noble or member of her family by their respected title. When around her family, she is a little less noble. Why? Well, simply because she feels comfortable around these people. Whenever Arietta gets to really know someone, she opens up to them.
  • Since Arietta is a generally nice person, she has a pleasant morality as well. She knows right from wrong, and she is very good at making difficult decisions. Whenever Arietta witnesses someone else's evil deeds, she finds herself disgusted.


  • Socializing - Arietta is very good at striking up a conversation with anyone. She loves to talk and listen to others. The reason for this is because, when she was younger she had to talk to merchants to help sell her family's wine. Another reason for this is because she loved listening to her grandma's stories.
  • Brave - Arietta is not afraid of anything. Spiders? Nope. She isn't even afraid to humiliate herself in front of a huge crowd while speaking. Arietta acquired this trait from basically being adventurous as a child. She's explore the vineyard, and run into all sorts of new and frightening things. And the reason why she isn't afraid of being humiliated during a speech is because she practices her speeches in front of a group of friends or in front of a mirror.
  • Claustrophobic - Upon getting used to the city life, Arietta noticed that she didn't fair well with tight spaces. Usually if she's in a crowded area, she'll try to seek a place with a bigger "atmosphere."


  • Biting bottom lip if she's nervous
  • Plays with a strand of her hair if she's bored
  • Taps her finger on her chin if she's thinking/pondering


  • Public speaking - Arietta loves the adrenaline rush you get before you give a speech in front of a huge audience. This led to Arietta practicing speaking and such. She has grown to love making speeches and announcements to bigger audiences.
  • Sketching - After she finished her hardwork on the vineyard during the day, she'd usually find herself with nothing to do unless her parents threw an outdoor party. After getting bored and finding herself with nothing to do most of the time, Arietta decided to start drawing and sketching.



  • Wine - Wine is her favorite beverage. She'll usually have a glass of Ithanian red wine in her hand.
  • Outdoor parties - Outdoor parties is one of Arietta's favorite type of event to attend. Soon, she'll be throwing outdoor parties of her own.
  • Children - She absolutely adores children. Whenever one of her friends had a child, she'd always offer to help take care of the baby. Know one knows why, but Arietta always has this motherly type of feel to her personality.


  • Liquor - Any alcoholic beverage other than wine is disgusting to Arietta. She thinks wine has the perfect balance between sweet and bitterness. Any other alcoholic drink is either to sweet or to bitter.
  • Pink meat - Arietta cannot stand the taste of steak or any other meat that is pink. The reason behind this is because, as Arietta grew up she only really ate chicken or some sort of fish.
  • Wild animals - Despite her loving nature, Arietta dislikes wild animals. You never know what kind of diseases they might carry.



  • Family
    • Liannah Capecci | Mother | Deceased - Arietta loved her mother to death. She came to her when she had a problem, or whenever she just needed someone to talk to. Arietta really adored her mother.
    • Ricardo Capecci | Father | @nooneyet -
    • Fernando Capecci | Uncle | @H0on - Arietta's uncle is a stern man, but he's also very caring and companionate.
    • Adriana Capecci | Aunt | @nooenyet -
    • Claire Capecci | Cousin| Arietta and Claire usually get along well. But when it comes to it, Claire is always the more mature one.
    • Mason Capecci | Cousin | @nooneyet -
    • Maria Capecci | Younger sister | @nooneyet -
    • Augustin Capecci | Younger brother | @nooneyet -
  • Other
    • Allard Dueal | Ex-fiancé | @HeyoBiggums - Arietta met Allard in the tavern while talking with a group of friends. They soon hit it off, and decided to get engaged. But with recent events, Arietta decided to leave Allard.
    • Markus Rothschild | Good Friend | @HIHI_I_Ryan - Arietta met Markus when she was fairly knew to Regalia. He was the kindest person she had met at the time.
    • Bastian d'Eluise | Love interest | @Aespair - Arietta and Bastian recently met at a ball that House d'Eluise hosted. He asked her to dance and it went on from there.
    • Vivienne d'Eluise | Enemy | @Ryria - Vivienne is a walking sin in Arietta's eyes. He mood automatically changes upon seeing or hearing Vivienne. Her hatred for her started at the d'Eluise ball after they fought.
    • Violetta Coen | Friend | @Springheel - Although they barley know each other, Arietta still considers Violetta a friend.
    • Sophia du Polignac | Good friend | @Ellimairy - Arietta adores Sophia's style and etiquette when it comes to being a hardcore ithanian.


Life Story

Arietta Balentino Capecci was born to Liannah and Ricardo Capecci on May 13th, 282 AC. She grew up on her great grandparents vineyard. Since she grew up there, she of course had to learn how to harvest grapes and mash them to make juice. She also learned how to barter and sell her family's wine to other merchants at local markets. Arietta's life was pretty normal despite her family being Noble. The only time she actually did something worth mentioning is whenever her mother threw outdoor parties. Why? Well, there would always be an entertaining competition or brawl that would occur. When Arietta was 15 she started getting into public speaking. Sometimes she would announce things at her parents events, or company meetings. This is how she grew fond of speaking publicly. Whenever Arietta turned 19, her father passed on the land and vineyard to her. After two years her parents died and she was the last member of her family. A year later she got this idea of moving to the Holy City of Regalia. One year before she moved to Regalia, she met a man named Francis Delaco. He was her first love, and her last, she hoped. They stayed together for a year before they decided to get married. On their wedding day Francis was acting strange but Arietta just thought he was nervous. As the priest was saying the usual wedding stuff, one of Arietta's friends confessed her love for Francis and he left Arietta at the alter. Now she lives in her estate within Regalia, working to get her name out there.


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My Review
  • I will not continue to review this application until the appropriate edits have been made to her standing in Regalian Society. House Capecci has no approved Nobility Status Application. Downgrade her position from Countess in all areas of the application and then I will review this app.
My Review
  • I will not continue to review this application until the appropriate edits have been made to her standing in Regalian Society. House Capecci has no approved Nobility Status Application. Downgrade her position from Countess in all areas of the application and then I will review this app.
Done! @HydraLana
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My Review:
  • Her age is incorrectly calculated, if she was born in 276 she would currently be 28 and due to her birthday being on the 13th of May, just shy of 29. You currently list her as 25 years old.
This is the sole issue I can find and please tag me once it has been fixed with green.
My Review:
  • Her age is incorrectly calculated, if she was born in 276 she would currently be 28 and due to her birthday being on the 13th of May, just shy of 29. You currently list her as 25 years old.
This is the sole issue I can find and please tag me once it has been fixed with green.
Done! @HydraLana
The application remains approved as weaknesses are optional.