⚶ The Azure Guardians | Von Rahm Noble House Guard ⚶


Carnation of Fristadvlom
Apr 19, 2017
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The Azure Guardians | von Rahm House Guard




Forged in the grit and blood of Opper Calem and hardened from its many skirmishes and conflicts stretching for centuries, the Guardians hail from a time of the ruination of an entire kingdom in the hands of foreign invaders. Left forgotten, the people who were built around the notion of inevitable death and despite being beset by all kinds of circumstance, persevered and quietly blossomed to have some of most sprawling ironworks in all of Regalia, manufacturing much of the military hardware which fuels the Empire.

It is said that the Guardians of Opper Calem were brutal towards their foe who they struck down mercilessly. Wielding both weapons and shield, these crusaders were grouped in disciplined legions and trusted with the duty of slaying the raiders that came for the lands of the people they protected.

Standing strong together they worked to produce a myriad of glorious victories against the raiders, a force that tore asunder the clouds that plagued the province, pulling it together, strong through virtue and honor




A core functionality of the Azure Guardians within the city is to protect the interests of the von Rahm family. Owning several properties in the city, including the popular tavern and the City's only running almshouse, The Azure Premise, spurs the reliance on protection to safeguard and ensure smooth operation of its enterprises. Whereas, it is not uncommon for clandestine assignments to be issued to the most trusted of guards for discreet circumstances.



One of the other functionalities that the Guardians engage in would be to participate in noble hunts with the members of the von Rahm family. Fashioned similarly as a soirée, it is a function of great food and entertainment, culminated with the climax of the hunt itself. On normal circumstance, a bear or a great buck will be hunted, and its meat roasted for all to consume. It is hosted once every fortnight.


Head House Guard: Vacant

In lieu of the Regalian House Guard Order which is registered under state apparatus and the de jure encompassment, the following rights are extended.

  • Rights to wear A cuirass/chest-plate of plate armor of any kind. (arms/neck/head may not be armored)
  • Rights to wear a chainmail skirt/hip-guard, no further armor. (legs/feet may not be armored)
  • Rights to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade.
  • Rights to defend any member of a Noble household from aggression.
  • Rights to perform citizen arrests on attackers against said Nobles.
  • Rights to transfer citizen arrests to City Guard Authorities.
A footnote that there are limitations, including that a house guard may only be part of one house guard at a time.

The following players may be contacted for inquiries on discord;

A character application must be posted but it does not need to be approved at the time of application.

The Applicant Form


Character Name:
Character Application (Posted but doesn't have to be approved yet):
Combat Skills:
IC Letter of Introduction:
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