Preserved Sheet ⚜ Charles Lothaire ⚜

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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"Honorable men are labelled monsters when the dishonorable men rule"
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name | Charles Lothaire | Charles the Black | The Black Bastard of Brissiaud
  • Age | 46
  • Gender | Male
  • Race | Half-Orc | Leutz-Vixe Culture
  • Sexuality | Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon | Blacksteel Beorl Axe | A full suit of Blacksteel Lionpelt Armor, signifying his status as the head authority of Mercenaries in Regalia
Inventory Information (Optional)
  • Tin canister of white oil make-up | 1 Regal
  • Canary skull | 0-2 Regals
  • Ornate silver garette case | 8 Regals
  • Loose tabacca in a paper card | 2 Regals
  • Mercenary Registration Card | Signifies legal mercenary status | 0 Regal
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Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 51
  • +20 Command Tactic Skill
  • +13 Hunting Knowledge
  • +10 Extra Heavy Combat Skill
  • +3 Puretek Combat Skill
  • +2 Lightbow Combat Skill
  • +1 Natura Care Sciences
  • +1 Threads Arts
  • +1 Finecraft Arts
Body Shape
  • 15 (Racial) + 13 + 10 x 2 + 5 = 53
  • Strongman Body Shape
  • Built Body Fat
  • Common
  • Leutz-Vixe
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None Page Break Subtle.webp
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color | Coffee brown
  • Hair Color | Dark ginger
  • Hair Style | Skin fade curly pompadour
  • Skin Color | Dulled Regalian pale with a green undertone
  • Clothing | Leutz embroidered fashion garments
  • Height | 6'3
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Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Evil
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Executive | ESTJ-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism | 7
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Life Story (Required)

Charles was born to an aristocratic Leutzman in the Autumn of 261 AC in the Lordship of Ostyria, Regalian Archipelago. He birth was the unfortunate mating of the afformentioned Leutzman and his Orken servant slave. Upon his discovery, the infant Charles was thrust into the care of the estates midwives, being unceremoniously encased in a finecrafted metal mask. Only the wet nurses knew the truth. The unusual hue of the boys skin was sold off as a rare sickness, which was successful in his formative years beneath his fathers care.

He was educated in hunting skills and brief applications of Leutz culture in armor craft and embroidery, something that intrigued Charles in his youth. He even became a rather capable huntsman, despite the mask that hid his identity to everyone. As he came of age he was sent to Emprizais du Lion Castle, an arrangement from his father to hide the bastard Half-Orc in plain sight as an investment of a fineclass soldier.

Charles advanced in his education, his Orken blood allowing him a finer edge in utilizing the Beorl Axe as well as being able to sustain heavy activity beneath the heavy Lionpelt armor. He was embraced by his peers because of his skill, his early education by his father allowed him to be well spoken and intelligent, something rarely seen in Half Orcs as many were sold into slavery. Upon leaving the school, Charles was ready to make a name for himself, becoming promptly hired by his birth father, though now being treated as an outsider rather than his kin. The only benefit to this was no longer needing to wear a mask to hide himself, even if he was no longer seen as family.

Charles would go on to serve his father until his death, moving from that contract to another in the Ostyerian region, especially among the more prominent Leutz families in the Hinterlands. When the Chrysant War broke out, Charles would follow several liege lord's and their kin, the pompous, undertrained men that were a product of the Regalian Pessimism, clearly not prepared for warfare, but not wanting to be ridiculed. Charles wouldn't spend much time fighting against the Allar of the Essa Empire, rather focusing on ensuring his liege never fell in battle, an act that would be disgraceful to a Lionpelt.

Charles would even take it upon himself to take over leadership roles from prominent noblemen and aristocrats who were of the same class bred from the Pessimism, all bark without a bite, allowing for a skilled fighter and statesman to take over. These leadership skills would help the knight after the events of the War.

Upon returning the Archipelago, Charles set to work building a Mercenary Band beneath himself, going to work to gain high level contracts, primarily as a small functioning army, which was successful in some far north baronies and southern viscounties of the Dressolini. He found moderate success, being able to maintain his knighthood and earning himself rather noticeable wealth. With this in mind he would return to his home, going to reveal himself as the sickly boy that disappeared, being recognized as a legitimate family member in documentation, but a bastard in the eyes of many. This is due to his father carelessly not removing Charles from the family ledgers when he sent him to Carrois du Lion.

Being in a strong position he was able to maneuver his way back into his household with the familial name of Lothaire, earning himself the patriarchy with his Mercenary Band behind him. He would hold his position with rather lax results as he was never actually around to manage the local business, instead roaming the countryside with his mercenaries, but being closely connected to his assets he used to purchase large quantities of blacksteel which proved to be even more expensive as it was expertly crafted into heavy weapons and armor for himself. Pairing that with a loose relation to legendary Ceardian Mercenary Karl the Blackmoore, he earned himself the nickname of 'Black' being used in respects and to disgrace the Leutz mercenary.

Inevitably, the constant finetuning and upgrades to armor would prove to bankrupt the Lothaire household, which wasn't exactly a concern for Charles, other than that he lacked a proper estate and housing for his mercenary horde. With this in mind he would travel north to the Crown Isle, going against his better judgement to engage in the noble games of intrigue as surely this would afford him the opportunity to put his men on the field of noble wars. His influence would spread through the mercenary ranks where he is commissioned the title of Mercenary Commander of Regalia where he manages the ranks of several mercenary bands and freelancers in the Crown Isle.

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I will be picking this up for staff review, you'll get a response in the next 24 hours.
Let's get right to the review! It's a lovely looking app.
+3 Puretek Combat Skill
Keep in mind all Puretek combat skills must happen through IC means and not backstory because of how relatively new it is in lore. Just wanted to have this as a reminder since I have no idea if you have come across it in RP. If you'd like to change it towards something else that is also plausible.

Other than that all of this is a good app and is APPROVED.