⚔ The Wulfsrudel Guard - House Howlester Retinue And Guard Force ⚔


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.






The conception of the famed Wulfsrudel occurred during the reign of Aelfwald Howlester, the first established Howlester Margrave of Galloy, located in the southern-most reaches of Gallovia. Created for the sole purpose to provide protection against those who would oppose the House Howlester, especially the Gallovian brigands and the notorious skagger raiders, the Wulfsrudel were soon entrusted as a privileged and esteemed retinue, belonging to Aelfwald specifically; their freedom extending beyond those in the Howlester armies. Credited with saving the late Margrave Aelfwald's life during the Battle of the Galloors as well as being the stalwart protectors of Kerwick Howlester's reign in the region, the Wulfsrudel's accomplishments were soon rewarded--granted their own personal sets of Howlingsteel Silverwolf armor, honor and fame resulting in a rise to relevance. It became a common practice that those whom emerged from any of the State armies as an independent, strong, and steadfast warrior could be granted a position in the esteemed Wulfsrudel, provided that all prerequisites set by the House were met. Aelfwald ensured that all guards who bore the Silverwolf armor were properly trained. Hiring skilled fighters from across the Archipelago, the Margrave Aelfwald assured their skills were kept sharp; talented fighters being their whetstones for both body and mind, enhancing their knowledge against several sorts of fighting styles, and even more so how to counter them. Viridian Knights, Turall Bladesmen, and even the Skaggers of the North were welcomed among the ranks of the Wulfsrudel, united with a single goal: Serving with blade and blood at the behest of the Noble House of Howlester. The Wulfsrudel set themselves apart from the common levy soldier not for their combat skill, but the undying loyalty they pledge to their liege lord. They can swear an oath of loyalty for life and be treated akin to aristocracy by the House, or be temporarily contracted, and utilise themselves in securing the safety and security of House Howlester in exchange for a moderately lavish lifestyle, and access to the family's pristine castles and luxuries. This oath remains bound to them until death, or through negative forces which incline them to permanent dismissal. Those whom are contracted cannot exceed the rank of Wulfsrudel Guard.





The image at the top of this page represents exactly what the Wulfsrudel Armor appears like. Wulfsrudel are expected to not alter or otherwise vandalise their own armor, doing such is grounds for punishment amongst the ranks and a dock in pay.



Commander of the Wulfsrudel
  • Held by: Shirina Davenport
  • Duties: Maintaining authority over the Wulfsrudel Guard, ensuring loyalty and skill amongst it's ranks. The Commander of the Wulfsrudel will usually be appointed a high ranking position in any battles and wars the House Howlester participates in and is generally very trusted by the House Patriarch. They're also permitted to sit upon the Patriarch's Counsel in times where he may require direction. The Commander will usually have participated in battle numerous times, have experience in leading men and serving House Howlester. They have the authority to promote and demote any individual within the Wulfsrudel Guard at their leisure and may also recruit guards into the Wulfsrudel whom they believe satisfy the necessary requirements.
Wulfsrudel Master-At-Arms
  • Held by:
  • Duties: Upholding training and scheduling training regiments for both the Wulfsrudel and the House guard on a daily basis. This position also relies on a strict maintenance in assuring that those who are militarily active among the ranks are kept up to par in their combatant profession. The Master-At-Arms rank is one that requires a persistent streak of activity and diligence, for if the Master-At-Arms fails in training the fellow Wulfsrudel and House Guard, they too might fail in their duties.
Ironjaw Captain
  • Held by: Julius Peirgarten
  • Duties: Essentially sub-commanders, those in this position are granted the permission of hiring and-or firing other Wulfsrudel before them. This also includes overlooking who should be assigned to whom; reading the skill levels of every House Guard and Wulfsrudel and seeing in what place they belong. The Captains are often a group of cooperative individuals that, in understandable circumstances, are required to work together in order to preserve the balance of guardsmen among the Wulfsrudel.
Wulfsrudel Guard
  • Held by: Alan Rosberg, Shae Wren, Cormac McLaughin
  • Duties: The standard, average guardsman among the others of the Wulfsrudel. 'Graduated' beyond the rank of Squire, those who find themselves in this position do not have enough authority to order any other guards around, and are often still ordered around by the Captains; getting told where to go, when to move, and so on. Though not the lowest of ranks, they are still at a relative 'grunt' state--relying on their higher ups to receive feedback and commands for their daily duties
Wulfsrudel Squire
  • Held by:
  • Duties: New recruits who are recently hired into the realm of Wulfsrudel. While they are, in fact, granted armor upon their recruitment, Squire rights are arguably limited. They have the job of tagging along with the Wulfsrudel Guards in their daily patrols about the palace, training with the other higher up ranked members, and maintaining their strength. It is pertinent that Squires who wish to rank up ought to show competence in both combat, etiquette, and even in the ways of taking orders.


  1. The right to freely access and traverse Howlester Castle.
  2. The right to utilise Howlester Castle's courtyard's for training purposes.
  3. The Right to bear Military-Grade Weapons in defence of a Family.
  4. The Right to wear Half-Plate Armour in defence of a Family.
  5. The Right to use force to protect the lives of Noble Peers.
  6. The Right to arrest criminals and transfer them to the appropriate
    Charter if none are present.



  1. The applying individual must have combat experience and/or have been tutored in combat either at an appropriate School (Such as Viridian or Turall) or by private tutor.
  2. Must be outwardly loyal to House Howlester.
  3. Humanoid races only, anything with more or less than two arms, or two legs may not apply. No tails either.
  4. Non-Nelfin applicants must be below the age of 50.
  5. Any gender may apply but there will be heavy scrutiny to untested, un-battle hardened female applicants.
  6. Total adherence to the Wulfsrudel Code and the Regalian House Guard Order Code.
  7. Discord. Accepted applicants will be required to be part of the House Howlester communication channels.


Simply fill out the following application below and post it on this thread! Just be sure to either tag myself @BillyTheScroofy or @SpunSugar

IC Character Name:
IC letter to Revain Rodderick Howlester, or Grand Chamberlain Genevieve Howlester: (All thats required here is a written letter to either character with details of the characters combat experience and interest in joining).

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The Howlester House Guard is once again actively recruiting. Given that the family, albeit being part of nobility, will no longer be participating in politics and will be taking a progression oriented approach alongside House Kade, all applicants to the Wulfsrudel will need to expect their duties to mostly include guard work, interacting with the various family members both formally and inter-personally and finally and primarily, acting as body guards and security during high profile events. So just as a disclaimer, there will be no political intrigue involving the House Guard, so if you wish to apply, do take note of the aforementioned. If intrigue amongst the noble houses is more your interest, please apply to a different House Guard.​
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IGN: Anarchizm
IC Character Name: Julius Peirgarten
IC letter:
To the esteemed Revain Howlester,
I would like to apply once more to your reformed Wulfsrudel Guard force. I will make it my duty to help any way possible as I always have. To serve the guard and work harder than I have before.
-Julius Peirgarten
IGN: Pakkleaf
IC Character name: Shae Wren
IC Letter:
Revain Howlester, true to my word it matters not the circumstance, I will continue to honorably serve for as long as you are willing to have me. I look forward to many more years under your employment.
IGN: Jono_98
IC Character Name: Alan Rosberg
IC Letter:
To Revain Howlester
With your permission I would continue to serve in the Wulfsrudel Guard as I have done before.
Regards, Alan Rosberg

IGN: Anarchizm
IC Character Name: Julius Peirgarten
IC letter:
To the esteemed Revain Howlester,
I would like to apply once more to your reformed Wulfsrudel Guard force. I will make it my duty to help any way possible as I always have. To serve the guard and work harder than I have before.
-Julius Peirgarten
IGN: Jono_98
IC Character Name: Alan Rosberg
IC Letter:
To Revain Howlester
With your permission I would continue to serve in the Wulfsrudel Guard as I have done before.
Regards, Alan Rosberg

IGN: Pakkleaf
IC Character name: Shae Wren
IC Letter:
Revain Howlester, true to my word it matters not the circumstance, I will continue to honorably serve for as long as you are willing to have me. I look forward to many more years under your employment.

All re-accepted. Welcome back, my boys
IGN: qyest
IC Character Name: Wolfgang Jackal
IC letter
To Revain Howlester,
I would like to apply for a position on the Wulfsrudel Guard force, Shirina Davenport has seen my commitment and honor and has given me a recommendation. I also have a lot of experience with combat due to my training at a young age, hopefully this letter gets into your possession.
Best Regards -
Lucius Undergard.

@BillyTheScroofy @SpunSugar
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IGN: qyest
IC Character Name: Wolfgang Jackal
IC letter
To Revain Howlester,
I would like to apply for a position on the Wulfsrudel Guard force, Shirina Davenport has seen my commitment and honor and has given me a recommendation. I also have a lot of experience with combat due to my training at a young age, hopefully this letter gets into your possession.
Best Regards -
Wolfgang Jackal.

@BillyTheScroofy @SpunSugar
Accepted. Tagging @Anarchizm to get you set up with the discord and House Guard stuff.
IGN: Narrju
IC Character Name: Fenic Cervantes
IC letter:

To Lord Howlester,

I have been invited by Aldwyn Howlester to apply for the Wulfsrudel Guard. I believe my experience, and essence, as a fighter has been tested and shown on the battlefields. The most recent battle I have served is on the shores of Threlwar. I wish to dedicate my loyalty and combat prowess to your house, and defend your kin for many years to come.

Safe travels and good fortunes,
- Fenic Cervantes

@BillyTheScroofy @SpunSugar
IGN: OasisRP1
IC Character Name: Florian Lupenzi
IC letter:
Dear Grand Chamberlain Genevieve Howlester,
I seek to join the esteemed retinue of guards of Wulfsrudel, while avoiding mainly city guardwork for private reasons. While I do believe they are still doing a good job mind you! Anyway, onto more pressing notes. I am a skilled warrior, knowing the art of the scimitar, throwing knife (and javalin), as well as being rather athletically gifted (it I do say so myself). While I also know the art of light bow and stave combat as well, I would state that my main areas of expertise are that of the blade and the throwing weapon. This experience comes from training in my youth, as well as mercenary, bounty hunting and bouncer work around the city. I am still looking for a mercenary chapter or too as well, which I would then work off of for side work other than this important role. While I am a mercenary if sorts, I am one of honour, and still attempt to remain so, even if I might have to be paid to fight. I think my information on some of the shadier elements around the city might also help in protecting the house, as I have seen and met my fair share of shady individuals around. Either way, I hope you and your House are having a lovely day either way.
Spirit Guide,
Florian Lupenzi

PS. I should also state that I am half-elvin, so I do not seem like a liar and a scoundrel.

PPS. If you are looking for any more information on the Kathar situation, I would be happy to continue looking into it for you.
IGN: Narrju
IC Character Name: Fenic Cervantes
IC letter:

To Lord Howlester,

I have been invited by Aldwyn Howlester to apply for the Wulfsrudel Guard. I believe my experience, and essence, as a fighter has been tested and shown on the battlefields. The most recent battle I have served is on the shores of Threlwar. I wish to dedicate my loyalty and combat prowess to your house, and defend your kin for many years to come.

Safe travels and good fortunes,
- Fenic Cervantes

@BillyTheScroofy @SpunSugar
IGN: OasisRP1
IC Character Name: Florian Lupenzi
IC letter:
Dear Grand Chamberlain Genevieve Howlester,
I seek to join the esteemed retinue of guards of Wulfsrudel, while avoiding mainly city guardwork for private reasons. While I do believe they are still doing a good job mind you! Anyway, onto more pressing notes. I am a skilled warrior, knowing the art of the scimitar, throwing knife (and javalin), as well as being rather athletically gifted (it I do say so myself). While I also know the art of light bow and stave combat as well, I would state that my main areas of expertise are that of the blade and the throwing weapon. This experience comes from training in my youth, as well as mercenary, bounty hunting and bouncer work around the city. I am still looking for a mercenary chapter or too as well, which I would then work off of for side work other than this important role. While I am a mercenary if sorts, I am one of honour, and still attempt to remain so, even if I might have to be paid to fight. I think my information on some of the shadier elements around the city might also help in protecting the house, as I have seen and met my fair share of shady individuals around. Either way, I hope you and your House are having a lovely day either way.
Spirit Guide,
Florian Lupenzi

PS. I should also state that I am half-elvin, so I do not seem like a liar and a scoundrel.

PPS. If you are looking for any more information on the Kathar situation, I would be happy to continue looking into it for you.
Both accepted. Contact me on discord to be added to the relevant Discord
IGN: FieriFanAccount
IC Character Name: Argylwyd Lladron
IC letter to Revain Rodderick Howlester, or Grand Chamberlain Genevieve Howlester:

Revain Rodderick Howlester,

I desire to join your retinue to serve as a guard. I've several dozen years of experience operating as a mercenary who uses the tower shield and waraxe, and as such, I would consider myself an invaluable asset to house Howlester. I do hope you consider my application, as I hope to dedicate myself to the protection of house Howlester and it's family.

Spirit Bless, Argylwyd Lladron​
IGN: FieriFanAccount
IC Character Name: Argylwyd Lladron
IC letter to Revain Rodderick Howlester, or Grand Chamberlain Genevieve Howlester:

Revain Rodderick Howlester,

I desire to join your retinue to serve as a guard. I've several dozen years of experience operating as a mercenary who uses the tower shield and waraxe, and as such, I would consider myself an invaluable asset to house Howlester. I do hope you consider my application, as I hope to dedicate myself to the protection of house Howlester and it's family.

Spirit Bless, Argylwyd Lladron​
To whom it may concern,
The Revain of Gallovia would like to personally meet you in the coming days to assess whether you are suitable as acting as a protector of the House of Howlester. We welcome you to find your way to the Howlester Estate located in the Countryside next to the House Kade estate where we will see that you are properly acquainted.

May the Spirit guide,
Melisandre Howlester

IGN: __TheDarkLord__
IC Character Name: Akiyoshi Nakamura
To Revain Howlester,

I am writing to you to express my desire to join the Wulfsrudel Guard force. I have a good twenty years of combat experience under my belt and have not only served as a high ranking officer back home, but as a noble guard for House Sastra. I hope my letter reaches you and you consider me for your retinue

Spirit Bless,
Akiyoshi Nakamura
IGN: __TheDarkLord__
IC Character Name: Akiyoshi Nakamura
To Revain Howlester,

I am writing to you to express my desire to join the Wulfsrudel Guard force. I have a good twenty years of combat experience under my belt and have not only served as a high ranking officer back home, but as a noble guard for House Sastra. I hope my letter reaches you and you consider me for your retinue

Spirit Bless,
Akiyoshi Nakamura
Accepted. Message me over the forums with your Discord ID so I can get you set up in the Howlester discord
IGN: DeFleurs
IC Character Name: Ren Nakamura
IC Letter
To Revain Howlester,
I am writing to apply to join the Wulfsrudel Guard. I have around 25yrs of experience in combat (archery). I commanded as a high ranking officer, as well as a guard to House Sastra. I am wife to Akiyoshi Nakamura, and share similar experience.
Spirit Bless,
Ren Nakamura
IGN: DeFleurs
IC Character Name: Ren Nakamura
IC Letter
To Revain Howlester,
I am writing to apply to join the Wulfsrudel Guard. I have around 25yrs of experience in combat (archery). I commanded as a high ranking officer, as well as a guard to House Sastra. I am wife to Akiyoshi Nakamura, and share similar experience.
Spirit Bless,
Ren Nakamura
Approved. Forum pm me your discord name and I'll get you set up.