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Is this a plot twist or what?!

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    Votes: 16 22.2%
  • no

    Votes: 17 23.6%
  • what

    Votes: 39 54.2%

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Feb 12, 2018
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Rose Court

Over a long night in the Holy City, many would be met with knocks on their doors; meek men clad in white cloth with black crosses upon them would deliver these invitations with a humble nod and a stout "Ave." before departing hastily. Finally, a public notice would be brought before Regalia in splendid and boastful glory, the large and fanciful parchment finding itself taking up much of the boards it found itself on:
"To the Holy City, and its many inhabitants;

The special day has come thus for Wilheim od Albion and Marilyn, formerly known as Amelia Starrett, in which they shall be bound in marriage for now and forever more. Guided by the gentle hand of the Spirit, fate has brought these two souls together to spend the rest of their days together as each other's halves.

May all who are invited come for this very special day, and to enjoy the festivities of this marriage and congratulate the joyous, and starkly contrasting couple. If you feel you have been forgotten or otherwise deserve invitation, please write to Wilheim od Albion or Marilyn Starrett. (@Hochwhatever) (@pixYwhoever)
We hope to see you there."


June 6th (Saturday) | 7:00PM EST
Where: /tp rpevent



art provided by @BeetrootSalad <3




Vilhelm of Grasnov - My snorting brother in arms! We'll serve chocolate milk if you come.

Wolvard od Albion - Zum Kreiguard, pahah! Of course you're here too. If you don't show up, you have to forfeit your Briezh tarts to me. All of them.

Adelaide Starrett - Do I know thee? I've never met this one in my life. Are you sure we should invite her?

Serlida Bermot - Aye, one of the greatest aides back when I first arrived in Regalia.

Abelhard Latimer - Of course any wannabe Ailor are welcome - even if you are still a little round. Prepare to be rounder, I believe the Goretaan Throng are bringing donuts.

Erwin Braunschweiger - Do Songaskian women still scare you? Wilheim, Darling, I think he's more into … men. d'Homme, ohonhon! Vive Ithania!

Quin, and the Goretaan Throng (Except Deo.) - I demand you bring more donuts! I'll have a row for you lot near the front, honoring you as our closest allies and more importantly; family.

Kataire Brevedent - I don't think I need that Kintyr expedition anymore, pahah! What Kintyr expedition?

Ser Karp Kippings - I know you're still out there, bugger.

Titus Cretch - The only good thing to come out of that Crimson Inquistion. A true Unionist!

Clause Adelart - I respect your Anglian genes, even if you dye your hair white like my grandfather! I'm still mad at you, but I guess you can come anyway.

Alaric Keen - A good ally. You are welcome, of course.

Xilthruum - Come hither. Make it easy for me. ;c

Theopold Kreiburg - Zum... With this invitation, I formally resign from the Wunderbar. Thank you for having me.

Tommy - This one's a bit of a twink. Yes, but a good friend- And a great songwriter. He /did/ write our theme song, pahah!

O.A. Driscoll - May you come and help prove my purity theory! ....Purity theory? Sorry, I forgot the definition of purity long ago.

Morgan Zhau - I may get my daughter to roll up another sleeve, so be wary! WILHEIM, DON'T SAY THAT -

Daniel Sirgrauth - Second time's the charm, aye? * There appears to be a smudge on the paper. Perhaps there was an attempt at erasing this. *

Shane Marth - Speaking of seconds.. And thirds.. * There appears to be a dismayed streak over this, too. How curious. *

Adelaide du Kirsch - Jocelyn.

Jocelyn & Nadina von Duerr - Actual Jocelyn! And whoever your counterpart is.

Church - Need I say anything? Not that you say much anyway.

Isidoro and Xabi Playero - You may come to convince the Goretaan Throng your theory as to why they aren't a species. Allow us to finish their donuts first, however.

Sophia de Letoirneu - Double the orcs... You're a very good friend to me and I would be delighted if you came to my very special day.

The Brierust Family - Is this the right section for them? Now it is, unfortunate souls...

ONE Weismann - Any more's too many. It's a sad and harsh truth, I'm sorry. We will gift you two or as many axes as needed to properly duke it out and decide which lucky one of you gets to come!

The Clickers

Fathiya al-Ramoran - Ave, Songaski! May you please swing your tail around Erwin for entertainment? It should be no issue for you, as you were able to do so in front of my husband at my own dinner table. I'll have a pole arranged for you, too, if you like? I know what it's like to be a woman with preferences.

The Entire Ohrneti Ethnicity - You lot are alright. All Ailordom should take a note from your pious ways. Hm, actually - I am starting to think I might be Ohrneti… If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were just adopted into Breizh heritage. Maybe you're Ohrneti, after all.




Garth Viduggla - Perhaps the most honourable non-Unionist on the Archipelago!

Hengest Harhold + Augustin Reinard - Aye, good folks you both for aiding me in times of need. Why are their names written together? .. Are they coupling, too? Aye, they are. Their seats are assigned next to one another!

Novellia Fristadvlom - REGINA!

Humaira Reinard I was going to invite you to my wedding, but after you assaulted me, this is actually a resignation letter. Piece of advice; If you want someone's pretty face to draw in customers, don't punch them in the nose. Good luck with your Barrow, and may your employees resign one by one.

Julius Peirgarten - AHA! AVE! When are you going to invite me to your wedding?

Rodrigo Peirgarten - Mayhaps one of the most respectable men I've spoken to in Regalia.

William Howlester -

Vivana Avalorn - If your wit was half as sharp as your ears, you would be on the throne. Nothing but the best seat in the house for /my/ president.

Cecille Typhonus (At Marilyn's request..) - If they had a regal for every aberrant in their court, they'd put the Belliards Guild out of business. That's no way to talk to the woman who gave me a potion for pink, glowing hair that one time! Bah...

Aelfric Harhold - The most pious man on the Imperial Isle. Of course, I'd be no devout Unionist to not have you present! I never got the chance to honor you for officiating my last wedding. Well, you know what they say! If at first you don't succeed; Try, try again!


The Drachenburg Family - Hrm, do they even reside in Regalia? I've never seen one. I've never seen one, either. Perhaps they're the ones that taught the Clickers their little invisibility trick? We'll know if they come to the wedding in high heels. Click, click…

Louis Delmotte - Treason charge this, treason charge that. How many servants have you pushed treason charges on for serving you tea too hot? As long as you don't turn me into a Slizzar as well, you're welcome to come! I'll declare you treasonous if you don't come and admire my wedding dress.

The Kade Family (Except Rowena)

The Emperor, long may he live. - You better come. I don't know what the right table manners are for inviting the emperor to my wedding, but I'll reserve a seat for you.


(Except Aesling!♡)
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A note arrived for the soon to be wed, reading:

Shane Marth needs a babysitter, his daughter will be coming along. Signed, Winifred M."
Said a Faithful Unionist looking upon the notice, a small smile crossing his face.
"It's the only thing I can say to such a joyous moment."
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Merril choked on her drink when she read who was getting married.

"I'm sorry, W H A T" was all she could sputter out.
Aelianna spat her drink out all over her desk as she was told the news, hacking and slapping her clawed hand on the table as she tried to regain her breath.

"They what?"

But from the depths of my heart, best wishes for your wedding day.


Madame of House Reinard
Deputy of House Reinard
The Dessert Rose Paladin of the Lion Pelt Order
Sword Legate of the Church of the Golden Eyes
Junker of Madame Margarethe of House Black
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ok. alright.


50/50 chance Alaric comes dead or alive.
ONE Weismann - Any more's too many. It's a sad and harsh truth, I'm sorry. We will gift you two or as many axes as needed to properly duke it out and decide which lucky one of you gets to come!

I feel attacked with my O body stat :(
((Observing the introduction of publicly-known responses:))
"No, mister Hochmeister," the skeletal scholar said aloud to the letter as the messenger placed it on their desk, "you have made it far too easy for me."
A certain Red-Headed Velheimer thought for a moment over the invitation list.. Letting out a chuff as she put it down once she arrived home.

Titus scanned the invite list, taking note of Serlida and himself "I'll be glad to be in attendance." He'd continue to scan the list before he came to the Ohrneti invite, his eyes widening for a moment. "Time to call in the squad."
Severin looked to Vivana expectantly. The kind of look he only gave when he was expecting to be asked along. With a brow quirked, he asked.

"And who will be your plus-one, darling?"

An addendum is made to the public parchment upon the notice board, signed with a rushed, though grandiose ink.

It appears there was a crossed out line, how strange.. Well, it appears everyone IS invited!
Staring over the posts, blinking as Sibÿllad further peered at who was invited personally. Shedding a single tear at how she wasn't even listed, scoffing as she'd lumber on her way. "Mm, 'ow fockin dare."