Preserved Sheet ♛ Priscilla Du Clermont ♛

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i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom




  • Full Name: Priscilla de Clermont
  • Often referred to as Cilla.
Pronunciation: (Pri-sil-ah duh Clerh-mont)
  • Age: Twenty-six, born on the 6th of December, 280 AC.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor, with a mixture of Leutz-Vixe and Ithanian as her culture, though predominantly Leutz-Vixe.
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
'Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.' - William Shakespeare.



Proficiency Pool: 26 points. (-10 from the School of Alchemy, 16 points left.)

  • +20 Alchemy (+10 from the School of Alchemy, +10 from Proficiency Points.)
  • +16 Quick Fingers (+10 from the School of Alchemy, +6 from Proficiency Points.)
Cultural Points: 27 points in total.
  • +5 Tailoring (+5 from Leutz-Vixe Cultural Boost.)
  • +10 Vocal Music (+10 from Cultural Points.)
  • +6 Dancing (+6 from Cultural Points.)
  • +20 Horticulture (+10 from the School of Alchemy, +10 from Culture Points.)
  • Leutz-Vixe (Fluent.)
  • Ithanian (Fluent.)
  • Common (Fluent.)
Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break. - William Shakespeare.

  • Eye Color: A pale green, with flecks of grey and amber in the iris.
  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Curls, often pinned back with a golden band and woven into an elaborate braided updo.
  • Skin Color: Pale Ailor Pink.
  • Clothing: The current fashions of her culture, often dyed in her house colours.
  • Height: Priscilla is fairly average in height, standing at 5'8 foot tall.
  • Scars: Like many other Alchemists, Priscilla has her fair share of scars. Luckily, hers is easily hideable and not as large as some. After a careless preparation of an alchemical concoction, Priscilla experienced a small explosion which left her right arm and hand burned and scarred. The scar itself starts at her palm, running along the underneath of her fingers to her wrist. As such, Priscilla now constantly wears elbow length gloves.
  • Body Build: Femmefatale.
Come what come may, time and the hour run through the roughest day. - William Shakespeare.

*Credit to @Icaruscien for the personality.

  • First Paragraph || At first glance, Priscilla probably comes off as someone with the grace and elegance of an aristocrat and businesswoman combined. She may not come off as necessarily friendly, but certainly amiable, able to give interest to those who seek it out. Strangers would perceive her as someone open, willing to converse, though always holding back-- a sly undertone to her voice and mannerisms that the perceptive may pick up on. A first conversation will yield the impression of an ambitious young woman, dead set on her objective.
  • Second Paragraph || On the surface, Priscilla is somebody that exuberates the utmost confidence in her actions. She has extreme confidence with her abilities to manipulate people and wrap them around her finger, preferring to use other people to her own abilities. Her confidences start and end with her schooling, and while she has a large amount of pull with her alchemical skill, it's a double-edged sword to her. The scars she spots on her body from the consistent experimentation she had to endure through the L'Académie de Bouteil de Mordealé are a large point of insecurity for her, which leads to full-body outfits that obscure the blemishes on her hands. Another large point of insecurity comes from her mother, of which encouraged her to attend the School of t'Hôterie, though Priscilla herself despised this option due to the negative public light it would put her in. It's for this reason she despises being seen as promiscuous, and as such is careful to protect her reputation.
  • Third Paragraph || Priscilla's view on family is a consistently shifting landscape, given the imbalance upset caused by her assumption of the family matriarchy. This puts her on a slanted slope, where she'll trust her brothers at one point, and eventually reach a point where she snaps and usurps an authoritarian position. The skeptical mindset she's adopted applies to most military-inclined men she encounters, which means she's much less likely to place her already scarce trust in any of them. She's much more inclined to make friends with females and males who are less ambitious. The perception of Priscilla as a friend will have her revealing some details about her life, though only her closest would ever know why she does what she does, or the ambitions she holds underneath.
  • Fourth Paragraph || With her fanatic ambition, Priscilla is someone who will acknowledge the law to the extent where it won't get her in trouble. She knows that it's there and that disobeying it could get her in trouble, but she believes that she's far above it and isn't afraid to break it if it means an advantage on her part. While she believes that society needs a set of guidelines, she also believes in putting her own ideals above any kind of societal enforcements that she can forego. In short, her view on morality is that flexible is the best type; any kind of code that would suit her needs.


Birth & Childhood

  • Priscilla was born to Aedilhild and Witteric du Clermont alongside her twin brother on the eve of 279AC.
  • Her parents were absent for most of her life, leaving her in the hands of her grandparents Anais and Richarr du Clermont. The two doted-upon Priscilla, especially her grandmother, who Priscilla soon began to see as her mother.
  • Now in the care of her grandparents, Priscilla began to flourish. She spent quite a bit of time with her great-aunts and uncles, one of which was a devout man in service of the spirit. The elders raised Priscilla to be a fervent unionist, having her attend mass each morning at dawn and each night at dusk.
  • With her parent's absence, Priscilla couldn't help but feel lonely. All she desired was for her biological father and mother to acknowledge and spend time with her, sadly that was not the case and the two only further distanced themselves from their children.
  • Priscilla took an immense interest in Alchemy and Science at a young age, a hobby which her grandparents supported from the start. Her mother, however, was rather displeased with her daughter and her ambitions. Aedilhild, Priscilla's mother, had a completely different career in mind for her daughter and was adamant on her attending the School of t'Hôterie to the point where it became both uncomfortable for Priscilla and her kin.
  • At this point, Priscilla was fed up with her mother's behavior and began to act out along with her brother. This took many of the family by surprise, as Priscilla was usually quite a quiet and reserved child. One incident that stands out is when Priscilla and Lucien had developed a fascination for the weapons that hung above the mantle of their living room fireplace. One evening, when they were unsupervised, Lucien had Priscilla stacked up on his shoulders and the duo was attempting to take down their grandfather's saber. Lucien grew unsteady, and Priscilla ended up losing her grip on the saber, dropping it and consequently cutting and scarring her brother rather badly. To this day, Priscilla denies having anything to do with her brother's accident and instead shifts all of the blame onto him.
  • With Lucien growing rowdier, Priscilla's grandparents thought it best to separate the two and her to formally study at L'Académie de Bouteil de Mordealé in Lapalaise Plus-rême.
Young Adolescence - Adolescence

  • Priscilla flourished within the academy, learning d'Ithanie as she studied the art of Alchemy. While she enjoyed her studies, she couldn't help but feel homesick. She always enjoyed her home life and being separated from her kin for so long certainly dampened her spirits.
  • At this point in her life, Priscilla hadn't heard from her immediate family in months. She had begun to suspect they may have forgotten about her until a letter arrived that sent her entire body numb. Her father had gone mad with the power granted to him by the family, and as a consequence was now dead of a mysterious cause. Her whole world came crashing down around her, and it wasn't long until her mother was also ostracized by the family, branded in the center of the forehead for her adultery.
  • From then on, Priscilla wrote to her siblings every day, rushing through her studies with ease. Her graduation could not come soon enough.
  • She graduated from the School of Alchemy with flying colors and was internally proud of her progress in the academy. She traveled home as quickly as possible, having missed the funeral of her father. When she arrived home, the elder's were in the process of discussing who should be the replacement of Witteric. Usually, it would have been the firstborn son, but with Lucien's unpredictable nature, they opted to elect Priscilla as her calm nature was much more desirable.
Present Day
  • Now the matriarch of a family that had been accustomed to a patriarch and militaristic views, Priscilla decided to relocate her kin to the Holy City of Regalia in hopes of a fresh start.
  • Priscilla marries Ceufroy du Pont following the death of his cousin, the High Reverend, and his decision to eject himself from the house.
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*Descriptions to be added at a later date.

Spouse: Ceufroy du Clermont née du Pont. @Hexicanum

ᵒ Priscilla and Ceufroy have only recently married, and don't have the stereotypical relationship of a married couple. The duo is more friends than lovers, holding a polite conversation with a few jokes and teasing remarks here and there. Priscilla is eager to uncover more and hopes to build a closer friendship with him. At this time, Priscilla isn't necessarily looking forward to romance and children and is rather happy where things are.

Former Spouse: N/A.
Child(ren): N/A.

Siblings & Other Relations.

Lucien du Clermont. @Patsie

Lucien may be Priscilla's closest friend, the two spending each and every moment by the others side. Lucien is Cilla's twin, but the two are starkly different in personality. Nevertheless, if something were to happen to Lucien, Cilla wouldn't know how to go on in her life. He is the shoulder she cries on, and the man she goes to for advice. In truth, she often feels quite lonely when he isn't near.

Perenelle du Clermont.

Priscilla's little sister is her pride and joy. While the two do not converse often, Perenelle still holds a special place in her heart. Priscilla feels the need to protect her younger sister, even if she may not need the sheltering. Cilla has many goals for her youngest and only sister, often trying to guide her into positions that would benefit her and the family.

Laurent du Clermont. @Battlebrawn

Laurent is Cilla's little angel. Her youngest brother is almost like her child, and she does her best to comfort and protect him constantly. Laurent always manages to put a smile on her face, cheering her up from the foulest of moods. In her mind, her brother has a bright future, but to achieve everything he wants to achieve he needs to be sheltered from scandal and sin.

Anise du Clermont. @Epsilyon

Anise and Priscilla have a rather strained relationship, with Anise being the more prickly party. Priscilla tries her best to appease her cousin, often trying to please her and her side of the family to no avail. At this time, Priscilla is acting cordial with her cousin, burying her true thoughts and feelings to the back of her mind.

Extended Kin
The du Pont family via Ceufroy.

Friends and Loved ones.
ᵒ N/A as of yet.

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  • You've misstated points in quick fingers. Please correct this.
  • Horticulture is a cultural proficiency.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @Ryria