☼ The Crown Apothecary ☼


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds






One of the Crown City's oldest and most wellbeloved medicinal businesses; The Crown Apothecary is an amicable alchemical outpost nestled close to the Golden Willow on Tavern Road. It is owned by the notorious Haaven family--talented providers of medical expertise and wealthy mercantile servants alike.

Inside the fragrant and welcoming apothecary foyer you can purchase skilfully-made potions to treat any pain or ailment. Alongside medical bag necessities, the Crown Apothecary also sells traditional herbs and supplements--items with wide-reaching effects to meet the needs of even the most demanding lifestyles. Ascending the staircase, you will find the Apothecary Tearoom: a quaint little lounge away from the hustle and bustle of mainstreet Regalia. If you require a place to rest and recuperate, the doors are always open to take a much-needed breather, or snack on some fine, delicious teas and pastries under the attention of our kindly employees.

With roots stemming back to before the Qadir Invasion, the Crown Apothecary has survived multiple renovations and precipitous turns of circumstance--blooming from a once humble herbologist side-stall to a competitive remedial monopoly. Today, the Crown Apothecary remains the city's No#1 location for alchemical remedies and associated paraphernalia, firmly situated within the hearts of many Regalians.



The Crown Apothecary sells a vast variety of potions, remedies, alchemical aids, supplements, medicinal herbs, and teas. In order to keep our stocks up to date, we utilize the enclosed spreadsheet. Please open it up in Google Docs for the full list of what we sell! (Note: Not everything listed may be in stock on the day of purchase.)


When purchasing merchandise from the Apothecary, you can request to collect the in-game lored item, or for the transaction to simply be roleplayed. In the case of the former, the OOC price will typically be the same as the in-character price. If you intend to use a 6+ alchemy for roleplay purposes, we recommend that you purchase at least one physical item for proof of acquisition and {item link} usage!

All items, unless stated otherwise, are player named, lored, and signed by the owners of the Apothecary or clerk on duty. They are 100% lore compliant--created by approved expert alchemists--and can be used without discrepancy.



List of Employees
Nadina Haaven (@Eccetra) - Owner - Expertise: Alchemy
Zaan Haaven (@Caelamus) - Manager - Expertise: Physician
Ztril Merrit (@Eyrok) - Alchemist
Szza Narrim (@ShipIt) - Alchemist
Eric Liolen (@Ghirko) - Alchemist
Hal'cyona Haaven (@Caelamus) - Clerk​

Interested in joining the Crown Apothecary team? We are currently Recruiting! Employees at the Crown Apothecary enjoy access to a vibrant and active roleplay environment, boundless opportunity for character development, and as a bonus, receive the profits from every OOC item that they sell!
To become an employee at the Crown Apothecary, you must have:
  • High and consistent activity levels on your character of choice.​
  • Exceptional knowledge of Aloria's alchemy and flora. This will be subject to an IC test.​
  • A clean and positive roleplay reputation and ban record.​
If you are interested in applying, please get in contact Apothecary Manager Zaan Haaven (@Caelamus) through means of an IC letter (Forum PM) or direct roleplay. All applicants will be subject to an IC interview to test their skill and roleplay ability.
