Preserved Sheet ☼ Alexandra Rote ☼

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Nelfin Redhead
Oct 7, 2017
Reaction score
Vixhall, City of Mayonne







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"I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear."
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Birth Name: Alexandra Vivienne Rote

»Title: Alexandra the Untamed

Age: Twenty-nine

Gender: Female

Race: Colonial Ailor

Sexuality: A Curious Heterosexual

Faith: Unionism

Preferred Weapon: A Ferr-Iron Shortsword and Shield combination.

The purse strapped to her hip contains;

» A pouch of regals, changing daily. Between 50-200 regals.

» A vial of rose-scented perfume.

» A neatly folded handkerchief with her name sewn into the corner.

» A small silver tin with floral painted designs, containing tabacca. With a matching tin of matches.

On her persons;

» Several golden bangles upon her wrists.

» Matching golden earrings.




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"My ears can hear and my mouth can speak
My spirit talks, I know my soul believes."

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» Skills: 34 (29 +5)

✧Shielding combat - +12

✧Blades combat- +12

✧Athletic Training- +6

✧Skulpting arts- +8 (From Hobby Points)

✧Theatre arts- +6 (+4 from Proficiency, +2 from Hobby Points)

» Build:

✧ Athletic

✧ Moderate body fat

» Languages:

✧Skodje - Primary tongue

✧Common - Taught




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"Let today be the day. You stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others."
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Eye Colour: Duck egg blue

Hair Colour: Mousey Brown with pale caramel highlights

Hair Style: Either free-flowing down her shoulders or intricately pinned into an elegant updo

Complexion: Pale Porcelain

Clothing: Extravagant and colourful gowns, accompanied with matching gold jewelry

Height: 5ft 6inch




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"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding."
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Alignment: Chaotic Good

A chaotic good character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. Chaotic good characters usually intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganised and often out of sync with the rest of society.

Personality Type: Entrepreneur

Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it.

Religion: Unionism - 8/10




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"You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment
I forget to worry"

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Born late Fall of 278AC to William and Bernadette Rote. A humble and simple reverend spreading his preachings across the colonies and a northerne warrior. She was the married couples second born child and the two were elated to find out she was a girl after their first had been a boy. Though fairly quickly in infancy Alexandra proved to be quite the handful, a wildcharge in the Colonial family. Thus was dubbed as 'The Untamed'.

Alexandra had a strong relationship with her older brother, the two more often than not, playing with each other and going on adventures, getting muddy and scolded by their parents. Though it was moreso Alex shadowing him around as he played with his childhood friends, although he didn't particularly have any qualms with that. However shortly her younger siblings came to fruition and Alex's new playthings came by, often treating them like little dolls, begging her parents to let her help them change their clothes. However as her younger siblings, Bethany and Isaac began to grow up, they began to negate her motherly attentiveness, often finding her bossy and annoying at times. All throughout her childhood, the young Rote always grew envious whenever they spent time over the mainline's household. Watching with jealous eyes as her elder brother sparred with the heir of the family, Abelhard and his sister Thea. Though outside of sparring, the cousins meshed well with each other, Alexandra specifically adoring her older cousin, Theadora, aspiring to be a swordswoman much like her, becoming her shadow more frequently than not.

Subsequently when she finally grew the courage to ask her parents permission to learn swordsmanship and shielding, her mother was not so inclined, being a warrior herself, she flat out refused the thin armed child, claiming she would simply break at any force. Although with her father being a pushover and Alex being a daddy's girl, he finally managed to convince his headstrong wife to allow their daughter to learn the craft. This in turn brought a new chapter to the coddled girls life. At this time her cousin, Abelhard had moved to the City of Regalia, alongside his siblings.

Throughout her tenure studying at combat school (joining when she was sixteen in 291AC) , the girl fought many hardships and realisations that the world outside of aristocracy and wealth was extremely different, and challenging. Though she took this on the chin and over the years grew well with muscle and skill in sword and shield combat. After such a long time seeking her mothers confidence and praise, she finally received such after she won a tournament within her school. The staunch woman practically beaming with pride as her once small terror of a child, blossomed into a well-developed swordswoman. Her mother commissioning a custom Ferr-Iron shortsword, inscribed with 'Untamed' on the shaft, her father accompanying such blade with a family crest painted shield.

After her graduation, she spent many months sparring and helping the townsfolk. Albeit she began to lust for adventure, new scenery. Their humble colonial holdings not enough to enrich her ever-growing interest in the archipelago around her. After heavy pleading, she received her parents permission to sought entry into Regalia, sending a letting to Theadora asking to accompany her cousins in the City, in which she was swiftly given approval.

Unsure of what career path to take, the swordswoman departed from her comfortable coddled lifestyle with her parents, moving to Regalia. However she arrived mid-way through the invisible imp chaos, unable to find her cousins for some time, remaining huddled up in Greygate for protection. Though until recently, she reunited with Thea and can finally relax after all the welcoming mayhem.

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Peer review: Hi, hobby points were recently added to character creation. These are 10 points that can be spread across all the Art Proficiences, have a look of them and figure what you want.
Hello! Review time!
Preferred Weapon: A Blacksteel Shortsword and Shield combination.
Blacksteel isn't as effective for swords, additionally it needs to be acquired ICly or reference the char app of the smith who made it!