Preserved Sheet ☸ Theimund Von Rahm || Admiral Of The Rahm ☸

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Carnation of Fristadvlom
Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score

Theimund von Rahm



Eldest son of Hamelin von Rahm and Elizabeth Black, he is a boisterous intellect educated in matters of admiralty and governance under the keen tutorship of both his parents. Having an emphasis on action over words, he can be frequently found championing his causes and putting his skills to good use where applicable. He can always be found with a miniature azure fibula pinned to his clothes, currently used as an accessory to the embellishments on his clothes, and with sun kissed-golden hair, Theimund seems to put less emphasis on a militaristic outlook than his father. In comparison, he holds onto a leatherbound book and dissuades himself from wearing a blade in the city. The wily man holds high ambitions for himself and his House.



Basic Information

  • Full Name: Theimund von Rahm
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Sexuality: Yes
  • Preferred Weapon: Trauerdegen - Light One-Handed Sword
Skill Information
Proficiency Points: 25 Points Total (35 with Racial Bonus)

  • +20 Admiral Knowledge(+20 from Points)
  • +10 Threads (+10 from Racial Bonus)
  • +5 Statesmen Knowledge (+5 from Points)

Body Statistics:
0 in total stats.

  • -Body Shape:Average Body Shape
  • -Body Fat: Moderate Body Fat

  • -Leutz-Vixe (Mother Tongue)
  • -Common (Native Tongue)
  • -Alt-Regalian (Proficient)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Silver with a tint of azure.
  • Hair Color: Gold Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Curly and trimmed on occasion.
  • Skin Color: Fair, borderline tanned from exposure to the sun.
  • Clothing: Admiralty garbs.
  • Height: 6'4 inches
Personality and Abilities


  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Theimund would be collected to a relative extent from his experience in naval combat, possessing an eagerness to harness the fear into making better decisions in true military sensibility. His usual boisterous self might see him cracking dark humor depending on the situation.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Theimund will gauge and handle the situation with his capabilities, adapting to his own critical thinking to try to bare the stress as a load that he can manage. The Admiral processes a high-stress threshold and drowns it over a bottle of liquor and low-key mischievous fun with his kin and friends in private.
  • How would your character express Happy?
    • Theimund will embrace happiness as one of the blessings of the Unionist Spirit as a gift upon the living, always one to be jovial, he shares in his own happiness with others and partakes in merry-making with his own men following victories. Himself, he is always looking for ways to create social parties or celebrations
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Theimund is a law-abiding citizen and strives to be his own respectable self within the hierarchy of the city, and views himself as a passive extension of said law and authority within the city. He sees is as essential to the security and wellbeing of the status of him and his kin.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Theimund gets extremely angry when the other races insult his Ailor bloodline in the Regalian city, especially if they disrespect the house that he has dedicated his life to. His fierce filial piety holds him to loyalty to his father and mother, Elizabeth and Hamelin von Rahm respectively and upholding their cordial relations with other races.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
    • Theimund is an avid believer of the Unionist Spirit the same as his parents are. He does not process much of an opinion on other faiths and is largely tolerant and indifferent to them according to religious teachings and regional laws. He holds contemporary respect to the faithful of his own religion.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He does not approve or disapprove of magic publicly, seeing it as a controversial art and cheating in contemporary fighting, but will tolerate it if it is used for a good purpose.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Theimund has ultimate filial piety towards his family, fervently loyal to his father and mother and feels obliged in protecting his blood kin, including his young adopted sister, Winifred, adoring her to the death having grown up alongside her.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Theimund's smarts is contrasted by an ironic nature of being aloof at times, in which he had a tendency to daydream and draw quiet in group discussions in a bid to retreat to his own personal world, despite being a trait that most would lose over the years, Theimund had been unable to purge such a habitual flaw. Innately, he feels a personal satisfaction at being able to imagine his own castles in the skies and relishes the pull from reality that it provides, but suffering from the insecurity of being perceived negatively.
  • What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
    • Theimund is most proud of his naval achievements, and his commandery over the Rahm ships, and continues to strive to be a name of recognition when it comes to naval matters both locally and regionally after he arose to the highest station in his own noble lands.
    • His second proudest achievement coming in a close second is growing a beard.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Boisterous and jovial, Theimund is ambitious and compassionate about making the world he shares a much better place, and serving his family and empire dutifully in his coming years, eventually finding a family of his own to carry on his legacy and take care of him when he is older.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Loneliness...Betrayal...Humiliation...Atychiphobia...Theimund fears to repeat the mistakes of his parents and family and sees their mistakes as learning points of which he can learn from and avoid it in the future.
Life Story


Early Childhood

-Born in 282AC

-Raised in the Coastal capital of House von Rahm, Roschewald City

-Expresses an interest in seafaring, could be frequently seen at the beach, eagerly mingling with local sailors and fishermen

-Receives his first boat in the form of a small canoe from his father, cementing his passion for the seas and what lay beyond the vast ocean swirls.

-Spends most of his childhood with the rest of the Rahm children, forming strong bonds with his adopted sister, Winifred, and his cousins growing up.

Teenage years

-Enrols in the Regalian Admiralty school, and dutifully spends his time between learning the ropes and intricacies of leading warring fleets.

- Develops a passion for the policies of managing a realm, being coached by his father to do so, which culminates in him having a private tutor in his free time to learn the inner workings of running a realm.

-Loses one of the closest friends after they were killed in the Montagaard and Eschevard massacre in 305 AC, which saw the von Rahm levies utterly wiped out by the elves along with the rest of the Regalian force.

- Witnesses the horrors of war when he accompanied his father in his Elven campaign of 305 AC, and realizes the deep costs of bloodshed, vying for revenge for his fallen comrade and the levies of his family. V

- Visits Regalia for the first time to visit Eschevard park, and leaves for home with a burning impression of the tranquility and monument to the fallen general.

Adult years

-Graduates from the admiralty school and assumes command of the under-used Rahm navy, picking up the top post of Admiral and using his post as a means to quickly pick up experience through drills and friendly practices with allied navies.

-Grows a beard. Impressing his mother and father and some of his kin.

-Arrives in the city of Regalia to aid his family further and extending their influence on top of forming his own personal goals to accomplish.
Last edited:
  • Unless you learned it from an Alt-Regalian parent, knowing the language will require +6 Linguistics.
  • Although not important, there's a few adjective errors throughout this section.
Life Story
  • Consider slightly beefing up your life story a little more. For example in his childhood, how was his relationship with his family and relatives growing up and what inspired his interest in seafaring?
Make your changes in blue and tag me when you've finished your edits.
