☢ Regalian Sewer Map ☢ (updated 28/11/15)


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
☢ Regalian Sewer Map ☢
Use it before the staff change it.

UPDATE 13/02/16: Big thanks to @Ragnio for updating it!
If you find any errors please comment below and one of us will do our best to fix them.
Also if anybody wants to try their hand at making a prettier / more to scale version, feel free and post it below!​


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~ Hey all! ~

I had some free time on my hands this morning, and since the addition of the new Sewer houses I thought it might be a good idea to get a map going for those of you (like myself) who get lost down there! Please bare in mind this one is just a prototype - the one I continuously drew whilst walking around - I will most definitely make a pretty version. Let me know if there are any errors, I just wanted to get it out here now so it can be used!​

~ Eccetra.

Thank you for the hard work!
What have you done?! You don't understand the staff member fury that this will unleash!
Run. Find somewhere safe. DONT STOP RUNNING
What, Why? Oh god why?!
Is this illegal? Will I get banned???
Not quite that bad. They just like people getting lost in the sewers, so Mon threatened to make it even bigger and more confusing if anyone made a map.
I feel like the staff are going to get lost in the sewers themselves as they build it, and leave some areas unfinished because they forgot how to get there.
I see this becoming the ultimate labrinth on the server, it will never stop changing solely for the purpose of people getting lost.
~ Hey all! ~

I had some free time on my hands this morning, and since the addition of the new Sewer houses I thought it might be a good idea to get a map going for those of you (like myself) who get lost down there! Please bare in mind this one is just a prototype - the one I continuously drew whilst walking around - I will most definitely make a pretty version. Let me know if there are any errors, I just wanted to get it out here now so it can be used!​

~ Eccetra.
Nice map, but you brought the wrath of the Staffios. P.S I don't need a map I have -all- of regalia memorised. ._.
Eccetra: keeping the staff on their toes since 1997.
i wanted to use your map and i got horribly confused because of one thing i noticed is not on the map
(and i just noticed that the turn above the red curcle is wrong too, it should bend down, not up.)
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i wanted to use your map and i got horribly confused because of one thing i noticed is not on the map
(and i just noticed that the turn above the red curcle is wrong too, it should bend down, not up.)
View attachment 60249
Oh goodness what that's such a big difference, how did I mess that up?! Thankyou for pointing that out!

I'll get to fixing that, but I'll probably have to change all the proportions. For now disregard that area.
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World staff growing tired of people creating sewer maps:

☼ 28/11/15 - Updated! ☼

Yes, after so long this thing finally got fixed and updated to add the hidden comfort / sewer houses!

Big thankyou to @Ragnio for making the edits and allowing me to reupload it here <3

Enjoy everybody!
Verions 1.3. is now online!
If you find any more errors please comment below and one of us will do our best to update.
You are a brave soul for facing the complete and utter wrath of every member of the staff team head on with no hesitation. And even braver still for openly admitting that you will continue to rebel against their attempts to stop the progression of this map.