Preserved Sheet ☠ Katyusha Norilszk ☠

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Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Katyusha Skalla Norilszk "Kat" (Haha, get it? It's ironic guys. Beacause she's a lizard.)
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Scagling (Mu-Allar, Vladno mix), Dread Bound
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Darkness Sorcery
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 20 (8 points into Darkness Sorcery)

  • +5 Bodycare Training
  • +5 Fast Blades
  • +10 Stealth Rogue
  • +5 Musical Arts (Hobby Points)
  • +5 Theater Arts (Hobby Points)
Body Shape
  • 5 Body Stat
  • Sculpted Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat
  • Common (learned in adolescence)
  • Zasta (learned from father)
  • Mirnoye (learned in childhood)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Darkness Sorcery: Shadows Embrace
  • Darkness Sorcery: Spreading Darkness
  • Mutation: Void Horns
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Gold (Dread Binding)
  • Hair Color: Dyed black, naturally brown.
  • Hair Style: Jaw length
  • Skin Color: Gray (Dread Binding)
  • Clothing: Red and black middle class attire
  • Height: 5'4
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral - Raised a free youth, she saw much unjust suffering in the world along with having high personal freedom. So she based her system of morals on helping people she finds worthy without the aid of governments or authority. She's become more self-serving as of late, doing more of what she pleases.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ISTP - Katyusha enjoys tinkering and such other things, exploring the world rather than reading about it. She needs her time alone to think and work, but once done she will often want to talk to someone about what it is she's figured out or done. She can be described as the sort to be quiet with someone, until she grows comfortable with them, becoming more louder in their presence.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Great Alchzech (2/10), Void Worship (3/10) - She understands all religions to be real, as the Alchzech belief system would state. However, recent events becoming involved with a tribe of Kathar have strengthened her faith in the teachings of Void Worship.

Life Story (Required)
Katyusha was born in 285 AC, on the outskirts of the city of Thessalo. Her father, Ksallo, was part of a group of mercenaries, working with the government in Thessalo for a period, helping to keep order in the surrounding countryside. Her mother's husband fell into a fury when he saw that Katyusha was a Scagling, beating her mother Natalya to death. Katyusha would grow up on the road then, with her father Ksallo. Her father is quite the guy, cherishing her when he can and spending all the time he can with her. She becomes disillusioned with the rich from a young age, beginning to steal from them and developing her skills doing that. She enjoyed this, and eventually two new people joined the band Ksallo was in. An elderly Altalar named Feanor, and a New Regalian veteran named Juergen. Feanor taught her darkness sorcery, which she began to use to help the group in fights and with her thievery. Juergen bullied Katyusha for being a scagling, to the point where they frequently got involved in fights just outside of camp. One day, she got so worked up with his shit that she killed him. She figured she'd be arrested for that, so she ran off from the group. Disappearing for a month in the woods. She re-emerged, traveling to Uesston, working as an entertainer for a while, also going to the gym frequently also. Hearing about Regalia, she decides to move out to the Crown Isle, as she begins to suffer a bit of guilt over what she did to Juergen. She's also somewhat distressed knowing what her existence caused to happen to her mother. Once in Regalia, Kat is taken in by a group of Kathar, and she latches onto them, trying her damndest to assimilate to their culture.
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Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Darkness Sorcery: Umbra Bolts
  • Darkness Sorcery: Spreading Darkness
Please specify how many points you have invested into Darkness Sorcery under your proficiency area.

Katyusha was born a bastard, the product of a night between an abused Vladno housewife and a Mu-Allar mercenary.
I'm going to request that you change this. We have rules against what this is implying.

Make these changes and tag me when you're ready.
Please specify how many points you have invested into Darkness Sorcery under your proficiency area.

I'm going to request that you change this. We have rules against what this is implying.

Make these changes and tag me when you're ready.
@Arhbi I've made the changes in dark red
@Arhbi changed her profs and her life story accordingly. changes made in green. requesting re-review