Preserved Sheet ○ Verlaine

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ash | hello sunshine
Nov 12, 2021
Reaction score
every second you're not running im getting closer
If the time comes, I'll kill you. | Is this Love? | I will save you without fail!


"I have my boot on the throat of hell,
I am hideously alive, a defiant act of creation."
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Character Information


FULL NAME | Severus Verlaine
Nom de Court | Severus Alois Vriere-Pouvoir Etterath Coeur Verlaine Papillion de Rouen
Nicknames; Verlaine, Verus, Sev.
Aliases; Alois, Pierre, The Doctor, Cadaver, Quack.
RACE | Ailor.
Culture; Ithanian.
AGE | 29.
Birthdate; February 7th 283 AC.
Sign; Aquarius.
SEX | Male.
Pronouns; He/They.
OCCULT | Void Mage.
No Affliction.


Core Concept


ANALYSIS; A jaunty, devil-may-care doctor and archivist who comes off as discourteous and flippant in most first impressions- spare formal occasions, necessity, or pity. His realist ideals and cynical understanding of human nature make him out to be an unpleasant doctor, but his genius in the medical field make him a valuable enough asset to not easily be shrugged off. Of course, there is much more to a book than meets the eye.


EXAMINATION; Verlaine is 6' tall and scraggly in stature. He has a sickly complexion, foggy blue eyes, and dark hair that is long and usually messily pulled out of his face. His clothes are typically prim and proper, tailored by himself- but when he's particularly immersed in his studies, he tends to look a little unkempt. He has an affinity for cool color palettes.

STUDY; Verlaine has a series of faded, vibrantly colored- almost electric looking- scars etching up one side of his torso, back and arm. He has the code 305 permanently marked across his collarbone, and there are several small biotic modifications on his person that have been dormant and disabled for years now.


"You are embarrassed of your blood, your pulse, your lungs.
You are embarrassed you are human."
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Safeguard Pack [Chosen Free Ailor Pack]
Wardrobe Pack
Medical Revive Pack
Medical Bolster Pack
Medical Rescue Pack
Chem Bloodboil Pack
Hook Shot Pack
Magic Bolts Pack
Magic Lifebind Pack
Magic Shove Pack
Magic Warp Pack
Magic Smog Pack
Magic Disengage Pack
Magic Revive Pack
Magic Revenge Pack
True Mage | Attack stat is magic. Defense stat is magic.
Alchemy Hobby
Technology Hobby
Medical Hobby

Magical Talent

Common [Free]
d'Ithanie [Childhood Language]
Kriv [Learned Language]
Magic Themes | Illusions, parades, extravagance, blue, purple, cool colors in general, blue roses, blood, stars, constellations, sky, sun & moon, blue blood, mortality, death, life, corruption, poison, health, the mind, the heart, the body.
Technology Branch | Steamtech


"You gave me your heart, you know?
You want me to give it back, whole again."
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Life Story

A clone is created by one Doctor Verlaine. He is expected to be identical, in appearance as well as demeanor, to his creator; something apathetic, detached and independent. He was not meant to "act" human by any measure, because to be human is, by design, to be flawed.

The result's imperfections were immediately obvious. He was, in appearance, identical- but in demeanor, he was nothing his creator could have ever expected him to be, nothing like he designed him to be. He looked exactly like the Doctor, but he was loud, intrusive and emotional. He acted, felt and experienced things in ways entirely contrary from the man he was a carbon copy of- thus making him an entirely new experience. That is ultimately what made him the perfect result. In stark contrast to the man he replicated, he was profoundly human; an experience his creator could only quietly envy.

Doctor Verlaine's inhospitable way of explaining this analysis was, ultimately, what gave the subject the belief that his humanity made him defective. Perhaps that boy would have someday grown to become a gentler man had he been spared that brutal and honest truth- or perhaps it wouldn't have changed anything in the very end.

The subject takes this sentiment with him and keeps it close to his chest when he displays symptom of a Magespark and is removed from his creator. He is placed in a Methenwe lab by Doctor Verlaine's assistant, with hopes that the anomolies of his demeanor and his emerging magespark might be further researched in a controlled environment. So young, he is never taught the art of control, nor the kindness of life; He comes to care for and protect others in the way he was not cared for or protected himself, and he limit-breaks twice before the research runs dry and he's returned to the world- returned to the woman who put him in a hell made of sanitized rooms, bright lights, and white linoleum floors- and forced to face the light of day.

His creator is dead, and he is left without meaning or purpose in the wake of his absence.

He adopts the name of his deceased creator- his father, if only because he is made of his flesh and blood- but impersonally introduces himself with his family name; Verlaine. He is left with the assets his father had in life, and he is forced to fill shoes much too big for him much too quickly. He picks up where the research of his predecessors was left, and he gets shoehorned into the Regalian Military as an on-field doctor, lasting all of a few short years before his control betrays him and he limit-breaks a third time. He is subdued and discharged from service.

Hopeless and backed against a wall, he takes advantage of what was left to him by his father to pursue the medical field in earnest; he creates a multitude of sickly dispositions which grant him critical acclaim as a so called "genius" in the medical field, surpassing his predecessor with an unseen sort of urgency to become something, anything, if it means being more than a result or a means to an end.

He does it all for the most human of reasons, and detests himself all the more for it; if only to leave a mark- some kind of legacy- behind in the world before his short existence should conclude- short as he knows it will be.


"Desire is ugly, incessant, and human;
It is shaped like two hands wrapped around a throat."
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Plot Hooks

THEMES & AESTHETICS | Doctors, hospitals, hidden magic, magical corruption, magical experimentation, planar experimentation, Parisian architecture, illusions, parades, parties, stars, blood, sun and moon, memories, extravagance, vanitas, archiving, studying, psychology, promises, mortality, death, corruption, poison, blood, the mind, the heart, the body.

REGALIAN MILITARY | Severus served in the Regalian Military between the age 19 and 24 as a field doctor during wartimes. He did not like his time in the Military, and does not talk about it often. Backstory ties to this part of his life can be written in, if they work with the rest of his life story; perhaps he made a few friends, or perhaps he made a few enemies.

ITHANIA | Severus visited Ithania between the ages of 21-22. It is implied he had a fling while he was there that didn't spark much joy for him, and he drank and smoke profusely at the time. Backstory ties to these parts of his life can be written in, if they work with the rest of his life story. Perhaps a prior fling, or an old buddy.

METHENWE | Severus was experimented on in a Methenwe lab he was kept in for a decade, between the ages of 7 and 19. He has extensive trauma from this time of his life, has a sticky relationship with Allorn aligned individuals and the Allorn cause as a result. He took care of his peers because of how long he spent there before eventually getting forcibly ejected. Additional backstory connections to this part of his life could be made.

A NEW EXPERIENCE | Severus is a clone of his "father," a man with the exact same name and face as him. His father was an emotionally detached mad scientist / doctor who presumably died. I'm open to writing in backstory interactions so that others' characters can have known Severus' "father," and so that they can consequentially mistake Verlaine for his father for spicy drama RP.

FREE SPACE | There's a five year period of time after Verlaine took leave from the Military- between the age of 24 and 28- where Verlaine's backstory is mostly empty and nothing much happened. I am willing to have ideas pitched to me about what could have happened between him and other characters in this gap of time.
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A thick azure briefcase containing medical supplies.
Suture Kit.

Three injection needles.
Three vials labeled [Malpractice].
Three scalpels.
A water flask.
Six small jars, each labeled with a different ointment.
Small bags, each labeled for a different medicinal herb.
One spare inhaler labeled for [Emile].
An azure journal with silver butterflies and gemstones embedded on it.
On the back of the front cover is an envelope. It contains dozens of tear stained photo clippings, and one of the photos depicts Verlaine as a child.
There's a vibrant blue ribbon bookmark which marks the last page he left off on.
The book is filled with scrawling cursive- Verlaine's handwriting- and sketches depicting some of his future projects. It's all just barely legible.
This book does contain actual information, if it were to be stolen.
An old rusted name-plate.
It says 'Doctor Verlaine' on it, and it looks to be at least a few decades old.
It's covered in scratches, the ink on the metal is faded, and one edge is chipped.
More TBA

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[REDACTED] | We Can't Choose How We Live by Yuki Kajiura.
"You are the object of all my despair. I might die spiteful, and the cold spot of my heart you occupy will only get colder with rot until then. I'm afraid I cannot forgive you."
Doctor Verlaine | What My Master Said by Yuki Kajiura.
"My humanity is a defect."
Emile | Trapped in the Past by Yuki Kajiura.
"When this nightmare ends, your life will not end with it. I will make something beautiful so that I may give it to you with my head bowed and a plea on my lips; Don't go yet. We're not done."
Nirosel | TBA
"I should have tried harder to protect you all. I should have done more. I failed in this matter, and I refuse to fail again so long as I can help it."
More TBA
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Just need you to specify a planar allignment for your Magic and you'll be set @Snoreb