Shelved Character ██████, The Orchestrion [Legacy]

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Eternally unfit Band Kid
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
▇▇▇▇▇ and the Musicians of Bremen present:
The Ǫ̶̧̧̜̘̣̻̞͇͎̙͓̬́̈́͗̎̃͊͐̽̔̚r̴̡̡͚̝̬̤͓̳̘͙̠̞̻͙͊͐̚ͅĉ̷͔̲̼͈̟̜̥͙͇̜̖̞̳͂̌́͑̊̊̓̆̋̒̾͑̕͠h̴̩̐̇ę̴̨̼̜͈̦̟̹̦̹̣̟͕̃ṡ̵̢̛͕̯̝͔͕̮̝̺̗͂͂͘͝͠͠ẗ̴̞̩́͒̄̈́̓̂̃̊r̷̤̾͑̀͋͐̽̒̎̚ī̵̡̡̙̥̹́̀͐͌͜ǫ̶̧̡̭̫̺͎͙̼͕̭̔̏͋̇͂̀̔̕͝n̵̡̨̳̫̺̭͈̳͚͚̜̟̹̼̂̽̀̆̈́͊̈́͘͜͝͝ 』《
-=[ Refuge Robotique | Mechanical Paradise ]=-

>===< 。°⚠︎°。 >===<
⊳ Information ⊳
Name_ █████, "The Orchestrion"
Heritage_ Altered Mystech [Naturebound Colony]
Age_ 26
Gender_ Nonbinary : They/He/It
Occult_ Ordial, Godmagic (Dragon)
Occupation_ Temple Guard, Craftsman

⊳ Core Concept ⊳
A gestalt collection of musically aligned Shades bound together by, at this point, fate. At one time they were a mechanical war machine for the Death Cults below Regalia, and now they fight against them instead.

⊳ Appearance ⊳
The Orchestrion appears at a glance as a peculiarly armored individual-- even an Automata if one does not look closely. More often than not, they are entirely garbed in their armor plating, design inspired by instruments and marching uniforms, with a matching tailcoat to tie together their musical theming. On the rare occasion, they will wear something more casual and typically covering, though it seems to be a habit of theirs to keep the helmet.

The helmet is removable, though recounts of what is underneath is mixed at best. Conflicting reports of appearances lead to a fuzzy and conflicted description of constructed edges, darkened hair, and static lights.

⊳ Beliefs ⊳
The Musician holds many experiences with various faiths, having encountered many angles of the present ones within Regalia (both legal and illegal in nature). They are now a Succession Draconist with homage to Gaia of the Consolidation, having secretly held faith in Iorwerth when he was of the Evolist Pantheon. Each of the Spirits of the Colony have arranged themselves with an individual patron within the Pantheon (and Gaia, too), based on their personal goals and beliefs.

>===< 。°⚠︎°。 >===<
⊳ Class ⊳
  • Melee [ATTK-INT|DEF-CON]
    • The Orchestrion is a defensive fighter set on mitigating damage and protecting allies, using music to rally fighters on the field. They classify as a Tank.
⊳ Proficiencies ⊳ 0/14 Left.
  • Strength: 0
    • Athletic
      • Force Toss (Bralona)
    • Shielding
      • Block*
      • Cover
      • Taunt
      • Switch
      • Hero
      • Watch
      • Rally
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Nature Bound Spirits choose one (or Half) Heritage and receive the Heritage Traits from that. They are also functionally ageless but bound to one appearance (or Shapeshift with Packs).
    • Bralona can, outside of combat, squeeze through walls, gates, and doors, allowing access to otherwise locked areas (stay away from private RP, please).
    • Bralona, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 Divinium or Artifactspark.
    • Maraya have small Ichor glands on their hands, which are capable of producing Chrysalis that they can shape into Crystals of any shape or size.
    • Maraya can also make music with these Chrysalis Crystals, as they can resonate based on tunes, and produce music autonomously.
    • Maraya can (out of combat) remotely hijack Tech (including Automata) to follow their commands and instructions instead, due to their historical superiority.
  • Nature Bound Spirits inherit some Archon Mechanics. They gain Mechanic 1, & Mechanic 2. Mechanic 2 however does not block them from using Sinistral Magic, which they can use.
    • Evolism, Triton Chosen
  • Technology, Medical, and Athletic Hobbies
⊳ Languages ⊳
Common, Calem, Droque, Dressalo, Shalota, and CSL/ASL.

>===< 。°⚠︎°。 >===<

⊳ Background ⊳
  • Artisan and Musician
    • The Orchestrion is fond of the arts in most of it's forms, though is in truest form a familiar of music. They also have practice in woodcarving and metalworking, making both instruments and weapons for others at request. They can often be lured or called through a good melody.
    • Faith aside, they have a personal vendetta against the Death Cults of Regalia, notably of any servants of the Malefica that make themselves known. This is in whole part of their Partner's deal with the Malefica that the Orchestrion in turn has worked to (partially) stave off.
  • Ensemble Shell
    • The Musicians of Bremen colony, as Naturebound, sports a mixed Brakin appearance, like that of a Bronn. Their faces may all be different, but they are rooted in their body being shared.
    • As a self-preservation mechanism, the Orchestrion's pseudo-mechanical form will collapse into a cube-like shape if their body is sustains too much damage.
    • Musicians are tied to certain limbs of the Orchestrion's body and Armor. Should a Musician be injured or temporarily removed, the associated limb fails to function. The same works in the opposing direction, if a limb is severed or damaged, that particular Musician may become muted or cannot be reached.

⊳ Extra ⊳
Music Library
『 ☢ Iron Rook ☢ 』
The Bassist : The Conductor
The Pianist : The Machine

>===< 。°⚠︎°。 >===<
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@Caelamus gmorning or evening, some very minor adjustments based on some things I've noticed for my rp:

No point movement: swapped in Interception and Ironheart packs because I straight up keep not using shields.
Oh also: I think this is how it works, would it be cool to get my thread cleaned?
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@Caelamus Hello, mildest update.
- 1 Str (removed Fisticuffs)
+1 Con (added new State pack)

+Added more text, nothing else mechanically though.
@Caelamus I apologize for the additional ping: didn't expect it to be picked up so quick and on waking up I decided I'd go with what I was thinking. Moved 1 Con point away into Charisma also for Agitator pack. No other changes.
@Caelamus Ordial and Undead updates B) Edit: literally ignore this all together I cannot figure out what I'm doing. Edits still being done.
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@Caelamus Point adjustments for Kit update. o7

+1 To Charisma, retiring Agitator Pack
+1 Str, added Frenzy Pack
-1 Con, removed empty point
Bumping. More just point rearrangement for new Bruiser packs, one point to Magic for Body Claws. Otherwise, nothing else has been changed.