Preserved Sheet ⏣ Gochnipunchni - The Mushroom Man ⏣

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Pocket Princess
Oct 30, 2016
Reaction score



"Life turns into death, which turns into decay, which turns into life again. And the Wheel keeps turning, yes?"


  • Full Name: Gochnipunchni "Goch" "Gochni" Ver
  • Age: 143
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Yanar
  • Preferred Weapon: Daggers, alchemy.. Money.
  • Main Ambition: Wealth (For the purpose of helping family, friends, and those around him.)

  • A ceremonial dwarven scimitar, cracked and gilded with slightly battered gold. It has a large black gem set into the base of the pommel
  • A rather full coin purse (40r)
  • A large cracked-leather business ledger, full to the brim
  • A green inkwell and quill
  • A variety of alchemical ingredients. Some legal, some not.
  • A small pink lily, with an orange inside.


"Sometimes I feel that the pen aches more than my arms do.."


  • Eye Colour: Brown
  • Hair Colour: None
  • Hair Style: None
  • Skin Colour: Wooden with several mushrooms growing about.
  • Clothing: Elaborate emerald overcoat and vest.
  • Height: 5' (When in Dwarf ovulate)
  • Weight: 100 pounds (when in Dwarf Ovulate)
  • Body Build: Short and stocky like a dwarf, average (when in Dwarf Ovulate)


"To me, alchemy is the most beautiful art. You are distilling what makes something special, concentrating it, and bending it to your will. In that respect, I suppose, we aren't much different from mages."


Total Points: 60
  • Whimsy Sorcery - 2 | A parlour trick or two
  • Nature Sorcery - 8 | A connection with nature
  • Spirit Sorcery - 4 | The Ultimate Con
  • Dimenthism - 4 | Learned in the matters of the Void, the Exist, and everything in between.
  • Alchemy - 20 | A master alchemist, able to brew up everything from Rubyflower Extract to Seraphalo Intensoid
  • Financial Case - 20 | A hundred years of business experience will teach you a thing or two.
  • Dexterous Rogue - 2 | Sometimes the one to get ahead is just the one with the quickest hands
Culture Points
  • Literary Arts - 10 | Write enough silvertongued business propositions and you too will get good at it
Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 0

  • Body Shape: Average

  • Body Fat: Moderate
  • Common (Free)
  • D'Ithanie (Learned in childhood)
  • Modern Elvish (Learned in childhood)

  • Whimsy Sorcery - Paper Flash
  • Nature Sorcery - Wood Singing, Woodland Grace
  • Spirit Sorcery - Faces of Life
Choice Mutations

  • Malevolent Hexicanum - "To sample one's own product is so.. Cliché, don't you think?"
  • Malevolent Reading - "Don't lie to me. Believe me, I can tell."
  • Malevolent Illuvication - "It seems as though hallucinations can occur, even if you're completely sober. Or.. Are you?"
  • Malevolent Disguise - "Me? A vampire? I don't see how you could have come up with that idea"



"Why do I smoke? Force of habit I suppose.. Calms me down.. Want one?"


  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Commander
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Estel Worship (3/10) - Gochni believes that life finds a way, be it through weeds growing through the cracks in brick walls to his own career in the cracks of society. And after all, if Estel is the living embodiment of what created that life, then she is certainly a thing to be revered. However, since his infection, he has slowly lost faith in Estel, growing embittered by the lack of physical power or aid she has offered him. And as such, he is progressively detesting her more and more. (This value will be altered as Gochni worships Estel less and less, it's only at 3/10 still out of force of habit and him secretly wanting to come back into the light)

    • Void Worship (2/10) - Gochni is conflicted when it comes to matters of the void, when times get very difficult and he's wavering in his faith to Estel, his thoughts wander to the easy way out. To him, void worship might just represent that easy way out.
Personality Traits

  • Gochnipunchni is generally perceived as being quite manipulative, while at the same time both generous (even kind) and impartial. While this might seem rather contradictory at times, it simply means he rewards those he considers to be his allies quite well, while at the same time, manipulating them from the shadows. When strangers meet Gochnipunchni, they generally feel a liking to the man, though a bit of a suspicion about his motives, which Gochnipunchni works quickly to try to assuage.

  • Gochnipunchni generally has a slight sense of self loathing for a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which is his appearance, though he could Ovulate from Dwarf to Orc, it hardly makes a difference, and oftentimes interferes with "Business". He sees himself as a man, trying to climb a mountain, with obstacles of a racist world standing in his way.

  • Towards friends or family, Gochnipunchni is considerably more kind. While business might just be business, the few relationships of genuine friendship rather than business obligation that he facilitates often blossom into very real companionship.

  • In a word (or two), Gochnipunchni's morality is Chaotic Neutral. He often just thinks of himself and his immediate group of friends, never pondering the effects of his actions beyond that small radius of potential backlash. For him, no act is too low, no problem too difficult. It allows him to tackle problems with ease, though in a way that might not be totally morally valid.

  • Skill in alchemy. Gochnipunchni is highly experienced in alchemy, able to brew up difficult concoctions with graceful ability, if not ease. He regularly makes use of this, deploying Garuda Stalk to escape sticky situations and the whatnot. He regularly takes his trademark Shademash gas with him, along with Iceleaf, just in case, he even has the skill to brew Seraphalo dust, and keeps one bottle in a secret pocket of his cloak at all times.

  • Strategic (Business). Gochnipunchni has plans within plans. He thinking over every detail of them before implementing them. He is like a chess player, thinking several moves ahead, to him, all the world is a game. What most people think would make no sense, Gochnipunchni can tell that through "this" "this" and "this" it will adversely affect some other outcome which will effect... etc. Mostly this comes into effect in the world of grey business, which Gochnipunchni is so intimately familiar.

  • Deep knowledge of mycology. Gochnipunchni knows ridiculous amounts of the study of mushrooms, he can tell each apart just from looking at their stems. He can even use this in combat, drugging the person with shademarsh mushrooms before pouncing. He can hold literally any conversation under the sun with roots to the study of mushrooms. He loves them like he loves his own children, and as he is a mushroom, it makes sense.

  • Contacts, Gochni knows someone who knows everyone (figuratively). He has contacts both high and low, with his proverbial roots reaching all the way up through the chain of command. It allows him to say, procure a tricky substance for a potion or to get the guards to turn their heads the other way when he brings a cart load of Shademarsh Mushrooms out of the city. It's these little things that make a huge difference in the long term.*
*Note, the Contacts talent will be played out primarily IC.


  • Weak. Gochnipunchni is incredibly weak for a Dwarf ovulate, he lacks the ability to do very much beyond the typical labor of his life. He has a slight pot-belly but otherwise is averagely muscular for an Alior, however he is quite weak for a dwarf-folk. He has well-developed arms however, allowing him to uproot the most permeated of mushrooms.



"It all begins with a coin."


- Gochni was born in Fendarfelle to a half Yanar, half dwarvish family. Tragically, his mother passed during childbirth. His father was left broken and distraught, and as devastated as he was, was incapable of supporting a new child on top of his grief. He left him on the doorstep of a random household, praying to all the gods above that whoever's house that was would be charitable and kind.

- As it turned out, that house belonged to an Isldar named Chandrelle. She was a woman in the spring of her youth, and she was deeply, markedly kind. She became his foster mother, and the only parental figure he ever remembered.

- As he grew, Chandrelle taught the young Yanar everything she knew about the world. Little tricks that she hoped would be useful later in his life, things like a couple Whimsy spells or a little bit of nature magic.

- But Chandrelle couldn't protect Gochnipunchni from his own conclusions he would draw from life. And as he saw her come home at later and later hours, looking grey and old from the effort of working every day as a single mother to an infant, he couldn't help but want to wish all her worries about money away.. A desire that soon became an obsession later in life.

- Once Gochnipunchni turned 20, he left home for the first time, determined to make his way in the world under his own power. He apprenticed himself to a local Qadir Iron Fist alchemist, who taught him the basics of alchemy and the use of Qadir clockworks. He fell in love with the simple art of chemicals, and became convinced that it was the key to making his way through life.

- Soon, though, he felt the urge to move on. He went to Regalia, hoping it would be the place where he would finally have some opportunities to be able to make some money to send home to Chandrelle.

- But opportunity never struck fast enough. He soon found himself penniless and struggling. He turned back to his basics of nature magic and alchemy to try to make an artificially productive shademarsh farm to sell shademarsh to the bigger gangs, as a way of getting some pocket money.

- He built himself up again, agonizingly slowly, until he was capable of purchasing a small smuggling vessel, little more than a sloop, which he used to keep his head above water without having to constantly tend to the shademarsh farm

- Soon that small smuggling vessel began to turn a larger and larger profit, and Gochni decided to turn that money into a more scrupulous operation. He opened a small investment firm, with a side on import-export service, and spends the next 70 years focused entirely on that and mastering alchemy

- Eventually, he had built up enough profit to begin sending some home to Chandrelle, who was a very, very old woman at the time and deep in her twilight years.

- He retired on those profits, as a middle aged, wealthy man.

- But soon, disaster struck. During the Bone Horror Crisis, ships stopped coming back, countries were entirely closed off, and investments died in the metaphorical water. Gochnipunchni was hauled out of retirement again, forced to try to rebuild his ailing business

- And that's where we begin our tale...


A young Yanar youngling was born in Fendarfelle to a lovely yet impassive couple that went by Thorson and Elvandaruil. Unfortunately Elvandaruil passed away during childbirth, leaving the newborn alone with his father. Thorson was absolutely devastated as well as dejected. The love of his life was gone in an instant, just like that. He pondered in his own thoughts and righteousness for several days, although it seemed like months went by. Thorson couldn't look into his son's eyes without being crushed from the inside out; he reminded him too much of his lost love. This led Thorson to do the only thing he thought he could do in order to stop the agony. His son was to be abandoned so that he could carry out the rest of his days alone and at peace.

The youngling was left on a doorstep; wrapped in cloth as well as bundled in an overly sized wooden basket. The doorstep belonged to an undersized house and the house belonged to a relatively young female Nelfin of the Isldar race, hailing from Ithania, who was called Chandrelle Ver. Chandrelle took the child into her home and decided to raise him as her own. She decided to give him the name Gochnipunchni.

As Gochnipunchni grew older, Chandrelle taught him the tricks of her family heritage. Simple things really. A quick charm to fold paper, a few words of D'Ithanie or Modern Elvish. But these quickly delighted young Gochnipunchni, and he spent long nights in his bedroom practicing them. Some nights, he would hear Chandrelle open the door to the small house they lived in, and collapse on the floor, weeping about money struggles and the stress of her life. He felt.. Desperate to try to help her, even as a small child, a sentiment that would stick with him for the rest of his life.

Chandrelle was a very important figure throughout Gochnipunchni's life as she was the only face he seemed to remember throughout his childhood; not his birth mother nor father. Throughout Chandrelle's and Gochnipunnchni's time together, she took him to multiple street performances throughout the city in the hopes for him to discover and learn what she could not show or teach him. When Gochnipunchni was about 10 years old, a specific performance did indeed catch his eye. A street performance with Obscura; a potion commonly used as a way of quickly escaping a situation of conflict as it releases black clouds of smoke that disorient those who are caught within it. After witnessing such a performance, Gochnipunchni began his journey into the world of alchemy.

Young Adulthood

When Gochnipunchni turned 20, he decided to concentrate more on alchemy and mycology as he felt as if it was the best way to prove himself in this life. During this time, Gochnipunchni spent his time experimenting and cultivating mushrooms. These years past relatively quickly for Gochnipunchni and his mother as he kept himself busy with mycology and alchemy, spending months off on pilgrimages with a local Iron Fist alchemist by the name of Mansquir Na'sir, a Qadir. Mansquir also introduced him to his fellow Iron Fist members, who soon took a shine to the impressionable youth. Mansquir also began teaching him about push daggers, and the intricacies of finecraft clockwork, in order to teach the little mushroom how to defend himself. In the meantime Chandrelle kept herself busy with her trade; a local barmaid at the tavern.


As Gochnipunchni was no longer considered a "young adult" in the eyes of his fellow peers, he felt as if he had merely done nothing with his life. While he was pondering along in the streets of his city looking for work of some sort, he heard a city folk shout about a place called Regalia, "They are mixing pot! Everything comes and goes from there!" As those "wise words" filled his ears, a switch seemed to turn on inside of him. He thought to himself that he could possibly find new breeds of mushrooms and make a sort of living that way, in Regalia. Gochnipunchni ran home to inform his mother of his finds immediately.

Chandrelle was obviously devastated after hearing such news; she felt as if her only child was going to leave her, and physically, he was. Gochnipunchni needed to move out and on with his life and deep down she knew this. Gochnipunchi and Chandrelle both ended up saying their goodbyes and parted their separate ways a few days later.

When he did arrive in Regalia, Gochnipunchni very rapidly ran through his money, and as he watched his savings dwindle, he turned to less savory methods of earning money. He made use of his classically trained alchemy skills, and began to procure a large supply of shademarsh mushrooms, for use in illicit drugs. Soon, that small operation began to turn a greater and greater profit. Soon, he had purchased a small smuggling vessel with that money, and had begun running supplies for the smaller gangs in the city. He apprenticed himself to a skilled smuggler named George De Laley, who taught him the basics of the School of Vilecroft. (Where he picked up some of his criminal talents.)

After being settled down in Regalia for quite some time, Gochnipunchni began purchasing more legal variations of mushrooms and cultivating them in his new house above-ground. During this time, he has built up quite a large fortune selling illicit mushrooms in the sewers.

During the next seventy years or so, he spent training with his push daggers, along with practicing his alchemy. Also during this time, he began to think more about his faith. After a long time of writing his heart out, he finally decided that perhaps Estel really was real. He began cultivating his gardens with more vigor than he used to, sifting through dirt with a religious fervor. He had found himself.

As Gochnipunchni turned 100, he decided to retire off of his amassed fortune, spending the rest of his days in his own self-amusement and his Cousin's business in Norrlan. By the time he got into his 120's, he invested in a large mine and decided to expand his business empire to Drowvda, investing in a alchemical supplier business that was located there; specializing in mushrooms. This turn of events officially started the Gochni Investment Guild. During this time, he also found himself investing in a spice consortium that was stationed in Faradh. This spontaneous investment turned out to have a nice profit.

Senior Years (Present Day)

During present day, Gochnipunchni finds himself lacking for profit. His business in Fenderfelle and Drowvda were struggling from the Bone Horror epidemic. Now, only the Faradh Spice Consortium seems to turn a profit for this quarter. Gochnipunchi is now living off of the money he has stored away; as his incomes suffer and dwindle. He has taken up researching the stars, tracking the movements of different planetary bodies, as their wandering paths strike a chord within him
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Gg, when Fong rates your post "Winner" you know it's gonna be amazing to play.
@EnderTheMad Review complete!
  • In the trait "Manipulative" you mention "hallucinogenic drugs". Do you have any specific examples of this "drug" that you can list off of the Massivecraft Wiki?
  • In the character's lifestory, you mention that he generates revenue from "cultivating magic mushrooms". Firstly, I advise against the use of "magic mushrooms", as that is a common slang term for a real life illegal drug. Secondly, what exactly are you referring to? It's rather vague.
Aside from the points above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you're finished. Pending!
@EnderTheMad Review complete!
  • In the trait "Manipulative" you mention "hallucinogenic drugs". Do you have any specific examples of this "drug" that you can list off of the Massivecraft Wiki?
  • In the character's lifestory, you mention that he generates revenue from "cultivating magic mushrooms". Firstly, I advise against the use of "magic mushrooms", as that is a common slang term for a real life illegal drug. Secondly, what exactly are you referring to? It's rather vague.
Aside from the points above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you're finished. Pending!
Also, @Cpt_Manta_Ray got a list of a few hallucinogens, i will expand that list in a second
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Done the edits, to expand the list:
And of course, Opium
A Mushroom Sprout in the road
Those on a strode could tell
The Mushroom was like no other
For he had a face and eyes
Then had sprouted another
Guess who's back? Back again? Slim Shady's back! With a improved character sheet!
That's the lyrics.. right?
Guess who's back? Back again? Slim Shady's back! With a improved character sheet!
That's the lyrics.. right?
If your reviewer is no longer staff, for future reference set it to needs reviewer.

Please clarify sources for bodystat.

  • Common (Learned in childhood)
  • Dwarvish (Learned in childhood)
  • Ithanian (Learned while studying)
Only one language may be learned without adding +5 linguistic points.

Life Story (Required)
- Born in Fendarfelle to a half elven, half dwarvish family
- Mother died
- Father couldn't support him
- Left him on a doorstep
- A Isldar named Chandrelle became his foster mother
- Taught him a few basic magic tricks, which he never really capitalized on
- After he turned 20, got very into alchemy and mycology
- Local Iron Fist alchemist apprentices him
- Teaches him a little about push daggers, but Gochni never picks up more than the basics
- Settled down in Regalia, thinking it would be a good way to learn a lot quickly
- Ran out of money, and began a small drug production outlet
- Built himself back up, and purchased a smuggling vessel
- Soon delves into more legitimate methods of business, and spends 70 years mastering alchemy
- Starts a small investment firm
- Retires off of profits
- Proceeds to be absolutely ruined during the Bone Horror epidemic
- Is now coming out of retirement to rebuild his company, and try to not look at his dwindling funds with as much horror as he used to
Add a bit more detail to each subject for a more in depth view. Feel free to make it more akin to the chronicles, it is very bare bones as is. In addition, I would recommend capitalizing on the unique aspect of why the character appreciates money so much. Given Yanar as a race are the most anti-materialistic race in all of Aloria next to the Cielothar. Why does he accumulate coin? Does he acquire money to give to others, to support his colony? What motives does he have? Clarify!

Tag me and highlight edits when you're done.
@Caelamus Done! I wrote the edits in pink!
(I was rather confused though, since he has nothing that adds to his physical stat, is it just 0?)
@Caelamus I made some changes due to Gochni being IC infected, along with a little bit of (admittedly bad) cosmetic changes, and putting the points I had in lifegiver ritualism into business and literary, because I found that it doesn't really fit the character.
I rewrote proficiencies and vampire mutations a little bit so I'm marking for re-review. Here are a list of the actual changes I made:
- Traded Evergrowth for More Clockwork, as it suits the wily criminal with resources vibe better, and I really like the aesthetic of clockwork overall
- Picked up Malevolent Hexicanum instead of Malevolent Disguising, as I found that I didn't often use the disguise, I usually forgot it was there at all. Hopefully a constant passive like Hexicanum will help on a bit more of a consistent basis
- Added Void Worship in religion section, as it seems to be occurring more and more in the world around him, and he's being pressured by his friends. It's still very much a secret interest however.
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  • Estel Worship (7/10) - Gochni believes that life finds a way, be it through weeds growing through the cracks in brick walls to his own career in the cracks of society. And after all, if Estel is the living embodiment of what created that life, then she is certainly a thing to be revered.
  • Void Worship (2/10) - Gochni is conflicted when it comes to matters of the void, when times get very difficult and he's wavering in his faith to Estel, his thoughts wander to the easy way out. To him, void worship might just represent that easy way out.
Vampires are not religious, even towards the void. Some vampires may have some form of respect or admiration but they abhor or simply have no respect for the concept of religion. This can actually cause some vampires to come to blows with religious places, even those led by void worshipers. Equally, Void Worship is not compatible with Estel Worship in any form. Putting points towards Void Worship will set Estel Worship down to a much lower number. 7/10 Is a Zealot to their faith.
Okay! Sounds good, I'll knock Estel worship down to 3, because he's still like, clinging to his old life out of force of habit?
And void worship isn't as much a religion in this case as a curiosity or fascination with Arken and such.
Switched Loxocation for Disguise again, because I forgot that Mivver had vampiric eyes. My bad, won't happen again.
Re-Approved but be aware that this is the final time that you will be permitted to change your character's abilities/proficiency related abilities.
  • Bolded the first letter of most of the intro
  • Changed around a few colours
  • Aged him up 3 years (140 -> 143)
  • Added Modern Elvish, as apparently you're allowed to get two languages from your childhood in addition to common
  • Added a short description after each proficiency
  • Full aesthetic revision! We've got gifs n'quotes now!
@Caelamus I was poking around with making a poll and accidentally knocked the approved button off, whoops!