Preserved Sheet .• Ume Jarsdel Hasegawa •.

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Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
team sad
Basic Information
Full Name: Ume Jarsdel-Hasegawa.
Goes by: Ume Ledsarge ["oo-meh"] | At the request of her step-father.
Age: 27.
Gender: Female.
Race: Half Varran | Half Chi'en-Ji.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Skill Information
Proficiency Points | 27/27
Combat Proficiency:
+10 Unarmed Combat (+10 from Race).
+10 Fast Blades (+10 from points).

Knowledge Proficiency:
+9 Sailing Knowledge (+9 from points).
Science Proficiency:
+5 Nature Care Sciences (+5 from points).
Arts Proficiency:
+3 Visual Arts (+3 from points).
Body Proficiency:
+10 Athletic Training (+10 from Race).
Body Shape
10 Physical Stats
Average Body Type
Extreme Low Fat
Tatsugo | Learned in childhood.
Common | Taught by self, parents, peers.

Visual Information

Eye Colour: Golden | One eye infected with cataracts.
Hair Colour: Black.
Hair Style: Two buns, leaving strands to frame her face.
Skin Colour: Pale olive | Dark stripes on face, neck and back.
Clothing: Traditional Chi' wear, mostly dresses.
Height: 5'4".

Personality and Abilities

Having a mien of superiority for a half race is dubious, especially if one parent happened to be a Varran, but anything else is unheard of for Ume. She takes general pride in herself in an 'I'm better than you' way, and tends to be quite smug about it too. On top of that, she enjoys bantering with people so much so that a lot of people would consider her overly honest or blunt, and her wit can easily come off as snarkiness. However, she's quite a generous person when she wants to be, and thoroughly enjoys giving out her trinkets to make friends- though unsurprisingly her gifts are never cash related. Meeting her can almost always end in one of two ways: being insulted, or having a laugh.
Being quite happy to be left alone is rare in most people, but Ume embraces it. She's allowed her loneliness to envelope her after travelling and now she struggles to make genuine bonds with people or connect to her emotions. She worries mostly about not being worried about dying alone, in a twisted, paradoxical way. Her main supporter has been herself for most of her life, so it's easy to see why her ego is nearly so big you can touch it. Despite this, one of her biggest insecurities has been her lack of magic. Surrounded by people who seemed so much better than her, it's why she strived to prove herself and stand out without needing to be like everyone else.
Allowing herself to give sentiment to people isn't Ume's thing. She's more of the lone wolf type, but does tend to pick up people who seem like they'll be useful. That being said, she'd probably die for the people she lets in, and this applies to both friends and family. If the gruelling process of getting past Ume's walls ends up being a success, then the recipient of her affections will most likely gain a life long and highly devoted friend. She can also drop a bit of her pride around her friends, share her innermost thoughts, and generally relax more than being the hardened caricature she is regularly.
After having seen all she's seen, Ume is very torn on the definition of justice. She doesn't consider the government's rulings to be almighty and always right with some of the questionable behaviours, and instead likes to live by her own moral code. Whilst enjoying the odd misfortune, since misery loves company, Ume is very protective over life. She's seen enough lost souls to last her a lifetime and is quite stern about unnecessary death in that she's very against it. It's part of the reason she grows plants- so she can give back to the world a bit of life to make up for what she took.

Cataracts in one eye - Something that Ume will never be able to undo is the loss of her sight. Caused by trauma to her eye during her time as a footsoldier, it's possibly the main reason she quit in that position and turned to expand her knowledge of Aloria in the fear that she'd lose sight in the other eye too.


Cats - Feeling at home amongst cats is very cliche for a half Varran, but also very true for Ume. She loves surrounding herself with feline friends, and is enamoured by every sound they emit and every move they make, and a lot of them know a lot of her secrets by now.
Painting - Specifically the little dolls she makes, Ume loves to paint. Whilst she isn't all that good at it, she believes in the beauty of imperfection and still adores her tiny animals.


Poor hygiene - On herself or anyone else, Ume hates bad hygiene. The smell of bad breath or body odour disgusts her, and not having a wash sends shivers down her spine. She's very sensitive to bad smells, they make her gag incredibly quickly, and thusly she can't stand when people don't take care of themselves.


Life Story

Birth | Childhood
Hinoka Hasegawa travelled to and fro between her village and the nearest dock many times during her younger years. On these excursions she'd sell what she couldn't to her village of her produce (namely rice) to faraway travellers. One such occasion led her across the company of a Varran-dominated trading ship, and nearly a year later Ume was born. Hinoka assumed they were a band of ex-slaves, and mostly kept quiet about Ume's father to save her from embarrassment or disappointment. Instead, Ume was brought up in a rural area of Yang-Tsu, among the marshy fields, and whilst she was obviously an outsider, she taught herself how to best fit in. She mostly enjoyed running around in these years, sometimes even with the little friends that she had, and dreaded the days her mother would coerce her into sitting down and engaging in some mind games. Although, she did enjoy learning and reading about the stars, something her mother would happily oblige to doing with her.
Adolescence | Teenagehood
What Ume didn't realise when she was young and naive was how her and her mother had been nearly ostracised from the community and her family. Hinoka's interbreeding had caused the elders to show distaste towards the pair especially after Hinoka remarried Clyde Jarsdel, and Gallovian traveller, however after a while they reluctantly warmed up to the idea of having Ume around, valuing the sense of community over the individual principles. This acceptance boosted her self-confidence massively, and gave her a sense of false hope that she'd be accepted everywhere. A sort of 'fake it till you make it' sequence occurred, and she managed to convince herself that this was the truth. Whilst her education was mostly thorough, she felt like she wanted to do something else. Explore or be active was her only goals at this point, and during her rambunctious child years she was itching to ditch the scholarly side of her life for something more exciting. During her later teen years, she decided to leave home in favour of military training, being one of the few not interested in schooling and not having any magical abilities. She ended up training for quite a while, being one of the few Chi' who had to have any real weapon proficiencies, and one of the youngest. When she could successfully wield a sword, as she was practically an adult, she could finally be used as a troop in one of the tactical missions the leaders put in place. It was mostly cleaning up the lands of intruders and patrolling the outskirts for signs of danger, but at the very beginning of her work Ume was terrified; she'd never experienced anything like this before.
Young Adulthood | Adulthood
After a few years of footsoldier work, Ume had a terrible accident with a blunt weapon to the eye. At first, there was no signs of major damage, but that soon changed. Rapidly, a mist fell over her left eye, and she was unable to use it at all. A couple of other close calls preceding this told her it was finally time to leave, and she discreetly abandoned her position after begging to go home to see her family. Ume took off. She initially started her travels in a red caravan her grandparents owned, doing her best to traverse the varied terrain of Yang-Tsu. These years is what taught her she didn't need people. She was doing fine as the half-blind nomad and had found a love for crafting instead, selling her trinkets and living off the little money she had left. It was until one day she'd had enough of her island (and living in near-poverty). She'd been tracking the stars all along her journey, and even had DIY skylight in the top of her caravan. This little knowledge of astrology she'd accumulated told her she could board a ship and have an idea of where she was going, so she promptly headed to the nearest port. She sold her horse after a few days whilst she was down there, wrote a letter to her grandparents telling them to come and pick up the caravan from where she'd dumped it, and off she went. Well- after finding a ship that would take her. Fluttering from ship to shop, she offered to work on board one ship that finally took an interest to her when she explained her keenness- and how she could use her tail to steal coin pouches. It was a band of other Chi' that took her on, traders, and she was like the whole crew's apprentice, learning to sail and properly read the stars with them.
Not too long ago now, Ume had caught wind of all the chaos emerging from the Regalian Archipelago, and she was oddly enamored by it. She wanted to be a part of that, or so she thought, so she convinced the rest of the crew they should go there to peddle more wares. It was such a diverse and concentrated place, they didn't see the fault in it and off they went, with a fair few stops on the way.
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I see no issues! Fun character. Without further ado, approved!