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Played Character “Lord” Alexander Walter Bayton

This character is actively played.
Aug 19, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: "Lord" Alexander Walter Bayton
  • Heritage / Culture: half Ailor and half songaskian
  • Age: 35
  • Gender / Pronouns: male - he/him
  • Religion: none
  • Occult: none
  • Character Occupation: "Lord" Alexander is a travelling site seer looking to settle down and work in his learned trades architecture and scholarship.
Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: one blue and one grey from an old battle wound
  • Skin Color: Tan Caucasian
  • Hair: brown with white and grey streaks
  • Height: 6' 4"
  • Body Type: average build, tall.
  • Additional Features: face scar from fight, left him blinded in one eye. Always dressed for a formal occasion, weathered tanned skin from years of travelling.
Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents: exploring, long distance travel, excellent swordsman, good with a bow, great with an axe, heavy drinker but easily sobers up, loves to collect artifacts and interesting finds, trained in architecture and archaeology, well versed worlds religion's books, poor cook, average alchemist, great historian. Great around nobles, clergymen, common people, "magical creatures" , races, and others because of his convoluted background, except for who he doesn't.
  • Mechanics:
  • Languages: knows all languages of the known world

"Lord" Alexander Walter Bayton or "Lord" Alexander or Alexander for short. Was brought up in a high middle class home. His father was the owner of a well off cobbler in the capital. His mother a clerk at the store. He had the best education a non noble could have, and trained at the Royal Academy military school, and survived in the kings army for many years before taking his pension and an early retirement after being blinded in one eye. After that he travelled the continent for several years and is one of the most travelled men on the continent. After being robbed of almost all his possessions he is looking to finally settle down and open a shop.

His family on his father's traces its lineage back to a long extinct minor yet wealthy noble house, under a long ago king. Whom had no male heir for several generations in a row causing the title and the majority of the families money to be divided up and lost over the decades. His grandparents on his father's side were well off land lords but by the time Alexander's father's 25th birthday the family was all but homeless. After that they sold their property and much of their future, and bought a shop house in the capital which the family has run ever since. The name "Lord" comes from a tradition in the family where the eldest male of each generation is nicknamed lord in homage to the family's past noble title.

"Lord Alexander" or "lord" is his common name.

He is no stranger to a bar, pub, tavern or inn, he has spent many nights there on duty and travelling. Whether it's a night of celebration and fun or a full out brawl he is ready.

He is not a good cook and burns almost everything he cooks.

He is very knowledgeable in the history of the content but like many other historians he may exaggerate the truth and fill in the gaps himself some times but he is a honest and fair man.

He is an excellent brick mason and carpenter and great at creating things.

He is a novice at alchemy and magic.

While good with a weapon he prefers to talk issues out.

He does not travel far without his "child" aka dog pharaoh who has been by his side for many years and has seen many things with lord.

Very kind, generous, but not afraid to stand up for himself or others, creative, rough, knowledgeable and creative.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat:

Defense Stat:

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 2
    • [Ability Name]
  • Constitution: 1
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 3
    • [Ability Name]
  • Wisdom: 3
    • [Ability Name]
  • Dexterity: 1
    • [Ability Name]
  • Faith: 2
    • [Ability Name]
  • Magic: 2
    • [Ability Name