Preserved Sheet — Faust Mothcrow 〈〈 ♦ 〉〉 Alone Together —

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pfp by me
Feb 22, 2016
Reaction score
previously Atwerheq, currently none





Runaway Meant to Stay New life
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「convenerunt ad ultimum」
together at last



— Character Information —
Chosen name: Faust MothCrow
〉 Previously: Stefani Grigore Andreescu [ Velkov ].
〉 Full name: Faust Florin MothCrow.

〉 Nicknamed: Stef, Fazzy, Magic Man, Mage Mayor.
Race: Wildland Ailor
〉 [ Întuneric raised | Krainivaya/Daen descent ]
Age: 21.
〉 Birthday: November 15th.
〉 Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
〉 Lifespan: 80 years.
Sex: Male.
〉 Gender: Demiboy [ He/They ]
〉 Emote with he/him/his or they/them/theirs.
〉 Androgynous, but masculine-leaning in terms of clothing.
Eye Color: Grey-Brown.
〉 Affliction: none.

「postremus aphaca」
the last one



— Core Identity —

Concept ♦ A self-made spell caster and fortune teller who only knew one spell properly. He seeks to learn more, even if his nerves get the best of him. Unkempt, tired-looking, and frail, he always lacked physical prowess and sought books to make himself useful, even if he doesn't think he is very good at what he learned either. Genetics were not kind to him, making him sickly, and born with a paralyzed leg from the knee down, for which he was given a harness to compensate, made of Klokktech. Recently, he was cured of his ailments thanks to a deal his sibling, Emile, struck with the Arken of Justice. He was born with a Magespark, which was activated during his studies.

Personality ♦ Being a bit of a fish-out-of-water, he is rather curious, and inquisitive at times, although he mostly means well. Fortune telling has been his obsession for a while, and something he will not shut up about if given the chance to speak about it. Every scrying is an instant source of serotonin, regardless of how bad the prediction may be. Social cues fly over his head, asking questions out of place, or downright nonsensical ones. Speaking in general is difficult for him, words have always been hard. Generally, he wants to grow stronger as a spellcaster. He hates staying idle, and would rather keep busy, always something to do, or someone to help. An INFP at heart.

Religion ♦ He is superstitious and spiritual, rather than religious, though has a strong set of beliefs. To him, there is a no bigger scourge on humanity than vampires, which was first prompted by his sister, and then later on given more credibility through his experiences in Regalia. Faust is not above working with the afflicted to further his own goals, though would only do so begrudgingly.

Who ♦ The son of Ivan Velkov, sibling to Circe, Morrigan, and Emile. His themes are crows, the arcane/occult, fortune telling, puppeteering, strings, sparks, black feathers, shadows, mirrors, and shattered images. An odd individual, to say the least, who is very clearly on the spectrum or ADHD if one were to look closely, perhaps a mix of both. Despite being born Krainivayian on his father's side and Daendroque on his mother's, he was raised Intuneric. You will rarely find him not looking tired, for some reason or another.

「initium finis」
the beginning of the end



— Proficiency —
♦ 〈〈 14 points | 14 spent 〉〉 ♦
〈 Due to a recent magic spurt, all their packs have been unlocked. 〉

[Training] Rage Counter

WISDOM: 6 [Tech Branch used here]
[Enchant] Enchant Bolts
[Enchant] Enchant Defense
[Enchant] Enchant Revenge
[Tech] Tech Sanction
[Tech] Tech Stim
[Medical] Medical Barrier

ARCANE: 7 [Void] [Magic Combat]
[Radiant] Radiant Push
[Radiant] Radiant Feather
[Radiant] Radiant Shield
[Radiant] Radiant Relocate
[Sinistral] Sinistral Sever
[Sinistral] Sinistral Corrode
[Chem] Chem Cleanse
Ailor Buff 1 [Chem] Technique Parry

FAITH: 0 [Estellon]

Abilities: Destined Familiar | Intuitive Ear

「ille qui vult cognoscere」
he who wants to know



— Ability Information —

Ailor :
Specials [ Racial ]
〉 Crow Familiar [ ♀ Mr. Pickle ]
〉 Dark Empathy
〉 Practiced Mockery
〉 Manifest Destiny
〉 Destiny Stressors
〉 Job Opportunities

Mundane :
Abilities [ Function ]
〉 Shield Block [ Block Pack ]
〉 Rage Counter [ Counterplay Pack ]
〉 Resilience [ Training Pack ]
〉 Ironheart [ Training Pack ]
Specials [ Flavor ]
〉 Thread Arts [ Craft Pack ]

Magic :
Abilities [ Spells ]
〉 Material Armor [ Materialism ]
〉 Link Disrupt [ Disruption ]
〉 Arcane Attraction [ Casting ]
〉 Healing Hands [ Blessings ]
〉 Reflection Strike [ Illusionism ]
〉 Disrupting Rune [ Thanhicism ]
〉 Magic Throw [ Spellsword ]
Specials [ Aesthetics ]
〉 Airwalking
〉 Sparkwalking

〉 Body Cleanse
〉 Sanctum Vessel
〉 Health Call
〉 Arcane Mastery
〉 Rune Smithing
〉 Dueling Brand
〉 Emote Infuse
〉 Life Wall
〉 Prison Break
〉 Altered Voice
〉 Thanhic Therapy
〉 Guardians
〉 Echoes of the Past
〉 Pocket Dimensions
〉 Simulacrum
〉 Mending
〉 Hex
〉 Self Mutation
〉 Element Control
Greater Mage [ Abilities ]
〉 Illusioned Self [ Illusionism ]
〉 Spirit Rush [ Thanicism ]
〉 Magic Blade [ Spellsword ]

〉 Magespark [ Custom Kit ]
〉 none, revoked.
〉 spot saved for if I re-apply.

「quod didicit」
what he learned



— Known Languages —

♦ Common [ Free ] | Spoken [ 7/10 ]
♦ Ânian/Înnora [ Native ] | Spoken [ 10/10 ]
♦ Etos/Hellas [ Linguistics ] | Known [ 2/10 ]
♦ Kriv [ Linguistics ] | Spoken [ 7/10 ]
♦ Altalar [ Linguistics ] | Spoken [ 5/10 ]
♦ Breizh [ Linguistics ] | Known [ 2/10 ]
♦ Calem [ Linguistics ] | Spoken [ 5/10 ]
Daendroque [ Linguistics ] | Spoken [ 5/10 ]
♦ Empire Linguist Pack [ Linguistics ]

「perierat, et inventus est」
he was lost, and was found



— Visual Information —

Mutations ♦ none.

Visage ♦ With big, sunken, downturned eyes, gaunt cheeks, a beak of a nose, big ears, and eyebags, he is far from good-looking. His eyes are brown, greyish around the edges, with dark brown hair, worn in a ponytail with bangs falling over his face in a messy manner, or half up half down.The hair itself falls at the shoulders when worn loose. His teeth are crooked and lightly stained, with a gap between the top two.

Body ♦ Unkempt, and dull, he looks like a breeze could topple him over, or as if he was ill. Skinny, and built like a string bean, he stands at 5'5" ft (166.5cm) tall, with slender limbs. The frail look persists even after he was cured of his illness, though perhaps a little deceivingly so, as he has been slowly regaining his strength. His complexion has a neutral light to medium skintone, Cinereous, if you will.

Style ♦ His outfit is dull in color, as per his preference, and he is usually seen wearing a blue ascot or apache tie. In his left hand, he often wears a white glove with runes on the back. He is never seen without his messenger bag, and a hydrangea flower stuck to his shirt or somewhere in his outfit. The flower itself looks like a corsair, despite being a live one.

Self Care ♦ Hygiene isn't his priority, his hair going unwashed for days before he has the decency to care for it, making it appear weighed down, otherwise, its texture is very curly. When clean, he smells like neutral soap, though otherwise, he smells like dirt.

Scars ♦ Recently, he acquired burn scars on the right side of his neck up to his jawline, the right side of his upper chest, shoulder, and bicep, along with the back of his right hand, fading up to his wrist. The Ailor's right cheek possesses a small diagonal scar, which left a slightly lighter mark.

Taraxacum ♦ This demon takes the form of a creature with a dandelion for its head. When partially shifted, the host's eyes turn a golden yellow, and dandelion petals may grow anywhere on their body. The petals themselves can be any size, even if it would not logically make sense, and sometimes remain once control is re-gained, but can be easily plucked with only slight discomfort.

「postremo taraxacum」
and lastly, the dandelion



— Life Story —

♦ Having been born ill and of an ilegitimate father, his parents always struggled to provide, like many Întuneric. Food was bland and more akin to rations, ever since he was little. The fact he had three brothers and a sister did not help in their finances. Faust was born frail, with a paralyzed leg, and had been ill from a young age, which also did not bode well for the family.

♦ Regardless of how little they had, the family was charitable, holding get-togethers with neighbors and friends to share food, even if it wasn't much. Thievery was not above them, as he was taught to have sticky fingers from a young age. He never managed to make too much from it, but as money was tight any help was welcome, even if it was a shady endeavor. When his older sister reached the age of nineteen, she became a vampire in order to protect their family, which did not bode well with Faust, who was sixteen at the time. He had a bad feeling about it from the start, which culminated in his worries being proven right as he watched his sister's personality shift before his very eyes. She grew possessive, and calculative, rationing their food to a T to maximize survival, without regard for their discomfort.

♦ One faithful night, his sister became violent, attacking their father, prompting Faust to flee the scene, making way to one of the family friend's houses. Frantic, he explained their current situation to the old engineer, who took pity on him. The old man fitted him with a leg harness, made of Klokktech, which allowed him to walk without a hobble for the first time in years. Next, the old man offered him food, and a cloak with which to shield himself, along with an old spellbook, which he used to teach the eighteen-year-old how to cast. Weak, he could not do much, so the man taught him a trick- To channel it within a crystal sphere. Armed with this, he returned home, fumbling to fight back against his sister's tyranny. Sadly, it was too late, as, upon his arrival, she already had fled, leaving their mother to tend to their injured father, who thankfully only suffered from shallow cuts on his arms. Turns out his brothers were quicker to act, though the sister had left them with a warning. She said she would return, to collect Faust, the only one of them she deemed worthy of the curse, perhaps due to his frail nature, as she wished to make him stronger.

♦ Unhappy with his sister's parting words, his family advised him to leave, to go elsewhere. They gave him a few utensils, his mother's prized pendant, and other small necessities, although as the food was scarce he was only given a loaf of bread for his travels. He set off, hitch-hiking off the back of wagons, and sneaking into a ship, his destination unclear. By dumb luck, he ended up arriving in Regalia, lost but determined to learn, and grow stronger in his own way- Without his sister's curse.

♦ Upon arriving in Regalia, he "hit the ground running", so to speak. Helping fight against the Bralona, he ended up getting permanent scarring, and a little more field experience than he had bargained for. The whole ordeal solified in his mind what he does best: Serving. His reasons to help have started growing past the selfish need to grow stronger, and onto genuine care for Regalia and its people. Recently, thanks to a deal his sibling Emile struck with the Arken of Justice, he has been cured of his ailments, and allowed to live to his full lifespan without dying from the illness he previously had. Slowly and steadily, he has begun dipping his toes into other areas, nose-deep in books whenever he finds the time in his busy schedule. After being cursed as a "gift" by Wickedness, the lingering void essence invaded his body in the form of a lesser demon.
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I'm not all that interesting



♦ Scared of the dark, he often carries a lantern around, with a large candle inside. Ever since he was little, he always slept with a candle lit in his room, a habit he continues to this day. Essentially, he can't sleep without a nightlight, as it causes him to have nightmares.

♦ His physical weakness also translates to magic, making him unable to cast anything without a conduit of some sort. He does so by channeling it into a crystal ball, and drawing runes upon it with an amethyst pendant. Having been warned of what happens when you directly touch the pendant when casting, he opts to wear gloves to protect his hand, the other being bare so magic energy can flow from him into the sphere.

♦ Despite owning a cookbook, which he constantly adds to, whatever food he prepares tends to come out rather bland, as he isn't accustomed to good food. He doesn't fully understand what "seasoning" is, which is likely why he doesn't use any.

♦ It's odd for someone to have a favorite type of cutlery, though his is definitely the spoon, or the more rare "spork" variant. He wishes to one day have an ornate one, to match his fancy set. Sometimes, he can be found sleeping with the little box his cuttlery set came in.

♦ He despises colors that are too bright, as for some reason they hurt his eyes, prompting him to avoid eye contact with them. Oddly enough, it seems bright hair doesn't have the same effect, as it fastinates him instead, which often results in him staring.

♦ When making eye contact, he tends to look at someone's nose rather than their eyes, in an attempt to fake it while still showing he's paying attention. It works, most of the time, as it's somewhat subtle, eye contact is just uncomfortable for him in many cases.

♦ Bearberry has to be one of his favorite berries, easy to find in the wild, and a font of nutrition. Runner ups are raspberries and blackberries, harder to find, but he'll eat them whenever the opportunity arrises.

♦ His favorite flower is simple, a Daisy, though he also enjoys May Bells, Baby's Breath, Hydrangeas, Fuchsia, Carnations, and Anthuriums. Daisy also happens to be one of his favorite names, he finds a certain beauty in the simplicity of it's namesake.

♦ Recently, he has started a journal to document his spells, currently he only has a glyph taught to him by a certain Morrigan Greymoore, but he hopes to learn more eventually.

♦ He doesn't actually have a favorite color, but he likes things that have dusty tones.

♦ Words have always been hard for him. Being it letters that are hard to pronounce, words, or even sentence structure like grammar. He has never been good at it, often having to correct himself, or stuttering his words out.

♦ Often having raided alchemy shops, he tries to always have cough syrup in hand, for when his illness decides to give him a coughing fit out of the blue. Thankfully, miss Allynna took some of this, so his coughs have considerably improved along with his now expanded lifespan.

♦ Even if by some he could be considered 'brave', Faust does have a few irrational fears. One of such, is pickled pickles. He absolutely hates the texture, the sight, the smell- Everything, about the heathen food.

♦ His crow, Mr. Pickle, won't attend to anything else. He named her proper when he was five, because, much to his dismay, she loves pickles. He often uses tongs to feed them to her.

♦ For whatever reason, he often ties his boot's laces into knots rather than bows, though he ocasionally ties them into half bows.

♦ One of his burn scars ended up vaguely shaped like a dinosaur (Allar). Being one of the tinier specks spanning from the bigger scars, he lovingly nicknamed it "Allie".


It's a material world


Lantern: An old lantern, originally painted black but chipped in some places, revealing rust. A large candle sits inside, wax melted into a base, holding it in place for ease of use.

Silver rapier: With a blade made of silver, and a hilt of copper, this weapon is completely and utterly blunt, unable to cut even through paper. It is worn for intimidation, and the odd chance he comes across a Cahal.

Cookbook: An old recipe book, with worn pages, and plastered new ones. The thing looks like a hodge-podge of recipes, with new pages being added and glued together with no regard for aesthetic, worn at his hip in a book holster.

Messenger's bag: Worn across his body, this is where he stores most of his food and supplies, along with a bedroll.

Crystal ball: A vessel conduit used to channel elemental energy for casting. Despite the name, it is made of glass rather than crystal, stored in his bag.

Amethyst pendant: A conduit which he uses to draw power from his conduit vessel, worn wrapped around his wrist, with the gem dangling close to his palm for easy access. Shaped like a pendulum, it has two initials engraved on it, "I.V.", which Faust assumes are just numbers. It has been enchanted to work as a pen, leaving an imprint of purple ink that glows dimly in a dark enough room.

Casting glove: Made of stained white cloth with a rune on its back, this glove is meant to protect his hand from the arcane energy from the pendant he uses as a conduit.

Ornate cutlery set: Carved with flowers, this set of silver cutlery was passed down to him as a gift. Being one of his most prized possessions, he carries this spoon, fork, and knife trio with him at all times, inside his bag. This item is incredibly well taken care of, more than anything else he owns, the spoon being his favorite.

Plain silver cup: Nothing notable about this piece, other than it seems to be oddly clean, and well taken care of. Sometimes it is worn in a holster, though more often than not it is simply stored in his bag.

Bedroll: An essential for traveling. His is a shade of dull red, dusty, somewhat dirty, and definitely worn. The inside is lined with pelt, for wamth, though it has a few holes on the outer fabric layer. Despite owning this, sometimes he opts to just sleep in a bush.

Stale bread: He keeps getting new loaves, and he eats them so slowly they always grow stale. Sometimes, he uses slices as makeshift plates, and refuses to throw it away until it has become moldy. It's still edible even if it's as hard as a rock right?

Journal: A simple "spellbook" he started after receiving a glyph from a certain mage. He has nothing else in it currently, but certainly he could learn more, with time, or so he hopes.

Blanket: A quilted flower blanket, very soft, and big enough for three people. Gifted to him by Vartan.

Cowboy Hat: Given to him by Valenttine, he thinks it looks 'cool'! Whatever that word means.

Tiny Hydrangea Flowers: The first being lovingly named "Vartiny", the second one "Varmini", these tiny flowers are rooted on the fabric of his shirt, on his shoulder, placed there and given to him by Vartan. Because of this, there's always a wet spot of water on the area the flowers are on. He refuses to take them off of the shirt, going so far as to sleep in a different one just to avoid disturbing them in his sleep. It can feel what Vartan feels, and he can tell when it is being spoken to, but not the words said. One of them is a pink star hydrangea (Vartiny), and the other a simple purple one (Varmini).

Spork: Finally, he has gotten his hands on this revolutionary piece of cutlery. It would have been stolen were it not for his friend, Vartan, simply letting him keep it. Despite it being nowhere as fancy as his set, he keeps it in the same box.

Crow Staff: A crow-headed staff, with magical properties. It draws whatever crows are near to the wielder, so long as the crow head is exposed. It doesn't control how the crows act, and they feel inclined to peck at it to destroy the head. It is not expected to last, but he usually carries around an empty pouch to hide the staff head with. Made with Arcane Enchantment.

Crow Pin: As the name suggests, a crow pin, though with magical properties. Every morning, at 3am, it summons a really loud crow near whoever last touched the pin. Insomnia curse. Made with Arcane Enchantment.

Dice & Ring: A set of six dices, and a simple silver ring. When the dice are placed one on each corner of a window, and the ring is put on, it wards off animals from said windows when the ring is within twenty feet of them. The ring must be worn for it to activate. Made with Arcane Enchantment.

Moss Bracelet: A thin bracelet akin to moss, given to him by Vartan.

Feather: A single white feather given to him by Heinrich, he wears it pinned to his hair behind his right ear.

Bedazzled Living Brooch: A bedazzled beetle, given to him by Morrigan. It lays on his vest, mostly unmoving, acting as a brooch! Except it's alive. Faust often carries a handful of leaves to feed it, whenever it is hungry. He calls it "Benny".

Orchid: A blue dove orchid, with a slight white dusting, given to him by Vartan.

Cube: The cube is a Rubik's cube, but the 'colours' are magical symbols. It is very hard to solve. But when it is, a compartment is opened. DM five_gum/Robbin when Faust or anyone else unlocks it. Gifted to him by his half-sister, Morrigan.

♦ Box: A red box. It smells of freshly cut grass, like life was kept inside. This is where Faust's dagger is kept, when not in use. This was part of Harlow's gift.

Valor: A delicate green dagger, with an accompanying whetstone. Veins of gold run along that neutral green, in indication that the blade has been shattered and remade. Among Huactl the first lesson of weaponry arrives when you meet the most strife. Faust has met a lot of struggles, and has cleaned himself of many more, hence the symbolism. The gold veins are in kindness to the god Savellon, Gilded Strike of Perfection. It is believed perfection is achieved through new beginnings after old ends. The sheathe has electrum, the same used for Magitech, allowing it to conduct magic and act as a conduit. This dagger was gifted to him by Harlow.

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I met so many wonderful people




〈〈 ♦ 〉〉
♦ 〉Grigore Andreescu || Father || NPC 〈 Nurturing 〉
» [ 8/10 ] | 〈 I hope you're safe. 〉
♦ 〉Maria Andreescu || Mother || NPC 〈 Tough love 〉
» [ 7/10 ] | 〈 You were always more strict. 〉

♦ 〉Nadia Andreescu || Older Sister || NPC 〈 Tirant 〉
» [ 4/10 ] | 〈 I'll rid you of you curse, just you wait, leech. 〉

♦ 〉
Benedikte Andreescu || Eldest Brother || NPC 〈 Support Pillar 〉
» [ 7/10 ] | 〈 Take care of them for me. 〉

♦ 〉
Marian Andreescu || Younger Sibling || NPC 〈 Duty to protect 〉
» [ 8/10 ] | 〈 I'm sorry I left you behind. 〉

♦ 〉Darius Andreescu || Older Brother || NPC 〈 Bully 〉
» [ 5/10 ] | 〈 You've always picked on me. 〉

♦ 〉
〉 Ivan Velkov || Biological Father || NPC 〈 Awful 〉
» [ 0/10 ] 〈 You had one job. You couldn't even be a good father to Emile. 〉

♦ 〉〉 Emile Velkov || Half-Sibling || Spliczer Tenacious Rat | The Other Half
» [ 9/10 ] 〈 I worry for you, but I know you're capable. Now I know how you feel. 〉
〉 ♦ It was a surprise at first, another sibling. He had a few at home, but in Regalia? He didn't expect he even had another to begin with, let alone within the city he chose to run to. That night at the Graveyard, when they both stared at that tiny pocket mirror, will forever be engrained in his memory. Another them, someone he could trust in the uncertain place he found himself in. He came to understand them through words, and later through magic visions. Despite the constant worrying, he cares deeply for his sibling, even if others think they cause "trouble".​

♦ 〉〉 Morrigan Greymoore || Half-Sister || five_gum 〈 Smart Cat | The Magical Formula 〉​
» [ 9/10 ] | 〈 I can stand to learn a lot from you, sister. Your years made you wiser, oldie. 〉
〉 ♦ Early on he already admired her magic expertise, learning they were actually related was a shock. A powerful mage in the lineage? Maybe magic ran in the family afterall. He has always thought he has a lot to learn from her, and still does, going as far as studying how she casts and copying little movements in his own magical practice. Faust doesn't think he'll ever be as good of a mage as her, but is more than happy to support and cheer her on. Refreshingly, he finally has a big sister that doesn't want to kill him.
♦ 〉〉 Circe von Sommer || Half-Sibling || Mystiluu 〈 Brave Bear | The Lost Link 〉
» [ 9/10 ] 〈 I grew attached much too fast. Your cooking reminds me of home, somehow. 〉
〉 ♦ The fourth, which none of the siblings thought existed. Three was already a lot, but another? That felt far-fetched. Regardless, he grew attached, perhaps too fast. Circe reminds him of how he was when he first arrived in Regalia, at least when it comes to common. Despite how weak Faust thinks or feels he is, he can't help but wish to protect his sibling, even if they theoretically don't need protection. As much as he loves his little sibling, he hopes they're the last missing link. Despite envying their skill with a crossbow, he'll always enjoy the little things, like their cooking, no matter how good or bad.​

♦ 〉〉 Titania || Sister's Girlfriend || Essentialess 〈 Kind Silven | Sister-in-Law 〉​
» [ 7/10 ] 〈 We've been family. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Bernadette Beckett || Miss Ma'am || TheRook 〈 Enstranged | Distant 〉​
» [ 4/10 ] 〈 I looked up to you. You've changed. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Trent Nathamla || Friend || trent_rouls 〈 Ginger | Chosen Family 〉​
» [ 8/10 ] 〈 You're a good friend, I'm proud of you. 〉
♦ 〉Vartan Paeozana || Partner || Fruit_Lups 〈 Anchor | Support 〉
» [ 10/10 ] 〈 There's no place in the world I'd rather be than with you. 〉
〉 ♦ He was the first person Faust ever met in Regalia, when he first arrived. Thankful for the blanket he received as his first act of kindness in che city, and for laughing at his jokes, the Ailor grew extremely found of the Yanar. The brief time they spent without seeing each other solidified the fact that, when they don't see each other, he misses him dearly. Vartan is about the healthiest most wholesome person he knows, and he finds himself extremely lucky to even call him his partner. There is still the fear that he will eventually be replaced, that he'll fumble and 'fuck it up', both of which got confirmed and solidified as a fear ever since his breakup with Stoloc, but he tries his best to be there for him and let him know just how much he appreciates him. Being just about the opposite of his ex, Vartan is extremely communicative, and Faust mirrors this by making even more of an effort to express how he feels, even if he's still learning to be on the same level of honesty as the Yanar. Overall a much healthier relationhip than he could've hoped for.
♦ 〉〉 Stoloc || Ex-Partner || retsag118 Traitor| Liar 〉
» [ 0/10 ] 〈 I finally knew what it meant, for someone to be your rock. You ripped that away from me. 〉
〉 ♦ The circumstances of how they met were entirely accidental. That night, at the Di Civita estate, where Stoloc was closing off and refused his friend's help, only demonstrated the journey the Fin'ullen was going through. Step after step Faust saw him improve, and he couldn't be more proud of the progress the other had made. A love fostered as the two formed a bond, one the Ailor didn't even realize until recently. He was happy to have found comfort he didn't know he needed, and a home, in his partner. Until he broke his trust, that is. The promise that they had made to communicate and be honest with each other was not upheld, and Stoloc held to himself that he no longer loved him until Love Day, overall a shitty time to break up with your significant other. Maybe he should have seen it coming, the Fin'ullen had been distant for months, neglecting him in favor of his other partner, Avox. Ever since, Faust vowed to not let Stoloc have power over his emotions, no one gets to make him feel like his heart is breaking. Not anymore.
♦ 〉〉 Yarehauni || Best Friend || Naramm 〈 Familiar | Memory 〉
» [ 7/10 ] 〈 You're far too kind to me, Lirh. I don't feel the same about you, but I cherish you regardless. 〉
〉 ♦ They met at the Arena proper, a stranger with charisma. Ever since, they've been friends. Faust ended up becoming the target of Yare's kindness, even if he felt awkward about it at first. He had no idea they were trying to pursue him, and he still doesn't fully understand why despite having it explained to him. Even if he doesn't feel the exact same way, he cherises them like a good friend, and will always be thankful for them. He still misses them from time to time, wondering when they will come out of stasis.​

〈〈 ♦ 〉〉
♦ 〉〉 Marcelus/Bremen 〈 Orchaestrion 〉 || Friend || Barium_V9 〈 Hollow Musician 〉
» [ 6/10 ] | 〈 I'm still trying to learn the ukulele, thank you for the instrument, and for being a friend. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Allynna Marais || Life Saver || KitchenRefugee 〈 Medic 〉​
» [ 6/10 ] 〈 Thanks to you you, I've never felt better. I couldn't have made it without you. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Valenia || Boss || nametag 〈 Special 〉​
» [ 6/10 ] 〈 Thank you for hiring me, I love working for you. You gave me a place to flourish. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Cass/Mikayla || Nice People || Jcboi5 〈 Twins 〉​
» [ 6/10 ] 〈 I'm sorry about Cass, I hope she's okay. I still think about that night, it haunts me. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Quentin Lockwood || Friend || Grimmsome 〈 Kind Feka 〉​
» [ 5/10 ] 〈 Thank you. I wish the best for you. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Cecil || Mentor || sonofthestars 〈 Magician 〉​
» [ 6/10 ] 〈 You keep exploding into fire. That can't be healthy, Cee. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Briareth || Co-worker || Faith_Bug 〈 Cool 〉​
» [ 5/10 ] 〈 You look really cool, Biar. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Yera Silvertongue || Employer || Ewdrawings 〈 Confusing 〉​
» [ 6/10 ] 〈 I hate you, sometimes, but you are wise in your own ways. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Pellica || Friend || LotusTwist 〈 Goopy 〉​
» [ 5/10 ] 〈 You're better than most Bralla. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Penny || Acquaintance || Rowet 〈 Bad Influence 〉​
» [ 2/10 ] 〈 I don't like you. 〉​

♦〉〉 Kelemvor || Acquaintance || Trepidity 〈 Observant 〉​
» [ 5/10 ] 〈 You have a good point, we'll train more soon. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Madeline || Acquaintance || TheHitchHyker 〈 Priestess 〉​
» [ 5/10 ] 〈 I'm terribly sorry. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Geir || Acquaintance || Witchprince 〈 Gloomy 〉​
» [ 4/10 ] 〈 I have no idea what 'brooding' means. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Therese || Hope || microwavemmm 〈 Doctor 〉​
» [ 3/10 ] 〈 I hope we can see eye to eye one day. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Rennyn || Friendly || Kingdom56 〈 Nice Person 〉​
» [ 6/10 ] 〈 You were right, I just hope the price isn't too high. 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Harlow Ketch || ??? || fantuinn Traitor 〉​
» [ 5/10 ] 〈 I forgive you, but you literally stabbed me with a fucking key- A KEY!! 〉​

♦ 〉〉 Name || status || nametag 〈 quality 〉​
» [ 0/10 ] 〈 quote. 〉​
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So many things to remember



〈 ♦ 〉〉 Ailor:
〈 ♦ 〉Magic: Spell Point Buy.

♦ Manifest Familiar
Each Ailor can be born with a Familiar that appears to them in their crib, and stays with them their entire life. Same rules as Pet Husbandry Pack apply, and if that Pack is bought, it gives access to two Familiars instead. Ailor Familiars live unnaturally long lives, and their presence is often explained in Ailor religions as a "watcher from the Gods".
♦ Dark Empathy
Each Ailor can disable their emotions or their conscience at will. They don't even really notice it when they do it, but this capacity has allowed the Ailor to commit great atrocities without feeling a thing. Additionally, they mind also allows them to self-impose a mind-block on certain things, by willfully erasing memories from themselves.
♦ Practiced Mockery
Ailor have been subject to derision from other Races for centuries, and over the years learned how to uniquely understand ridicule and insult language in other Languages. Even if they do not speak another Language, if someone utters an insult at them in any Language they do not know, they will understand what the insult is and what it means.
♦ Manifest Destiny
Ailor live short explosive and purpose driven lives. As such, they often excel more in the short term at tasks that other Races take slower and longer to master. While the Proficiency System normally allows a maximum of 7 Point investment per Category, Ailor may choose one Category in which to raise the limit to 8 instead.
♦ Destiny Stressors
Ailor have a unique stress-response that other Races find quite peculiar. Regardless of what age or condition an Ailor is in, or what hair color they have, when an Ailor experiences a period or event of great stress and trouble, their hair or parts of their hair can turn snow white, with color only returning when their situation improves.
♦ Job Opportunities
While isn't really a Special per-se, it is worth noting that while the Roleplay world exists in an Ailor-dominated society, it is always expected that Ailor have an easier time being hired in government and court position jobs than other Races do, purely because they are the preferred candidate within an Ailor dominated society.
Empire Linguist Pack
The Empire Linguist Pack gives the Character rough command and understanding of most languages found in the Regalian Empire, while being fluent in some of them. This pack includes the following Languages found in the table below:

» Calem [ Semi-Conversational ]
» Etos (now Hellas) [ Somewhat Understandable ]
» Skodje
» d'Ithanie
» Lëtz
» Dressalo
» Daendroquin [ Semi-Fluent ]

» Kriv [ Semi-Fluent ]
» Anglian
» Breizh [ Somewhat Understandable ]

» Altalar [ Conversational ]



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Updates updates updates!
It might just need a general look over, in case I forgot to mention anything else I've changed, however:
  • Added new blurbs at the end of both core sections, and another bullet point for most recent backstory events
  • Changed some profs! Added four wisdom, removed burglary and pickpocket, added a familiar
  • Added to the quotes! Mostly for aesthetics
  • Changed lifespan to reflect the recent curing through an Arken deal
  • Changed anything saying Ânian to Întuneric instead
  • Edited the Ailor specials to reflect the new naming
  • Edited the Magic specials to reflect how some of them had changed (I had yet to update it)
  • Added Exorcism and Curing as mundane abilities from +4 Wisdom
  • Added a blurb to appearance to specify he's cured but looks the same (I wanted to keep aesthetics)
  • Added job opportunities!
Updates updates! Again!
  • Changed the packs accordingly to the new magic update
  • Reshuffled the points! Goodbye wisdom, hello point re-location
  • Added demon alter! I've been eyeing this for a while, I want a bird form
  • Updated abilities list
  • Added custom kit abilities
  • Added a blurb under appearance describing the demon alter form!
More changes!
  • Kept Counterplay and added Block, Bastion and Recovery
  • Removed what used to be the tradeoff pack
  • Removed afflicted knowledge
  • Added stupid luck pack
  • Removed healing alchemy
  • Edited mundane abilities to reflect the added packs
  • Added Breizh as a known language! Understood, not spoken
  • Removed demonology! I never really used it whoops
  • Removed demon form to reflect this
  • Added a small blurb to the "Core" section to address religion
  • Changed Enchanted Well to Enchanted Buffer
  • Changed Pain Sharing to Reflection Strike

changes are in blue! @BiBiBirdie
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Tagged as needing re-review!
Too many changes

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I'm incredibly evil and decided to edit the point spread a little
  • Removed Bastion and Counterplay packs
  • Added Resilience, Ironheart, and Thread Craft
  • Swapped 1 Magic for 1 Constitution
  • Removed Enchanted Buffer and Link Disrupt
  • Added Altered Self to replace them
  • Replaced Mercy of Life with Illusioned Self
  • Removed three magic specials
  • Edited abilities list accordingly
changes are in blue, @ChapterDeath
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Made some changes!
  • Added Thanhicism
  • Replaced Perfect Copy with Spirit Rush
  • Edited Ability & Specials to reflect the change
  • Changed his descent to Krainivaya, Intuneric raised
  • Re-formatted Core Identity
  • Re-formatted Appearance Information
  • Edited the first sentence on the backstory
  • Updated the visuals!
More changes!
  • Reshuffled the spell packs in accordance with the spell point buy update!
  • Update the ability list to reflect this
  • Removed Lightning Immune and replaced it with Floral Element
  • Did add two of the free theurgy packs
  • Added a little blurb to the appearance section to describe the demon's form
  • Added a little blurb at the end of the backstory to explain how he was infested (consulted with the ticket bot)
I've been postponing this ever since the Spell point buy update dropped, but here it is!
  • I didn't use the new Break Enchant, so I swapped it for Link Disrupt instead
  • Didn't use Bonfire, so I replaced it with Counterplay
  • All other profs remain the same
  • A lot of my specials got combined into one with the update, so I removed and replaced them
  • A total of nine new specials were added, and two were swapped out
  • Added bits and pieces here and there, I decided to make the character half Daen half Krainivaya
  • Said bits were added or modified to reflect the change to half Daen
  • Added Daen as a semi-spoken language
  • Added scores to each language to exemplify how much he knows to avoid mary sue territory
  • Updated family relationships tab
  • Updated cheat sheet
Small changes while we wait for the update

Swapped arcane knockback for life leech. Removed three specials to account for this. Added the vested demon pack. Name of the vested demon is still pending so I'll hold off on adding a description for now

That's it, formatting is having a fit on mobile I'll fix this with bullet points later

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