Preserved Sheet Ω Fayeth Le'fiyneih Ω

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Very very frightening
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
likely under a bridge

cianan-ur.regular (1).png

"Pain is weakness leaving the body. Dying a painful death means you died pure, without weakness."

Basic Info

Fayeth Moira Le'Fiyneij

Sixteen. Birthdate; May twenty-eighth.



:Main Ambition:
Wisdom, aristocracy, love.


:Eye Color:
As per usual and often uniform among kindred. Sky blue with that haunting glow.

:Hair Color:
Tawny Orange

:Hair Style:
The hair itself is rarely seen messy, but it isn't rare. Oftentimes when dire events have happened she quotes, "Best to worry of dread than beauty itself.". The hair in back is put into one large pony tail. The ponytail in question is bound together with a few white flowers.

:Skin Color:
Fayteth's skin is often overly pale in appearance. It isn't pale as far as death glows, but one could suspect at night as her skin being haunting, and the moonlight reflecting off her soft skin.

Normal attire includes dark cloaks, lined with a yellowish, nearly gold, linings/stitching. Formal is a blue and white dress, a white sash with blue wisps.

Six foot zero inches.

:Body Build:
First sight would be considered emaciated. Though she fits just under lanky.

:Weapon and/or magic of choice:
Magic includes all forms of starlight magic. As far as weapons go, just a simply short sword, nothing more than a side-arm. Any alchemy up to difficulty three can be used, four is possible, but this is limited.


Facial features on this specific Saivalthar is rather straight. About the most in interesting about her face is the tattoos, and tiny scars, unless a man were to differ and say the face itself was the highlight. Tattoos on her face include a pointed shape beneath each eye, curling outward, and a simply bit of paint along the lips, a singular ling coming from her bottom lip to her chin. Scars are mainly on the cheek and one large on on the forehead. The one on the forehead is cut into a swirl shape, and said to be the only scar on her face concerning pain rituals, the rest were from accidents or being attacked. The skin itself is rather well kept, and smooth. Rarely Fayeth uses make-up if she had some at her disposal. As far as facial shapes go, her face is very angular, and her chin is at an almost point, with average sized cheek-bones making a rather gentle slant in the cheeks. Her eyes are found quite round in comparison to others, but more of a wide oval than anything.

Fayeth's body simply is very skinny. At a young age her parents didn't feed her sweets or bad foods, at a young age she had little to no sweets. She was often convinced certain foods were deserts, such as breads, and meats. So it goes without saying she was fit from the ground up. But the lack of certain nutrition needed such as meat was unspooken of, so her body wasn't able to gain any mass, therefor being rather skinny compared to other Nelfin counterparts. Not that she is in any way malnutritious, but it's hard to deny her body build. As such weight, and height is below average, her height just barely 6 foot, and her weight being around eighty to ninety pounds.

Fayeth's sense of style is strange, and there's really no way of doubting it. Her clothing can vary between certain cultures, that is if she has the said clothing accessible. What one may see her styles vary is very Qadiriq, Songaskian, the jewelry also seems to give off a Qadiriq sense. However, alternate styles such as Ithanian. Because of this Fayeth seems very uncultured, which is true, she simply prefers other styles aside from her own. Fayeth generally will wear clothes that are blue, red, and maybe black. The colors chosen was strictly chosen because she had a large sense of style that allows her clothing to match eye coloring, and give off a certain personality.

Fayeth carries a few items constantly, and often clings to them with her life. One being her Light-Seeker. The Light-Seeker appears as though of a bronze box-lantern (more like those cube lanterns with metal edges, the classic ones), where the light itself is held is a simply bronze column in the middle. Very rarely a sword is of note, an anthropomorphic sword, what is a real-world gaelic sword, is placed in the hands of Fayeth, the only difference is a humanoid skeleton rather a human shape at the hilt. Depending what time of day and outfit, she has a satchel with five alchemic concoctions max.

Fayeth's voice comes out as very young, smooth, and joyful. Explaining it is rather hard, but how they speak is the easiest part. Since she only has three-fifths of her tongue in place, certain syllables are completely left out, making it excruciatingly difficult to understand, the only exceptions are when she's speaking her home language, which years of adapting caused to her make alternate ways to make certain syllables. Since common is completely different, she could't find ways to do so, thus she's stuck with the way she speaks. She stutters a lot, which is mainly when meeting new people or greeting someone of high stature like a noble, or a Zehler (Especially when Zehler can kill you rather easily, aswell as any other vampire.). Due to her insecurities, letting out a thought with confidence is rare, and on top of her ill speech, on top of it her stuttering makes it twice as hard. Languages she may speak, is of course Saivalen, and Imperial Elvish. Surprisingly she's more learned in Imperial Elvish, common and Saivalen are good, but sometimes grammar becomes atrocious to listen to.



Cheery: "No point in being sad if it makes you sadder." Seen as very positive and undoubtedly unable to be downed or sad by remotely anything in existence. However not entirely true but close enough to fit the bill. Fayeth has a smile on her face and always seems to be loving life. It's sad to say it's even when she's sad she coats it with a plastic smile. This goes by a mentality, where being sad doesn't help anything, where it can just make life worse. Probably what's more surprising is how easily she forgives people, someone can try and intend to kill her, but after some time she will forgive them, and act as though it never happened, to an extent. Where this comes from is purely the mentality mentioned beforehand, and she will say in exact words, "Being down makes you more so.". Thus, a smile is quite permanent, and most can say it's contagious.

Curious: "Why is that different from anything else? Should it be the same?" This is more of a knowledge based thing. Fayeth is curious, and often finds things that no one in their right mind could have found out if they didn't try. If the curiosity considers a person as the target, she will often be very inquisitive towards them, asking countless questions. Due to this her knowledge and logic is rather vast. Most people find the conversation after the interrogation rather pleasing. Mainly this is just a result in curiosity in humanity itself. How tigrans work, how Ailors seem to act. She often is curious how economies work, she even went as far as to wonder why people hate pain so much, she seems to reply, "Pain is simply weakness leaving the body... It's good to know all that weakness leaves you, and gives you perseverance to move on.". If one were to be naive and new to an area, they would ask many questions, for Fayeth it's quite literally everything. She will ask small things because everything is just that more interesting and thrilling to her.

Logical: "But that's where you're wrong." What most can only say is a "smart alec", however these are rumoured by people who generally hate looking dumb. She will go to the ends of the earth to give the most in-depth explanation of something, and the average person may or may not respond to is, "Huh?". Needless to say her logic sounds often convincing, whether it be right or wrong, even if she's wrong, it is astonishing how well she set up the argument. This developed whilst talking to various people at a young age, she often talked to people much older than her, and especially worked with her parents to practice her mental flexibility, developing into a rather- let's just say rather peculiar way of thinking. This plays out as being very challenging, and adding meaning to meaningless. If things go unanswered she tries her best to make sense of it, if at all try to add to her learning.

Quirky: "What do you mean? I'm serious... Oh is that whiskey?" Neither a good or bad thing, some find it bad, some find it adorable. The randomness is like rolling a dice, will she be happy when I greet her? Moody? Etc. Most likely a positive trait may come up. This also involves how she acts, she will blurt something absolutely stupid or be more innovated to be logical to a pier or elder. Really where this comes from is unknown, most excuse it as her being, "Young and naive", though she is plenty mature, for her age and time anyway. Since no direct answer was given, and most likely true, has pointed to simply being young, and might never leave her. Many seem to confront her why she is such, she doesn't notice, she thinks when she's childish, she always was childish, or when she's serious, she's usually serious, in her mind anyway. In action, she will act very childish, or very serious. So when people interact with her, they most definitely won't know how to act with her, unless they find the small things that trigger a set mood.

Greedy: "Why can't /I/ have nice things?" Often coming out as needy, or unsatisfied. No matter how large her seemingly poor borgue of nice things are, there is always this feeling of something missing. She won't necessarily go out on a robbing spree, but it is often unpleasant to deal with. She finds herself more drawn to shiny things, or maybe she wants someone for her own, etc. This is more envious than anything, but it is considered greedy because of how she thinks, it's more of, "I want more than I have", than "I want what they have". She will often obsess how she isn't as pretty as that girl over there. It can be insignificant. How this came to be was worshiping the pleasure vice. First thought when mentioned is that she follows greed in this case, but her neediness is simply born from the vice. Coming from an area where pleasures, malice, and dreads are, to an area where none of that exists, and are illegal. Thus it is rather unfamiliar, and became a habit melded into her.

Insecure: "B-but, w-what if I screw up?" From what she displays as being rather social, in reality she is quite introverted in the insecure aspect. When trying to conversate, any confidence is drained. It comes off as being rather timid rather than anti social, though the only sign of her being remotely confident is the smile she wears. Most likely she will wait for someone to make the first move to ensure they have interest in her, or remotely care what she says. So most likely people will be making friends with her out of interest rather hard work on her part to ensure a friendship is made. Probably the only relationship she ever made first moves with was with her sisters. Insecurity simply was born into her, being worried of what people think, what might happen, and will she hurt someone. This only becomes more prominent as her decisions fail her, making this more potent as she gets older.

Hysterical: "Stop it! I'm not a idiot! You are!" This trait can be easily described as, "emotional". This wouldn't seem that bad right? Wrong. It's in a way that seems awfully crazy. When she is happy, it's done in a way where it seems often very child-like. She is angry? It's going to be a bit weird, if at all unnerving. So on top of feeling strongly, or being, "bipolar" (which she derives from far. She fits under a very minor bill regardless). This does cause for a lot of times of drama, though. If someone says something that can get on her feelings easily, she will throw a fit, and accuse them for assaulting her verbally/physically. Imagine what it would be if someone was to break up with her, it would be a mess, that is until her forgiving nature sets in. Oddly she will throw a fit for three days and simply forget, well, if we were in a spot of, "Once in a relationship". Her intense emotional swings seem to never clash with how easily she forgives. This also, was born into her, making her very emotional. If one were to go by stereotypes it is because of female hormones and whatnot, maybe so, but it would be wrong to lay this on her. Fayeth, as much as she tries to control this, will lash out regardless, or be overly happy, or be really mad, or anything really really, gets the best of her.


Magical Ability: "Sometimes I feel like I depend on this too much.." Knowing starlight; this is a strength because of the amount of power it has. From giant beams to hex-diffusing light, not to mention how well it can be hidden with a simple lantern, though it does get frustrating due to the constant presence she must have with it. She more often than not will use this power to blow away foes and bind them, using it for clearing hexes is rather rare, unless she wants to help a friend when being disillusioned.

Logic and Reasoning: "Just calm down, and listen to me." Logic, morals, certain topics, she is well versed in. Logic and reasoning acts both a flexibility of mind that helps her with certain things, like, moral codes, how to go about something- given she isn't under stress and overthinks that is. When having an intellectual conversation, and is faced with an argument, her skills to find something to counter someone's seemingly poor logic is contrary really good compared to few her age. This comes from a deep thinking side of her. It's nearly impossible for her to look at a simple man and say they are mundane, she will often go beyond and gather that he is divorced by how he is dressed, etc.

Dexterity: "Like a grasshopper!" Because she isn't too fond of combat, meanwhile only in training, she uses the ability of speed and flexibility to make up for her combat lack. Because her body is light, and in proportion her arms and core are rater strong, she is also able to almost monkey her way around things, not to a full scale of a Wulong, but is a strength contrary to her others. This simply has nothing to do with her physical strength, it's just simply her reaction timing and ways to evade certain attacks from enemies, meanwhile she can't keep that up for long periods of time.


Social Insecurity: Aswell as a personality, it plays out as a large weakness, probably a thorn in not only Fayeth's side, but to everyone speaking to her. Social Insecurity makes her unsure of her words. sometimes cutting off mid-sentence, constant stuttering, and sometimes good decisions/ideas are shot down by her own mentality. Which this makes it rather hard paired up with her rather mangled tongue, it's possible to understand her, but it will take some time to get used to her speaking patterns.

Partial Tongue: "Symbol of blasphemy." She may be social, but speech is never smooth. This comes out as more of a jumbled accent than anything. Certain words will be screwed over leaving certain syllables out. This also stuns the taste buds a little bit, so food won't be as flavorful.

Over Thinking: "Wait- no no... That could happen, than we would fail." Her mind often distracts itself, and focuses on one subject, and over thinks it. Because she has an awfully logical mind, there is creativity, but it's more academical. So say she is in a problem, she will often over-solve it, second guess, etc. This can make for sloppy decisions and probably be far away from a better solution.

Weak Rib Cage: "Don't touch me! I'm fragile!" The utmost downside of being so skinny, is the fact she has fragile bones, the most fragile of them is the rib cage. Taking a punch for a rib will at least fracture it, but something a bit harder will definitely break it, and the process will be much more painful than it should. This being the reason why she doesn't involve in physical activity as far as combat, but she seems to be danger prone anyway.

Life Story

(Ages 0-13)

Fayeth was born in no other than the Saivalthar homeland. Fayeth was raised along side with her eldest twin sisters, both bearing names of Zëlindae and Rosáille. Her parents Daimelir and Ajeliä. Fayeth by the time she could talk and walk, and really think for herself constantly was interested in talking to her elders, and be persistent to learn from them. Of course some were glad to speak with her, of course her parents beside her. At age nine she became interested in alchemy, hearing things about it from someone she had spoken to. They said they might teach her a little bit, themselves not being as experienced. They of course spent one and half years tutoring Fayeth, stopping when Fayeth turned eleven. Fayeth's father brought up the subject of magic, and that Fayeth should learn magic. Daimelir suggested he teach Fayeth his own magic, but Fayeth wanted to find a tutor herself.

Fayeth often wandered off by herself, greeting nearby Saivalthar. She caught wind of a conversation of a single mage who casted light from a lantern. They spoke about this man in a way to scorn him. Fayeth was more than curious and went to where they described he resided. Fayeth came to his house, and politely asked to speak with him, of cours ebeing very nervous doing so, barely able to get a hold of herself until the the mage seemed to get annoyed. After bit the man agreed to tutor her when she was fourteen. Fayeth came home with this knowledge and asked her parents, after about a week of begging and convincing, they agreed.

(Ages 14-Present)

Fayeth was taught under the Starlight Mage for the remainder of her stay in Saivale, being taught in the various forms. Fayeth grew interested because of it's generally non-lethal magics, and she loved the idea of a Light Seeker, why? Really because of how they looked. When Fayeth turned sixteen, her family had a few disagreements with the members of the Magistratum. Fayeth's father grew angry with them and attempted to condemn them by spreading rumors in attempts to shame them. These endeavors failed and they were to be exiled. Fayeth took this harshly and tried to fight back, after having part of her tongue sliced from her mouth, she accepted her exile.

The family went to Regalia in hopes to rebuild. Because Fayeth and her sisters didn't reach the age of choosing a vice, they decided that they would do their own ceremony, and hope that they were able to teach the select vice, hopefully another exiled Saivalthar would worship like vices. Fayeth choose pleasure, for what reason was mainly because Fayeth liked nice things, and she loved pleasures and experiences.

The family settled to be on the surface, however, Fayeth never stopped wandering from her family's sight. Fayeth went underground, exploring. She found the sewers, and their vast communities. Surprisingly there was many Saivalthar, not many as in large quantities, but enough. Fayeth got involved with a coven group, whose Zehler was a Saivalthar. Surprisingly enough, she found a Saivalthar worshiping pleasure, and agreed to help her along this, aswell as a few others. Unto the present.
Last edited:

Peer review incoming yall-

Basic Information:
  • You misspelled Fiyneij in the title and name section, no worries though. Everything else is great. I loved the general formatting on this char app.
Visual Information:
  • Under weapon of choice, I would recommend specifying that she knows alchemy, and that she can't use the sword with any actual skill. All else is good!
Personality Traits:
  • Logical, Random, Greedy, and Insecure require one more sentence to meet the minimum, but I'd suggest challenging yourself to go into more detail on all the traits. Perhaps try answering how they developed and how they affect peoples' perceptions of her?
  • I must say, while certain traits lack in detail, the traits all blend together rather nicely so I can clearly get an idea of her character. Nice job!
  • Dexterity requires one more sentence.
  • All your strengths are combat-based, perhaps either add in a new social/mental strength or remove an existing strength.
  • To me, this character seems a bit over-powered for a sixteen year old. It is implied that she can use a sword (not with skill, but she has one at least), knows all forms of starlight magic, and can make any alchemy thing below 10. This seems like quite the min-max for her age- Starlight by itself takes two years to learn. I'd recommend removing the alchemy altogether and replacing it with the aforementioned social/mental strength. Or, if you must keep it, perhaps have her unable to make anything with a difficulty above three or so? Either that or you could just,, have her befriend my alchemist char, and use that as a source for alchemical detriments.
  • Nothing is wrong here at all, though I'd recommend paying particular attention to the Low Endurance Weakness, since I don't see it being played out in rp much.
Life Story:
  • Well written, nice job fam! My only suggestion is to specify that she began learning magic at the age of fourteen, as one could misconstrue your wording and think you meant thirteen.
Can't wait to rp with this char aaa. Tag me when/if you've finished the edits, maybe colour them in a different colour.

Peer review incoming yall-

Basic Information:
  • You misspelled Fiyneij in the title and name section, no worries though. Everything else is great. I loved the general formatting on this char app.
Visual Information:
  • Under weapon of choice, I would recommend specifying that she knows alchemy, and that she can't use the sword with any actual skill. All else is good!
Personality Traits:
  • Logical, Random, Greedy, and Insecure require one more sentence to meet the minimum, but I'd suggest challenging yourself to go into more detail on all the traits. Perhaps try answering how they developed and how they affect peoples' perceptions of her?
  • I must say, while certain traits lack in detail, the traits all blend together rather nicely so I can clearly get an idea of her character. Nice job!
  • Dexterity requires one more sentence.
  • All your strengths are combat-based, perhaps either add in a new social/mental strength or remove an existing strength.
  • To me, this character seems a bit over-powered for a sixteen year old. It is implied that she can use a sword (not with skill, but she has one at least), knows all forms of starlight magic, and can make any alchemy thing below 10. This seems like quite the min-max for her age- Starlight by itself takes two years to learn. I'd recommend removing the alchemy altogether and replacing it with the aforementioned social/mental strength. Or, if you must keep it, perhaps have her unable to make anything with a difficulty above three or so? Either that or you could just,, have her befriend my alchemist char, and use that as a source for alchemical detriments.
  • Nothing is wrong here at all, though I'd recommend paying particular attention to the Low Endurance Weakness, since I don't see it being played out in rp much.
Life Story:
  • Well written, nice job fam! My only suggestion is to specify that she began learning magic at the age of fourteen, as one could misconstrue your wording and think you meant thirteen.
Can't wait to rp with this char aaa. Tag me when/if you've finished the edits, maybe colour them in a different colour.
These changes will happen!
Nice, so this is a sibling to SpamanoRelic's character? There will be Void Worship in the sewers! *evil laugh*
@DockedRelic So sorry for the delayed review. Some stressful things happened in real life that rendered me unable to focus on much. It's sorted now though. Here are my notes for this sheet.
  • For your visual information, remember that it has to be really brief. There are optional expansions you can use for making the overview of the application easier. For example, your clothing and hairstyle sections are each too large to go. Remember, these are supposed to be short and concise lists of information, not a detailed description. Please make each description only a few words long and you can optionally put the detailed descriptions in a spoiler.
  • Your Weapon of Choice section is also so long it's hard to look over.
  • I don't really think "Random" is a personality trait at all. Maybe change it to unpredictable? The way you've described it sounds like she's just quirky and weird.
  • Please make sure you've included a sentence or two in each of your personality traits detailing how the trait came to exist. Was there some event in her past that triggered it? Was she born this way? Taught to be this way?
  • Additionally make sure each personality trait includes some mention of how this is acted out in roleplay / how she acts today because of it. You have this for most of them, but make sure it's consistent.
  • You have 3 physical weaknesses and one mental weakness. You don't have to add a fifth necessarily, but make sure you have a social weakness in there too - although you could argue that her "Partial Tongue" is sort of social. Still, 3 physical weaknesses is a little over the top. You can either add a fifth weakness and keep the others or simply replace one.
  • Nobody left Saivale until 1-2 years ago, which was when they first arrived at the Crown Isles. Only 2-3 people were ever known to leave Saivale before this time, and it's not a thing you can state your character is without consulting the writers of the page. Please change any mention of leaving Saivale to only happening 1-2 years ago.
  • Does your character have any past at all connected to void worshipping and the Elven Pantheon? A core part of the Saivalthar race is that they believe in sadiomasochism strengthening their magical bonds with the Void and the Vices. This means that they often indulge in self-harm in order to be seen as powerful and further their own magic. Your application doesn't seem to make any mentions of this whatsoever, nor anything about the Saivalthar culture. It'd be brilliant if you could elucidate.
  • Three months before what birthday?
  • Why did your character choose Starlight magic of all the magics? It's not a very common or useful one on Saivale, so where did she learn the magic from? How did people react to her having such a pure magic in the Saivalthar society?
  • Your character's name implies she is a worshipper of Lehruhn, the Vice of pleasure. There is no mention of her supporting or joining a cult with this vice (or any vice for that matter). Please elucidate.
  • When you say "council", what council do you mean? Do you mean the Magistratum? Please elucidate.
  • Overall I think your life story needs a rather heavy rework. Use my points above and read over the Saivalthar page again to rewrite or improve upon your life story.
Make these edits in pink and @tag me when you're done. Happy writing!
@DockedRelic So sorry for the delayed review. Some stressful things happened in real life that rendered me unable to focus on much. It's sorted now though. Here are my notes for this sheet.
  • For your visual information, remember that it has to be really brief. There are optional expansions you can use for making the overview of the application easier. For example, your clothing and hairstyle sections are each too large to go. Remember, these are supposed to be short and concise lists of information, not a detailed description. Please make each description only a few words long and you can optionally put the detailed descriptions in a spoiler.
  • Your Weapon of Choice section is also so long it's hard to look over.
  • I don't really think "Random" is a personality trait at all. Maybe change it to unpredictable? The way you've described it sounds like she's just quirky and weird.
  • Please make sure you've included a sentence or two in each of your personality traits detailing how the trait came to exist. Was there some event in her past that triggered it? Was she born this way? Taught to be this way?
  • Additionally make sure each personality trait includes some mention of how this is acted out in roleplay / how she acts today because of it. You have this for most of them, but make sure it's consistent.
  • You have 3 physical weaknesses and one mental weakness. You don't have to add a fifth necessarily, but make sure you have a social weakness in there too - although you could argue that her "Partial Tongue" is sort of social. Still, 3 physical weaknesses is a little over the top. You can either add a fifth weakness and keep the others or simply replace one.
  • Nobody left Saivale until 1-2 years ago, which was when they first arrived at the Crown Isles. Only 2-3 people were ever known to leave Saivale before this time, and it's not a thing you can state your character is without consulting the writers of the page. Please change any mention of leaving Saivale to only happening 1-2 years ago.
  • Does your character have any past at all connected to void worshipping and the Elven Pantheon? A core part of the Saivalthar race is that they believe in sadiomasochism strengthening their magical bonds with the Void and the Vices. This means that they often indulge in self-harm in order to be seen as powerful and further their own magic. Your application doesn't seem to make any mentions of this whatsoever, nor anything about the Saivalthar culture. It'd be brilliant if you could elucidate.
  • Three months before what birthday?
  • Why did your character choose Starlight magic of all the magics? It's not a very common or useful one on Saivale, so where did she learn the magic from? How did people react to her having such a pure magic in the Saivalthar society?
  • Your character's name implies she is a worshipper of Lehruhn, the Vice of pleasure. There is no mention of her supporting or joining a cult with this vice (or any vice for that matter). Please elucidate.
  • When you say "council", what council do you mean? Do you mean the Magistratum? Please elucidate.
  • Overall I think your life story needs a rather heavy rework. Use my points above and read over the Saivalthar page again to rewrite or improve upon your life story.
Make these edits in pink and @tag me when you're done. Happy writing!
These changes will happen! Expect them in by either the end of today or tomorrow!
(EST anyway. Oh and sorry for bad life story.)
Changes are made! Anything that is pink is what was added/changed. Life story is not pink due to the entire thing reworked, and bright pink is hard to read, aanywho! Done! @Chiruda