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Played Character Þorgeir Hringsson

This character is actively played.


Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Sera Þorgeir Hringsson
Heritage / Culture: Hjordi Velheim Ailor
Age: 26
Gender / Pronouns: He/They
Religion: Fornoss
Occult: No
Character Occupation: Forneik Chapter Bloodcast Knight

Appearance Information
Eye Color: Light Blue - Gray
Skin Color: Pale Caucasian
Hair: Fair
Height: 182cm
Body Type: Lean, Defined
Additional Features: Adorned with various piercings and trophies of hunts. Tales of his tribulations are told on his skin in Velheim/Fornoss styled tattoos.

Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents:
  • Athletic Hobby
  • Fornoss Faith Mechanic 1
  • Fornoss Faith Mechanic 2
  • Ailor Mechanics
  • Forneik Mechanic
  • Common
  • Ørsti

  • Forneik knight: Þorgeir is a monster hunter, willing to take up any quest that involves dangerous creatures and monstrosities. However, they tend to shy away from game hunting for sport, viewing it as senseless needless violence: Hunting is for survival, and survival alone.
  • Bloodcast: Þorgeir sees themselves as a man of the people, willing to stand up for the little guy and put those in power under scrutiny. Appealing to this side of him is an easy way to bend him.
  • Fornoss Faithful: Þorgeir has known the faith all his life, and seeks guidance under its tutelage. However, the two worlds in which he was raised in can lead to conflict. Whilst his parents taught him the value of Soldi and to aspire towards Eiliheim, his Bloodcast mentor sought high Svaldi and a place in Volaheim. Þorgeir is yet unsure on his path to walk and often seeks religious guidance in this regard.
  • Magic: Magic ideologies are not important to Þorgeir. However, he is generally apathetic towards its use. Magic should be treated as all power should be: Carefully. They believe in checks and balances over magic, but do not believe someone should be shunned for its use.
  • Falconry: Þorgeir practices the act of falconry, training birds to be used during his hunts. A favorite pastime of his is training his birds, although rarely is live game used.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 5
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 4
    • Technique Parry
    • Pinning Throw
    • Diving Tackle
    • Tangle Strike
    • Weapon Throw [Free]
  • Constitution: 5
    • Shield Slam
    • Shield Deflect
    • Shield Taunt
    • Shield Snare
    • Shield Block [Free]
    • Disrupt Familiar [Free]
    • Iron Will
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 5
    • Ranger Tag
    • Ranger Wallop
    • Ranger Blur
    • Ranger Trap
    • Smokescreen
    • Escape Artist [Free]
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0